The Butcher

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The Butcher

description Political-satirical magazine
Area of ​​Expertise Anarchism , alternative movement ,
left-wing political issues
language German
publishing company Situation press
First edition 1968
Frequency of publication irregular
Sold edition 500 copies
editor Helmut Loeven
Web link contents
Article archive Selected items
ZDB 523080-9

Der Metzger is a German-language political-satirical alternative magazine with an anarchist tendency. It has been published at irregular intervals since 1968 and is published by Helmut Loeven at the Situationspresse publishing house.


The first edition appeared in 1968 with the subjects of Justice, Easter March , Workers' Song and poetry contributions by authors from the editor's circle of friends. The circulation of the magazine took place mainly in the alternative movement of the 1970s and 1980s. Today it is mainly done through the surviving left-wing bookstores and distribution to subscribers - many of them regular readers for decades. The circulation was 2500 copies in the mid-1970s and is currently 500 (as of 2015)


Together with Werner Widmann, Helmut Loeven came to the decision in 1968 to found a literary-political-satirical magazine. The content should reflect the end of the 1960s and beyond: opposition , expansion of consciousness up to psychedelics , enlightenment and agitation , prose , poetry and objectivity. Role models were the American beat poets of the beat generation and the US underground. The title for the magazine came about as follows; After a lengthy discussion, Widmann suggested, “Let's just call the magazine Der Metzger ” (quote from Helmut Loeven, from: The gardening officer ). The first edition was sold during a long break in a school yard; except for a few copies for selected interested parties.

In the second half of the 1960s, it is estimated that there were not yet 100 underground or alternative magazines that represented a counter-public in literary, political, spiritual and cultural terms . The 1970s were arguably the height of the alternative press with several hundred publications, including city ​​magazines . "The movement of the alternative press that has flourished since 1974 (...) has developed in almost every larger, in many medium-sized and smaller cities, alternative newspapers in various forms," ​​said Willi Jasper . The titles of the most diverse newspapers and magazines, such as Edelgammler , Das Ei , Eiapopeia , The cheerful Tarzan , Gasolin 23 , The green branch , Highfish , Hotcha , Love , Mülltonne and PoPoPo were as diverse as the alternative movement .

In the mid-1980s, the information service for disseminating missing news , now housed in the International Institute for Social History , estimated "the stock of the German alternative press" to be only "at around 400 publications with a total circulation of one million".


Der zornige Metzger , so the secondary title, is one of the few alternative magazines that have been published since the late 1960s and have outlasted the various currents in the countercultural scene. "A magazine for good ideas, against stupidity, ideology and state religions," says the subtitle. The editor attaches great importance to language and style in his magazine, “which looks the left on the mouth”. Subcultural issues as well as political and economic points of view are discussed undogmatically. Whether it is about topics such as religious instruction in the 1950s (No. 52, 1997), The Brecht Chronicle (No. 55, 1998), the Kosovo War (No. 57, 1999) or the philosophical cabaret (No. 66, 2001), they are broad and should not only serve for information, but also for discussion. The butcher takes a left-wing position on all questions and, as the editor writes, in order to avoid misunderstandings, “I do not consider myself and my paper to be the intellectual center of the left” (H. Loeven).

Authors, collaborators

Original contributions for example by: Manfred Bosch , Peter Brückner , Hansjürgen Bulkowski , Peter Bursch , Marvin Chlada , Allen Ginsberg , Lütfiye Güzel , Christian Ide Hintze , Hadayatullah Hübsch , Hans Imhoff , Siegfried Jäger , Matthyas Jenny , Reimar Lenz , Raymond Martin , Werner Pieper , Jürgen Ploog , Carl-Ludwig Reichert , Ulrich Sonnemann , Josef Wintjes and Peter-Paul Zahl .

Article (selection)

1972, No. 18: Konkret and the RAF. The Röhl-Blatt was a march of the distancers. / Henryk M. Broder: Porn under the rubber tree. How the sex wave broke into petty bourgeoisie. / Lords Family: Government bans rock festivals. In Bavaria, the government recognized that rock music disrupts public order. / Berlin patient collective: Illness and society.

1978, No. 28: The page for the decent reader. A text collage. / Heiner Feldhoff: German alphabet. Poem. “The squatters can live in the penitentiary. It's unbelievable that we're sparing homosexuals here. ”/ Quotes: Robert Jungk , Herbert Marcuse , Erich Mühsam .

1980, No. 33: The candidate has spoken. The Federal Chancellor candidate Strauss has made his political goals clear in numerous statements. / Document: “The clear dividing line between criminals and dissidents is blurred” Statement by the Cuban government on the wave of emigration. / Document: On the Holiness of the Revolution - Ernesto Cardenal . A collection of quotes from the Nicaraguan priest and revolutionary.

1990, No. 42: Prof. Siegfried Jäger : Conditions of the emergence of right-wing extremism today. The core thesis: Fascism and right-wing extremism arise from the center of society. / Stefan Jacoby: anger, sadness and red-green drunkenness. The "modern" anti-fascism. / Helmut Loeven: Why did Ceausescu have to die? The coup d'état in Romania has shown that the transformation process in Eastern Europe cannot take place everywhere under the cover of a “nonviolent revolution”, but that it can be carried out at any price.

1995, No. 48: Kurt Gossweiler: Fascism from the Middle of Society. Kurt Gossweiler answers Siegfried Jäger. / Government statement. A poem by Günter Bruno Fuchs illustrated with Bülles (The Bülles courier service brings the carpet).

2000, No. 61: Jakop Heinn: Should you pay money for gasoline? / Stefan Jacoby: The NPD - “liberated zone” for neo-Nazis. With facts and quotations it is shown that “liberal” objections to a ban on the NPD are just excuses. However: a ban is not a panacea. / The way up. Joschka Fischer , Jörg Schönbohm , Friedrich Merz u. a.

2005, No. 74: Helmut Loeven: The philosophical cabaret. What is actually so funny about a joke? It's not the punch line. If you travel through the Ruhr area by train, you can tell something. The anti-communism of the "Jungle World". / Lina Ganowski: How the forum fright drove the lieutenant crazy. Documentation of a discussion in an internet forum. How the idea of ​​the Great Denial causes unrest.

2012, No. 101: Jakop Heinn: Germany is the first civic duty. Jürgen Elsässer is happy about the yelling and hooting on the occasion of the international soccer tournaments. Because from this, he says, neo-nationalism grows. The patriotism praised by Elsässer is a feeling detached from consciousness and reflection. It is usable. / Carl Korte: Junk in St. Hulda. From the reporter's life. / Helmut Loeven: Dbd, dhkPukeT There is nothing that does not exist. A performance of the "range" was planned for the Christopher Street Day in Duisburg. The new section of endless clothes.

In libraries


  • Marvin Chlada : minority of the minority. The 100th issue of the satirical magazine DER BUTCHER . In: Junge Welt, August 10, 2012, p. 13
  • Thomas Daum: Ghetto, base, springboard. The self-image of the alternative press since 1968. Hamburg, Munich 1975.
  • Peter Engel , Winfried Ch. Schmitt: Little Bertelsmen. Literary-journalistic alternatives 1965–1973. Gauke, Munich 1974.
  • Helmut Loeven: The gardening officer. 124 funny stories. Situation press, Duisburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-935673-24-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See: Info 1 - Info 6 (1969–1971). Josef Wintjes (ed.), Literary Information Center , Bottrop. (From No. 8 the title was Ulcus Molle Info )
  2. Quoting from Willi Jasper, in: Die Rote Fahne . No. 40 of October 4, 1978, page 16
  3. Info 1 (1969) - Ulcus Molle Info No. 7/8 1971. Josef Wintjes (Hrsg.), Literarisches Infozentrum, Bottrop
  4. Quotation from: Der Spiegel , No. 3 of January 14, 1985, page 132
  5. Quoting from Helmut Loeven in Der Metzger No. 39, 1987