Christian Lehmann the Younger

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Christian Lehmann the Younger (1642–1723)

Johann Christian Lehmann (born December 2, 1642 in Scheibenberg ; † October 28, 1723 in Freiberg ) was a German Lutheran theologian.


The son of the Scheibenberg pastor Christian Lehmann and his wife Euphrosina Kreusel were taught by private teachers in their early youth. At his mother's request, he attended the Latin school in Chemnitz in 1656 and two years later went to Dresden , where he was to become a clerk. With the support of his brother, he received a scholarship with which he was able to enter the Thomas School in Leipzig in 1659 . He began studying at the University of Leipzig in 1663 , enrolled at the University of Wittenberg on July 4, 1664 , where he also took on the position of tutor for the children of Professor Michael Wendler .

In Wittenberg he acquired the academic degree of Magister in Philosophy on October 15, 1666 . He then completed a degree in theology and especially attended the lectures by Abraham Calov and Johann Andreas Quenstedt . In 1669 he worked as a substitute for his father in Scheibenberg and in 1675 went to Annaberg as a deacon . Here he rose to archdeacon in 1679 and was promoted to superintendent in 1685 . In the latter position he achieved merits by improving the school system. He reorganized the coffers of the preachers and school teachers and instructed the clergy in the sphere of influence of his superintendent. He turned down an offer to be a court preacher in Zerbst. Instead, the Saxon elector gave him the superintendent of Freiberg (Saxony) after he was licentiate in Wittenberg on October 2, 1697 . From there he received his doctorate in Wittenberg on October 6, 1698 as a doctor of theology.

In 1699 he published his father's manuscript, which had been supplemented by his own experiences, in Leipzig under the name Historischer Schauplatz der Naturlotsen in the Meissnischen Ober-Ertz-Gebürge . He left a metallurgia sacra as a manuscript and wrote numerous funeral sermons. So in 1711 he gave the funeral oration for Abraham von Schönberg , in which he read out a detailed autobiography of Schönberg in accordance with the wishes of the deceased. At the end of his term of office, Lehmann sponsored Gottfried Silbermann and gave the organ builder, who was considered odd and inaccessible, multiple support.


From his marriage in 1675 with the Schwarzenberg pastor's daughter Anna Rosine Köhler, the sons Christian Ehrenfried Lehmann (* 1682; † 13 July 1712 in Douay; was a doctor of medicine and field physician of the Saxon troops), Christian Gottlob Lehmann (was councilor and lawyer in Freiberg, wrote Tractatum de officio Superintendentis in Electoratu Saxoniae. Chemnitz 1725) and David Theodor Lehmann known.

Selection of works

  • Nomenclatorem Ministrorum Ecclesiae Dioecesis Annaebergensis. Dresden 1708
  • That pleased Wittwenhertz. Freiberg 1709


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