Christian von Loß

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Christian von Loß , from 1741 Count von Loß (* December 12, 1697 in Dresden ; † August 22, 1770 ibid) was a Saxon cabinet minister .


Christian von Loß was the third son of the Saxon-Weissenfels Prime Minister Johann Caspar von Loß († 1711) from his marriage to Magdalena Sophia born von Ende († 1739) from the Ehrenberg family. His older brother was the later cabinet minister Johann Adolph von Loß .

In 1721 he joined the Electoral Saxon service and in 1730 was senior consistorial advisor ; In 1737 he was given the title of Real Secret Council .

In 1741, together with his brother Johann Adolf von Loß, they were raised to the rank of imperial count . In the same year he became Minister Plenipotentiary of Kursachsen in Munich , election ambassador in Frankfurt am Main and from 1742 to 1744 envoy to the court of Emperor Charles VII in Frankfurt am Main. In 1746 he followed Emperor Franz I to Vienna .

In 1749 Loß returned to Saxony and performed his office as conference minister , which had already been assigned to him in 1744; In 1759 he was appointed cabinet minister.

After the end of the Seven Years' War , during which he temporarily stayed with Friedrich August II in Warsaw , he was chairman of the Secret Cabinet in Dresden until his death.


Christian von Loß was married to Helene Friederike (born January 20, 1705 in Jessnitz , † December 17, 1750 in Dresden), daughter of Lieutenant General Adolf Gottlob von Pentzig , since February 8, 1730 . The names of their children are known:

  • Johann Adolf von Loß (born February 1, 1731 in Dresden; † 1811), later cabinet minister and first married to Johann Caroline Tugendreich († 1766), daughter of Johann Karl von Metzradt . In his second marriage he was married to Auguste Amalie von Löser (born January 3, 1743 in Reinberg; † unknown).
  • Christian Gottlob Imperial Count von Loß (* approx. November 1731, † 1753 in Dresden), Royal and Electoral Saxon Chamberlain and Privy Legation Councilor, single.


Loß was awarded the Polish White Eagle Order and the Russian Order of St. Andrew .

Fonts (selection)

  • Christian von Loss; Andreas Heinrich Beyer: By God's grace, Friedrich Augustus, King in Pohlen etc. Hertzog zu Sachßen. Worthy, well-learned, loving, devout and faithful; After we disapprove of the fact that some news and descriptions of what happened in the last campement, both at court and in the army, have already been printed and divulged here and there, Dreßden, on July 17th, 1730 . Dresden, 1730.
  • Gebhard Christian Bastineller ; Christoph Leisker; Christian von Loss: De Idiomate Germanico Forensi A Ivreconsvltis Decenter Colendo . Vittembergae: Schlomach, 1731.
  • Martin Luther ; Christian Friedrich Börner ; Christian von Loss; Bruehl; Mentzel; Johann Heinrich Zedler : Des Theuren Mannes Gottes, D. Martin Luthers All, partly produced by himself in German, partly translated from its Latin into German: which from all the collections that went out earlier, part 17 . Leipzig Zedler 1732.
  • We, Friedrich August, by the grace of God, King in Pohlen, offer our greetings to all and each of our prelates and add to our knowledge that in the above mentioned Our Marggraffthum many unstamped calendars brought in from foreign places . Dreßden, 1739.
  • Your royal Maj. In Pohlen mandate, the reduction of the Bavarian, Wurttemberg and Bayreuthian eight-groschen pieces to seven good groschen: issued today in Dreßden, November 19th. 1751 . Dreßden: Stößel, 1751.
  • Christian von Loss; Georg Leberecht von Wilke : We, Friedrich August, by God's grace king of Pohlen, wholesale Hertzog hereby in Litt sculpting Hertzog of Saxony Add to know: That we, to entertainment and securing the freundbrüder- and neighborly good perceiving with the King of Prussia Majesty . To resolve the doubts and difficulties that have arisen because of their Chur-Saxon tax slips: This is what happened and gave to Dreßden, on November 17th, anno 1753 . Dresden, 1753.
  • Christian von Loss; Christian August Men: . Your Königl.n Maj in Pohlen detailed Müntz-edict, according to which to pay attention in Dero Landen: De Dato issued Dreßden, the 14den Maji 1763 . Dreßden: Stößel, 1763.
  • Prince Xavier of Saxony ; Christian von Loss; Ernst Gotthelf Becker; Hieronymus Friedrich von Stammer : Servants Order : For the Marggrafthum Oberlausitz . 1767.

Literature (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Detlef Döring †, Franziska Menzel, Rüdiger Otto, Michael Schlott: Johann Christoph Gottsched, Correspondence, historical-critical edition, March 1744 – September 1745 . No. 2823. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2016, ISBN 978-3-11-046728-4 ( [accessed on June 6, 2019]).
  2. GEDBAS: Christian OF LOSS. Retrieved June 7, 2019 .
  3. European genealogical handbook: in which the latest news from all houses of now ruling European emperors and kings, and all spiritual and secular chur and princes, as well as counts of the Holy Roman Empire, the same from the Cardinals, members of the knight orders, too Canons and capitular lords of the arch donors and high donors in Germany, located in 1756 . S. 200. Gleditsch, 1756 ( [accessed June 7, 2019]).
  4. City Archives of the State Capital Dresden, Church weekly papers 1685 / 1703–1902, here: 1752–1753, p. 811.
  5. Lusatian magazine or collection of various treatises and news on the grounds of natural, art, world and fatherland history, customs, and the beautiful sciences . P. 263. Fickelscherer, 1770 ( [accessed June 7, 2019]).