Celestine Myslenta

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Celestine Myslenta

Cölestin Myslenta , also Coelestin , Polish Celestyn Myślenta , (born March 27, 1588 in Kutten near Angerburg , Duchy of Prussia ( Polish: Kuty ); † April 20, 1653 in Königsberg ) was a Lutheran theologian of Polish descent and long-time rector of the Albertus University Koenigsberg .

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Cölestin Myslenta was the son of the Polish aristocrat and pastor Matthäus (Mateusz) Myślenta, who came to Königsberg for training and settled in Prussia. From 1581 to 1588 his father was the acting pastor in Kutten, where Cölestin was born in 1588. His mother's name was Eufrozyna geb. Wiercińska.

From 1603 to 1606 he studied theology and oriental languages at the pedagogy in Königsberg , then at the universities of Wittenberg , Leipzig and Gießen . In Giessen he received his doctorate in theology and in the same year was appointed by Johann Sigismund, Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia, as associate professor of theology and full professor of the Hebrew language at the Albertus University in Königsberg . There he was a teacher of Abraham Calov . From 1626 he was also pastor at Königsberg Cathedral , the university church.

In the 1620s the argument began with his Danzig colleague Hermann Rathmann , pastor at the Marien and Katharinenkirche there , and with Caspar Movius (theologian) because of their freer understanding of the Word of God . As a radical advocate of Lutheran orthodoxy , Myslenta exposed himself against the Reformed and especially against the followers of Georg Calixt , whom he accused of syncretism . He did not hesitate to turn to state courts against them.

Myslenta also had hard arguments with his Koenigsberg colleague Christian Dreier , from 1649 chief preacher at the Koenigsberg Castle Church, and his pupil, later Professor Michael Behm and representative of the Irish school . In 1645, at the request of Elector Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg , Cölestin Myslenta was to take part in the Thorner Religious Discussion , but was postponed in favor of Behm. When Behm was elected dean of the theological faculty as Mislenta's successor in 1650, the latter refused to give him the faculty seal, whereupon he finally lost his seat and vote in the university's senate. When Behm died shortly afterwards, he refused to be buried in Königsberg Cathedral. Not until 1652 did he give in and the funeral was rescheduled. He was then reinstated in his academic rights and was elected rector of the alma mater for the seventh time . The controversial theologian, fighting for theological truthfulness with extreme consistency, died at the age of 65, in the 27th year in office at Königsberg Cathedral.

Selection of works

  • Disputationem… de Necessitatae et Contigentia . Wittenberg 1610
  • Dissertation prior de Angelica Mysterii incarnationis filii dei annunciatione, facta B. Mariae . Koenigsberg 1623
  • de Theologiae habitu & praeeipuis side Articulis
  • Collegium Theologicum super corpus doctrinae Prutenicum


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