Department of Fulda

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The Fulda department was an administrative unit of the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt between 1810 and 1813.


The department of Fulda emerged from the possession of the former Reichsabbey of Fulda , which was secularized with the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss 1802 , with the exception of the Propstei Herbstein , which had fallen to the Grand Duchy of Hesse . From 1802 to 1806 it was under the rule of Wilhelm Friedrich von Nassau-Orange as the Principality of Nassau-Oranien-Fulda . The territory was supplemented by smaller former imperial knightly possessions, for example the Huttengrund .

After the battle of Jena in 1806, Napoléon Bonaparte confiscated the principality and formed the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt with other territories in 1810.

After the dissolution of the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt, most of the department fell to the Electorate of Hesse after the Congress of Vienna in 1815 , where it was given the name “Grand Duchy of Fulda”. The districts of Brückenau , Hammelburg and Weyhers were added to the Kingdom of Bavaria , Dermbach and Geisa to the Duchy of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach .


The internal structure was retained through the change of rule. The former Fulda offices were now called district , their administrative capitals Mairie .

Besides the capital Fulda, there were 15 districts with 305 municipalities :


At the head of the department was Prefect Lothar Herquet .

Department Council

Were members of the twelve-member department council


  • Peter Adolph Winkopp : Attempt of a topographical-statistical description of the Grand Duchy of Frankfurt , Frankfurt am Main 1812, digitized
  • State calendar of the Grand Ducal City and the Department of Frankfurt: 1812, p. 127 ff. Digitized