Codex Palatinus germanicus 18

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Cod. Pal. germ. 18, sheet 327r: Book of Daniel - Susanna goes with servants in the garden to bathe, the two old men lurk in the bushes

The Codex Palatinus germanicus 18 is a late medieval manuscript from the former Bibliotheca Palatina in Heidelberg . The Codex belongs to the Codices Palatini germanici , the German-language manuscripts of the Palatina, which have been kept in the Heidelberg University Library since 1816 ; The signature of the Heidelberg University Library and the common scientific name is Cod. Pal. germ. 18 (short form: Cpg 18 ).

The illuminated manuscript is the third volume of a three-part German-language Bible with writings from the Old Testament ; the first ( Cod. Pal. germ. 16 ) and the second volume ( Cod. Pal. germ. 17 ) are also preserved in Heidelberg.

All three codices were in 1477 on behalf of Margaret of Savoy from the workshop of Ludwig Henfflin produced, probably in Stuttgart.

This third volume contains the biblical textbooks, the psalter and the prophet books .


Cod. Pal. germ. 18, sheet 327v: Book of Daniel - Susanna stands alone across from the two old people in the garden, she is harassed by them, one of them has grabbed her arm
Cod. Pal. germ. 18, sheet 328r: Book of Daniel - Susanna is brought before the court
Cod. Pal. germ. 18, sheet 329r: Book of Daniel - A bailiff leads the praying Susanna to the execution, behind her the judges, the foremost with the judge's staff
Cod. Pal. germ. 18, sheet 329v: Book of Daniel - An executioner stones the two old men , next to them the judges in conversation

The Codex is a paper manuscript with 376 leaves. The foliation of the 17th century is faulty; it counts sheets 1–329, which are written on with text, followed by the number 360–401. The blank sheets 1 * –3 * and 402 * –403 * are provided with modern counting.

The sheet size of the manuscript is 38.3 × 26.7 cm, with a text space of 25–28 × 18–18.5 cm written in two columns with 29 to 31 lines per page. Written form is a bastarda from one source. Image headings, chapter numbers and page headings are in red.

The initials are executed in red and blue and extend over four to five lines (e.g. leaves 1r / v, 2r). You are with easy fleuronnée decorated -Besatz and ornamentation in the internal field, some with additional small profile grimaces (leaves 56r, 87v and often). Chapter beginnings with red, red-violet or blue Lombard in which extend over two lines. There are also numerous cadelles as decorative elements, ink-colored and red.

The parchment binding was supplemented in Rome in the 17th century and given the title "16 / BIBLIORVM / Pars III" on the back.


The three volumes of the biblical manuscript Cod. Pal. germ. 16–18 are unusually richly illustrated with a total of 308 miniatures . The third part of the volume, Cod. Pal. germ. 18 , with 36 colored pen drawings, is comparatively sparse with pictures, perhaps because the books of Solomon and those of the prophets contained here tell fewer stories that can be understood with pictures than the history books of the other volumes, which are illustrated almost completely appear. The drawings are made by a draftsman, draftsman A , who also furnished all of the other manuscripts in the Henfflin workshop .

In the assessment by Hans Wegener ( Descriptive Directory , 1927), the quality of the draftsman's work is overall "quite insignificant"; From his point of view, the colored drawings are "carefully, but very temperamental and unimaginative", and "individual scenes [...] surprise him with the primitiveness of the depiction". This rating is a bit irritating because Wegener also emphasizes that the client of the Bible manuscript, Margarete von Savoyen, was spoiled by her origins with excellent book art and certainly selected the best draftsman.

The more recent research, on the other hand, emphasizes the entertaining character of the picture sequences and the clarity of the representations from the Henfflin workshop , also sees the effort to gain perspective compared to earlier Alsatian illustrators and emphasizes the correctness of the proportions in the figure representation. Only the facial expressions are described as "largely expressionless", the faces often show "a cheerfulness that does not match the text". A special feature of the drawings is their modern narrative character and the richness of detail in the representations. The illustrator from the Henfflin workshop actually designed “ cycles of illustration” and often made use of the trick of “simultaneous illustration” by depicting successive situations of a story in parallel in a single representation.


Like the other two volumes of the Bible manuscript, the manuscript was made in 1477 by Ludwig Henfflin's workshop , presumably in Stuttgart.

Contracting Authority of all manuscripts of the workshop Henfflin was Margaret of Savoy , the third wife of Ulrich V , Count of Württemberg-Stuttgart , was married. Previously, she was in second marriage with the Elector Palatine Ludwig IV. Been married; the only child from this marriage, Elector Philipp von der Pfalz , inherited the manuscripts after Margaret's death in 1479. With this, the three Bible codices, like all manuscripts from the Henfflin workshop, finally came from Stuttgart to Heidelberg and became part of the Bibliotheca Palatina .

The manuscript Cod Pal. germ. 18 was recorded in the inventory of the older castle library when cataloging 1556/59. The library title registered (sheet 3 * r) reads: “A Teutscher Psalter with the Parabolis Salomonis etc”.

All three manuscripts were presumably written down by a scribe ( scribe A ), who can otherwise not be found in the manuscripts of this workshop. The writing language is Swabian.

Like the other manuscripts of the Electoral Palatinate Libraries, the Codex came into the possession of the Vatican Library in Rome after the conquest of the Electoral Palatinate in the Thirty Years War in 1622 and was only brought to Heidelberg in 1816 with the other German-language holdings of the Palatina as part of the regulations during the Congress of Vienna returned.


The three-volume Bible manuscript Cod. Pal. germ. 16-18 is a copy of the corresponding chapters of a complete Bible print published by the printer Johannes Mentelin in 1466 in Strasbourg. The Mentelin Bible was the first ever to be printed in a vernacular , and it is the oldest pre-Lutheran Bible print in early New High German . The work was a "bestseller" at the time, although the interlinear translation from Latin into German was not easy to understand even in the 15th century.

Cod. Pal. germ. 18 , the third volume, contains several books of the Old Testament of the Christian Bible : the biblical textbooks, the Psalter and the books of the prophets . In detail:

  • three prefaces by Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus to the Psalter (sheets 1r – 2r)
  • Preface by Jerome to Proverbs Solomon (sheet 56r / v)
  • Preface by Jerome to Ecclesiastes Solomon (sheet 77r / v)
  • Preface to the wisdom of Solomon (sheet 89r)
  • Preface to Jesus Sirach (sheets 103r – 104r)
  • Preface by Jerome to Isaiah (sheets 144v – 146r)
  • second preface to Isaiah (sheet 146r)
    • Isaiah (sheets 146r – 193v)
  • Preface by Jerome to Jeremiah (pages 193v – 194r)
  • second preface to Jeremiah (sheet 194r)
  • Preface to Baruch (pages 247v – 248r)
    • Baruch (sheets 248r – 254v)
  • Preface by Jerome to Ezekiel (pages 254v – 255r)
  • Preface by Jerome to Daniel (pages 304v – 306v)
    • Daniel (leaves 306v – 362v)
  • Preface by Jerome to the twelve prophets (sheets 362vv – 363r)

See also


  • Karin Zimmermann : Cod. Pal. germ. 18. Bible AT (textbooks, psalteries and prophets), German. In: Karin Zimmermann (arrangement), with the participation of Sonja Glauch, Matthias Miller, Armin Schlechter: The Codices Palatini germanici in the Heidelberg University Library (Cod. Pal. Germ. 1–181). Catalogs of the Heidelberg University Library, Volume 6. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden 2003, ISBN 978-3-89500-152-9 , pp. 44-48 ( digitized version ).

Older catalogs:

  • Karl Bartsch : Pal. germ. 18. Translation of the Old Testament. [3] In: Karl Bartsch: The old German manuscripts of the university library in Heidelberg. Catalog of the manuscripts of the University Library in Heidelberg, Volume 1. Verlag von Gustav Koester, Heidelberg 1887, No. 12, P. 7 ( digitized version ).
  • Hans Wegener : Psalter, Parabole, Ecclesiastes, Cantica canticorum, Sapientia, Ecclesiasticus, and the prophets. pal. germ. 18. In: Hans Wegener: Descriptive directory of the German picture manuscripts of the late Middle Ages in the Heidelberg University Library. Verlagbuchhandlung J. J. Weber, Leipzig 1927, pp. 78–79 ( digitized version ).

Web links

Commons : Cod. Pal. germ. 18  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. The information in this section with subsection follows, unless otherwise noted, the description by Karin Zimmermann: Cod. Pal. germ. 17 . In: The Codices Palatini germanici in the Heidelberg University Library (Cod. Pal. Germ. 1–181) . Wiesbaden 2003, p. 44 ( digitized version ; accessed April 3, 2020).
  2. Ulrike Spyra, Maria Effinger: Cod. Pal. germ. 16-18: three-volume bible, AT, German , website UB-Heidelberg, 04/2009; accessed April 5, 2020.
  3. Hans Wegener , Psalter, Parabole [...] (pal. Germ. 18), in: Descriptive Directory [...] , Leipzig 1927, pp. 78–79 ( ) provides a tabular overview of the contents shown in the drawings. Digitized ; accessed April 5, 2020). Wegener prescribes 328v instead of 329r and overlooks 329v, s. Zimmermann, Cod. Pal. germ. 18 , 2003, p. 44 ( digitized version ; accessed April 5, 2020).
  4. Wegener, Descriptive Directory [...] , Leipzig 1927, p. 71 ( digitized version ; accessed April 5, 2020).
  5. all quotations from Wegener's description of the biblical manuscript Cod. Pal. germ. 16 and related to the draftsman A , from whom almost all illustrations of the nine manuscripts of the Henfflin workshop come. Hans Wegener: The workshop of Ludwig Hennfflin . In: Descriptive Directory ... , Leipzig 1927, pp. 75–76 ( digitized version ; accessed April 5, 2020).
  6. Wegener, Descriptive Directory [...] , Leipzig 1927, p. 72 ( digitized version ; accessed April 5, 2020).
  7. Ulrike Spyra, Maria Effinger: Swabian workshop of Ludwig Henfflin , Heidelberg University Library 03/2012; accessed April 5, 2020.
  8. Ulrike Spyra, Maria Effinger: Cod. Pal. germ. 16-18: 3-volume bible, AT, German , UB-Heidelberg 03/2012; accessed April 5, 2020.
  9. Unless otherwise noted, the information in this section follows the description by Karin Zimmermann: Cod. Pal. germ. 17 . In: The Codices Palatini germanici in the Heidelberg University Library (Cod. Pal. Germ. 1–181) . Wiesbaden 2003, pp. 44–45 ( digitized version ; accessed April 5, 2020).
  10. Wegener (1927), descriptive directory ... , p. 71 ( digitized version ); also Spyra / Effinger (2009) Cod. Pal. germ. 16-18 ... , web presence UB-Heidelberg. See, however, the observation of an isolated second hand (Cod. Pal. Germ. 17, sheet 276r / v) in Zimmermann (2003), Die Codices Palatini germanici [...] , p. 41 ( digitized version ). Web links accessed April 5, 2020.
  11. Historical overview on the website of the Heidelberg University Library : The Bibliotheca Palatina - Fates of a world-famous library ; accessed April 5, 2020. Detailed description with further information from Karin Zimmermann in: The Codices Palatini germanici in the Heidelberg University Library (Cod. Pal. germ. 1–181) . Wiesbaden 2003, Introduction , pp. XI – XXVIII ( digitized version ; accessed April 5, 2020).
  12. Unless otherwise noted, the information in this section follows the description by Karin Zimmermann: Cod. Pal. germ. 17 . In: The Codices Palatini germanici in the Heidelberg University Library (Cod. Pal. Germ. 1–181) . Wiesbaden 2003, pp. 45–48 ( digitized version ; accessed April 5, 2020).
  13. Ulrike Spyra, Maria Effinger: Cod. Pal. germ. 16-18: 3-volume bible, AT, German , UB-Heidelberg 03/2012; accessed April 5, 2020.