Daniel Penther

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Self-portrait 1870

Daniel Penther (* 1837 in Lemberg ; † February 10, 1887 in Vienna ) was a Polish-Austrian portrait , genre and history painter .

In Lemberg he was a student of Jan Maszkowski , from 1855 to 1856 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna . Penther continued his studies from November 14, 1856 at the Royal Academy of Arts in Munich in the class of antiquities. From 1858 to 1859 he was a private student of Franz von Lenbach .

In Munich he took part in the life of the Polish artists' colony. He was friends with his fellow students, such as Parys Filippi, Izydor Jabłoński, Marceli Maszkowski and Karol Młodnicki. He accompanied the Polish history painter Jan Matejko through Munich and on trips.

On the occasion of the world exhibition in 1867 he visited Paris and met the seriously ill Artur Grottger , to whom he gave a letter from Lemberg from his fiancé, Wanda Monné (1850–1923, later married Młodnicka).

In 1867 Penther returned to his hometown of Lemberg, but in 1871 or 1872 he moved to Vienna. In 1873 he came to Tbilisi , where he was employed as court painter to the Governor General of Transcaucasia , Grand Duke Michael Nikolayevich Romanov, and as the Grand Duchess's drawing teacher. He spent the years 1873 and 1874 in England and Italy .

From 1881 he worked as a curator at the gallery of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. He restored many paintings from the gallery collection, including a. a painting by Antonio da Correggio . He also copied works by old masters.


Web links

Commons : Daniel Penther  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files