Charles de Souancé

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Charles Gabriel Hubert Guillier de Souancé (born May 2, 1823 in the castle of Mondoucet, Souancé-au-Perche , Département Eure-et-Loir , † January 23, 1896 in Hyères ) was a French ornithologist . His research focus was the parrots .

Live and act

His father's name was Charles Jacques Gabriel Guillier de Souancé (1794–1831) and his mother Suzanne Tilmé nee. Debelle (1800-1877). His brother Etienne Henri François Guiller de Souancé (1826-1903) was under Napoleon III. a senior officer. The mother was the sister of Anna Masséna (1802-1887), the wife of François Victor Masséna (1799-1863). Thus Baron de Souancé was a nephew of the collector and ornithologist Masséna, 2nd Duke of Rivoli and 3rd Prince of Essling. Charles de Souancé married Suzanne Boyer (1821–1910), a daughter of Pierre François Xavier Boyer (1772–1851) and Suzanne Marthe Levis de Marsal (1795–1831), who lived in Ballan on September 1, 1863 in the 9th arrondissement of Paris . At that time he was still living at 41 rue de Clichy . Charles de Souancé was also the owner of La Commanderie de l'Ordre des Templiers in Ballan, the place where his wife lived.

He began his career as a purser in the French Navy . Together with Masséna he published the first descriptions of new parrot taxa in the Revue et Magasin de Zoologie . In 1856, de Souancé described Masséna's extensive parrot collection in his multi-part articles, which were published under the title Catalog des perroquets de la collection du Prince Masséna, duc de Rivoli et observations sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues de Psittacidés . Between 1857 and 1858 the multi-part work appeared Iconographie of Perroquets are described in the 48 new parrot species that have been discovered after 1820, including the blood-eared parrot ( Pyrrhura hoematotis ) and Malherbe's Parakeet ( Cyanoramphus malherbi ). The iconography was created in cooperation with Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte (1803–1857) and Charles Émile Blanchard (1819–1900). This publication was intended to close the gap that François Levaillant (1753-1824) with his Volume 1 (1801) and Volume 2 (1805), and Alexandre Bourjot Saint-Hilaire (1801-1886) with his Volume 3 (1837/38 ) left behind by Histoire naturelle des perroquets . The lithographs in the volumes were by Blanchard and the artist Jean François Michel Daverne (1820–1898).

In 1856 the German Ornithological Society made him an honorary member. He was a member of the Société d'Agriculture, Science, Arts et Belles-Lettres du département d ' Indre-et-Loire . In 1882 he was elected to the board of the Société nationale d'acclimatation de France , a company in which he was one of the founding members. The extent to which he was concerned with environmental issues was shown when he wrote a letter to the company's secretary from his new domicile in Lardy . In it he asked him why the chub in the Juine River were becoming fewer and fewer and at the same time the bream more and more numerous.

De Souancé later worked as a photographer. In 1860 pictures such as Nature morte aux coquillages or Scarabées were created . From 1861 to 1863 he worked with the photographer Séraphin-Médéric Mieusement (1840–1905) in the Tours region. De Souancé hired him because the new material and the complexity of this new technology required the presence of a permanent operator. There are at least 50 photographs signed by both of them. Most of the pictures were reproductions of engravings by famous masters from the Museum of Tours or views of monuments. The good quality of the pictures quickly found favor with the general public. In 1862 the pictures were proposed to a local jury in Tours for presentation at the World's Fair in London . In the final list, which was submitted to a royal commission in February / March 1862, none of the pictures by de Souancé and Mieusement could be found.

Entry of his birth in Souancé-au-Perche
Entry of the marriage in the 9th arrondissement

Together with his friend Charles Ernest Delessard (1825–1914), he brought together a considerable collection of prehistoric exhibits from the older and middle Stone Age to the Bronze and Iron Ages . After de Souancé's death , the widow and Delessard offered the precious collection of the Société historique de Corbeil - Étampes , which in turn passed on to the Museum Saint Jean .

Dedication names

Subspecies of the brown-tailed parakeet (
Pyrrhura melanura souancei ) painted by Marie Firmin Bocourt

1858 named Jules Verreaux a subspecies of Rufous parakeet Pyrrhura melanura souancei after Charles de Souancé.

In his dedication, Verreaux wrote:

“Nous dédions cette belle et nouvelle espèce à M. de Souancé, comme témoignage de notre gratitude et des sentiments que nous éprouvans pour la participation qu'il prend à l'intérêt d'une science à laquelle nous avons nous-même voué toute notre much (German: We dedicate this beautiful and new species to Mr. de Souancé, as a token of our gratitude and the feelings we feel through his contributions to science, to which our entire life is dedicated.) "

First descriptions by Charles de Souancé

Charles de Souancé was the first author to describe some species and subspecies. In 1854 he worked with François Victor Masséna, second Duke of Rivoli and third Prince of Essling.


The species that Souancé has also described include chronologically:


The subspecies that Souancé has also described include chronologically:

  • Brazilian brown- cheeked parakeet ( Aratinga pertinax chrysogenys ) ( Massena & Souance , 1854)
  • Puerto Rican Parakeet ( Aratinga chloroptera maugei ) ( Souance , 1856)
  • Peru- Lineolated Parakeet ( Bolborhynchus lineola tigrinus ) ( Souance , 1856)
  • Bolivian Maximilian Parrot ( Pionus maximiliani siy ) Souance , 1856
  • Great parrot oaks ( Loriculus philippensis apicalis ) Souance , 1856
  • Sulu's parrot oaks ( Loriculus philippensis bonapartei ) Souance , 1856
  • King's parrot oaks ( Loriculus philippensis regulus ) Souance , 1856
  • Pucheran's red-headed parrot ( Geoffroyus geoffroyi pucherani ) Souance , 1856
  • Abyssinian ring-necked parakeet ( Psittacula krameri parvirostris ) ( Souance , 1856)

Works (selection)

Year 1854

  • Charles de Souancé, François Victor Masséna: Description of the quelques nouvelles espèces d'oiseaux de la famille de Psittacidés . In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (=  2 ). tape 6 , 1854, pp. 71-74 ( online [accessed March 14, 2012]).

Year 1856

  • Catalog des perroquets de la collection du Prince Masséna, duc de Rivoli et observations sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues de Psittacidés . In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (=  2 ). tape 8 , 1856, pp. 56-64 ( online [accessed March 14, 2012]).
  • Description suivante d'une nouvelle espèces de Perroquet (Mysiopsitta tigrina) . In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (=  2 ). tape 8 , 1856, pp. 144 ( online [accessed March 13, 2012]).
  • Catalog des perroquets de la collection du Prince Masséna, duc de Rivoli et observations sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues de Psittacidés . In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (=  2 ). tape 8 , 1856, pp. 152–158 ( online [accessed March 14, 2012]).
  • Catalog des perroquets de la collection du Prince Masséna, duc de Rivoli et observations sur quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues de Psittacidés . In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (=  2 ). tape 8 , 1856, pp. 208-226 ( online [accessed March 14, 2012]).

Year 1857

  • together with Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, Charles Émile Blanchard, Jean François Michel Daverne: Iconographie des perroquets, non figurés dans les publications de Levaillant et de M. Bourjot Saint-Hilaire, par M. Charles de Souancé, avec la coopération de SA le prince Bonaparte et de M. Émile Blanchard . P. Bertrand, Paris 1857 ( online [accessed July 5, 2015]).
  • Description of the trois nouvelles espèces de Perroquets . In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée (=  2 ). tape 9 , 1857, pp. 97-98 ( online [accessed March 14, 2012]).

Year 1885

  • M. de Souancé écrit de Lardy à M. le Secrétaire général: Comment expliquer la disparition des Chevennes et l'abondance des Brêmes? In: Bulletin de la Société nationale d'acclimatation de France (=  4 ). tape 2 , 1885, p. 527 ( online [accessed July 6, 2015]).


  • Barbara Mearns , Richard Mearns: Audubon to Xantus: The Lives of Those Commemorated in North American Bird Names . Academic Press Limited, London 1992, ISBN 978-0-12-487423-7 .
  • Anne de Mondenard, Marie-Cécile Forest, Farid Abdelouahab, Bruno Guignard: Regards objectifs: Mieusement et Lesueur, photographes à Blois . Somogy, Éditions d'art, Paris 2000, ISBN 978-2-85056-436-9 .
  • Bo Beolens, Michael Watkins: Whose Bird ?: Common Bird Names and the People They Commemorate . Yale University Press, London 2004, ISBN 0-300-10359-X .
  • Hubert Massey Whittell: The literature of Australian birds: A history and a bibliography of Australian ornithology . Paterson Brokenshaw Pty, Perth 1954.
  • August Carl Eduard Baldamus: Minutes of the tenth meeting of the German Ornithological Society . In: Naumannia . tape 6 , 1856, pp. 273–382 ( online [accessed March 1, 2012]).
  • Jules Verreaux: Description d'un Perroquet nouveau; by M. Jules Verreaux . In: Revue et magasin de zoologie pure et appliquée . tape 10 , 1858, p. 437-438 ( online [accessed March 1, 2012]).
  • Ernst Amandus Zuchold: Bibliotheca historico-naturalis physico-chemica et mathematica, or, systematically ordered overview of the books newly published in Germany and abroad in the field of the entire natural sciences and mathematics . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1856.
  • Unknown: A propos des Musées des environs de Paris . In: La Revue Préhistorique Annales de Palethnologie . tape 1 , 1906, p. 299-300 ( online [accessed July 6, 2015]).
  • Paul Allorge: Delessard (Charles Ernest) . In: Commission des antiquités et des arts du département de Seine-et-Oise . tape 32 , 1914, pp. 58–60 ( online [accessed July 6, 2015]).

Individual evidence

  1. Hubert Massey Whittell, P. 677
  2. Barbara Mearns, p. 563.
  3. L'Indicateur des mariages de Paris 1863
  4. a b Anne de Mondenard u. a., p. 24.
  5. a b Bo Beolens u. a., p. 317
  6. Ernst Amandus Zuchold, p. 27
  7. August Carl Eduard Baldamus, p. 351
  8. Annales de la Société d'agriculture, sciences, arts et belles-lettres d'Indre-et-Loire, 1862, p. 10
  9. ^ Bulletin de la Société nationale d'acclimatation de France (1882), p. CLX
  10. ^ Bulletin de la Société nationale d'acclimatation de France (1885), p. LXIV
  11. ^ Charles Jacques Gabriel Guillier de Souancé (1885), p. 527.
  12. Images on artnet
  13. La photographie du 19ème siècle à Chantilly ( Memento of November 15, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 1.9 MB)
  14. Paul Allorge, S. 59th
  15. Unknown, p. 300.
  16. Jules Verreaux, p. 438