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Cyanotis somaliensis

Cyanotis somaliensis

Order : Commelina-like (Commelinales)
Family : Commelina plants (Commelinaceae)
Subfamily : Commelinoideae
Genre : Cyanotis
Scientific name
D. Don

Cyanotis is a genus of plants inthe Commelina family (Commelinaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

The species of the genus Cyanotis are usually perennial herbaceous plants with often bulbous roots . The narrow, often two-row leaves are somewhat succulent and occasionally ciliate.

Generative characteristics

The almost non- stalked flowers are in dense, individual, lateral coils , which are carried by a leaf-like or reduced bractea and striking, sickle-shaped bracteoles . The hermaphroditic, violet-blue or purple-pinkish red flowers are (almost) radial symmetry and threefold. Your three sepals are free or grown together at their base. The three petals are free or united with the bases of the stamens and then form a short tube. All six of the same stamens are fertile. Their stamens are usually bearded and often subterminally swollen. The connective are narrow. The ovary is triple. Each compartment contains two ovules .

The dry capsule fruits tear open when ripe. The seeds have a punctiform hilum and a terminal embryo .

Systematics and distribution


The genus Cyanotis was created in 1825 by David Don in Prodromus Florae Nepalensis. London , page 45-4 erected . The botanical name of the genus is derived from the Greek words kyanos for 'dark blue' and ous , otos for 'ear' and refers to the color of the flowers. Synonyms for Cyanotis D. Don nom. cons. are: Amischophacelus R.S.Rao & Kammathy , Belosynapsis Hassk. , Cyanopogon Welw. ex CBClarke , Dalzellia Hassk. nom. illeg., Erythrotis Hook. f. , Siphostigma Raf. , Tonningia Neck. , Zygomenes Salisb.

Species and their distribution

The genus Cyanotis is common in the tropics of the Old World .

The genus Cyanotis includes the following species:



Individual evidence

  1. David Don: Prodromus Florae Nepalensis. London 1825, pp. 45-46 ( scanned at ).
  2. a b c d e f g Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Cyanotis. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved March 19, 2020.

Web links

Commons : Cyanotis  - collection of images, videos and audio files