Clément-Émile Roques

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Archbishop Clément-Émile Roques (before 1941)
Memorial plaque in the Saint-Pierre de Rennes Cathedral

Cardinal Clément-Émile Roques (born December 8, 1880 in Graulhet , France , † September 4, 1964 in Rennes ) was Archbishop of Rennes .


Clément-Émile Roques studied in Albi and Toulouse the subjects philosophy and Catholic theology . He received the sacrament of ordination on April 2, 1904 and then worked as a parish priest , prefect of studies and seminar leader in Castres .

On April 15, 1929, Pope Pius XI appointed him . to the Bishop of Montauban . The episcopal ordination donated him the Archbishop of Albi Pierre-Célestin Cézerac (1856-1940) on June 24 of the same year; Co - consecrators were Jules-Géraud Saliège , Archbishop of Toulouse , and Charles Challiol , Bishop of Rodez . In 1934 Pius XI transferred to him. the management of the Archdiocese of Aix .

Pope Pius XII transferred Clément-Émile Roques in 1940 the leadership of the Archdiocese of Rennes and took him on February 18, 1946 as a cardinal priest with the titular church of Santa Balbina in the College of Cardinals . Clément-Émile Cardinal Roques represented the Pope as papal legate at several celebrations and took part in the 1958 conclave that John XXII. chose. Cardinal Roques was also a participant in the first two sessions of the Second Vatican Council in 1962 and 1963 . He also took part in the conclave of 1963 , from which Paul VI. emerged as Pope.

Clément-Émile Roques died on September 4, 1964 in Rennes and was buried in the cathedral there.


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predecessor Office successor
Pierre-Eugène-Alexandre Marty Bishop of Montauban
Elie-Antoine Durand
Emmanuel Coste Archbishop of Aix
Florent-Michel-Marie-Joseph du Bois de la Villerabel
René Pierre Mignen Archbishop of Rennes
Paul Gouyon