The Bachmeier case - no time for tears

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Original title The Bachmeier case - no time for tears
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1984
length 97 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Hark Bohm
script Hark Bohm
production Hark Bohm
music Jens-Peter Ostendorf
camera Sławomir Idziak
cut Moune Barius

The Bachmeier case - No Time for Tears is a German feature film from 1984.


The film deals with the criminal case of Marianne Bachmeier , who shot her daughter's alleged murderer in the courtroom in 1981. The names of the people have been changed for the film. Marie Sellbach does not have an easy life. She is the single mother of her daughter Julia. They live in Hamburg and Marie Sellbach earns her living with a trendy bar. She therefore works late into the night and then sleeps into the day. Her seven-year-old daughter is on her own during the day. Marie is aware of her problematic situation and would like to give Julia to the Germer family in care. One day, mother Marie overslept again and Julia sets off to school. On this day she is raped and murdered. Marie is not only pushed to the ground by her self-reproaches, the outside world also blames her for her lifestyle. The perpetrator is caught and Marie decides in the courtroom to kill her daughter's murderer.


The Bachmeier case was one of the most sensational criminal cases in the Federal Republic of Germany in the early 1980s. When Hark Bohm decided to film the story of Marianne Bachmeier, Burkhard Driest was also pursuing the same project. His film appeared almost simultaneously under the title Anna's Mother . Gudrun Landgrebe took on the role of Marianne Bachmeier in his film .


  • Lexicon of international film : The film wants to promote understanding for the hopelessness of the deed, but brings about contradictions and nuances and the problematization of guilt and atonement, injury and despair. Formally, conventionally like a documentary.


Marie Colbin was awarded the German Film Prize in Gold in 1984 for her performance .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Bachmeier case - No time for tears. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 23, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used