Christian Ide Hintze

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Christian Ide Hintze: Lecture University of Barcelona, ​​2009

Christian Ide Hintze (born December 26, 1953 in Vienna ; † February 10, 2012 ibid) was an Austrian poet and action artist , performance and multimedia poet . In his work he followed a 7-dimensional poetics : acoustic, visual, literary, performative, interactive, infrastructural and instructive.


Hintze represented a broad concept of poetry that is shaped by the transitions between analog and digital techniques. He was the author of actions, installations and songs, of audio, video and performance poems, of notes, posters and book texts. Together with Sonja Moor, Christian Loidl , Christine Huber and Gertraud Marinelli-König, he initiated the School of Poetry in Vienna and has been its director since 1992.


Hintze was born in 1953 in Vienna-Ottakring , spent his childhood in Salzburg-Taxham and Laßnitzhöhe near Graz and graduated from the Matura in Vienna-Landstrasse . In 1972 he went to Munich , worked as a cleaner, distributor of brochures and locksmith for the Olympic Games and then went to Scandinavia, England, France and Spain as a street singer. From 1973 to 1977 he studied theater and communication sciences at the University of Vienna . In 1976 he realized the instant street drama “Rally of those present” as part of the “Scene of the Young” in Salzburg and took part in the occupation of the ARENA in Vienna . In the same year he was arrested and interrogated by organs of the People's Police in East Berlin for distributing poems for leaflets. In 1978 he was sentenced for pasting poems and posters on the Vienna Burgtheater . In the course of his actions he made acquaintances with HC Artmann , Wolfgang Bauer , Ernst Jandl , Friederike Mayröcker and Helmut Seethaler . In 1979 the film “Zetteldämmerung”, a film shot on the streets of Germany and the Netherlands, was premiered under the direction of Alfred Kaiser.


In the 1980s, Hintze's work in the field of “expanded poetry” came more and more into the focus of international perception. He wrote tetra logical language works, visual of acoustic, literary and performative elements exist, produced contributions for book, tape -, video - and CD - anthology n and was at festivals in Ljubljana , The Hague, Turin, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and Bern with audio, video and performance poetry. Long-term acquaintances and collaborations developed from encounters with the Burgenland draftsman and nerve actor Emil Siemeister, the American Beat poet Allen Ginsberg , the French audio poet Henri Chopin and the Austrian pop star Falco . In 1984 Hintze built a poet's temple in Vienna, in the Resselpark near the Karlsplatz subway station. The “LI-TE” project, a closed-circuit installation in public space, consisted of four letter sculptures, a wooden trumpet cross and a hut in which Hintze lived and worked for three weeks. The temple construction was sponsored by the company GRUNDIG-Austria and was equipped with three live cameras and eleven monitors, over which 16 video loops ran. In 1987 his poetry book “Die goldene Flut” was published by Kiepenheuer & Witsch Verlag in Cologne .


In 1990 Christian Ide Hintze visited the "Jack Kerouac School of Disbodied" Poetics in Boulder, USA, at the invitation of Allen Ginsberg, and studied the working and organizational principles of a "poetry school". In 1991 he founded the School for Poetry in Vienna together with Sonja Moor, Christian Loidl, Christine Huber and Gertraud Marinelli-König , at which HC Artmann, Wolfgang Bauer, Gerhard Rühm , Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman , Ed Sanders , Inger Christensen , Henri Chopin, Gert Jonke , Blixa Bargeld , Nick Cave , Falco, Sainkho Namtchylak , Marlene Streeruwitz , Robert Schindel , Ayu Utami , Humberto Ak'abal , Peter Rosei , Anne Tardos and many other well-known authors. In 1992 the CD "30 Rufe" was released, on which poems can be heard with audio samples, drum computers, solo and choir voices. In 1993, at the invitation of Miguel Barnet and the Cuban writers ' association UNEAC , Hintze undertook a reading tour through Cuba , which took him to Havana , Cienfuegos and Holguín . In the same year he was the first western author to teach at the Nguyen Du Literature Institute in Hanoi ( Vietnam ). In 1996, together with Fernando Rendón , Angela Garcia and Gabriel Jaime , he initiated the founding of the "escuela de poesía" in Medellìn, Colombia. In 1998 he realized the project “Writing in the water” in the Oberlaa spa. Hintze wanted to find out whether the phylogenetic origin of humans from the water has something to do with the development of language and with phenomena such as rhyme and refrain.


In 2000 the CD “[ampf]” was released, a collection of partly very short asemantic audio poems produced with the help of the SampleCell and ProTools programs. In 2004 Hintze took part in the Austrian qualification for the Eurovision Song Contest and reached third place. His contribution, the song "Link Love !," is a statement against racism and for mutual cultural understanding. The text consists of multilingual versions of I love you . In the same year, on the occasion of “75 Years of Radio”, he and the composer Wolfgang Mitterer produced the commissioned work “Slow Milling” for ORF. In 2007 Hintze performed a selection of his performative poetry at the “Spazio Teatro No'hma” in Milan. In 2008 he developed the online platform “ide7fold” based on video clips , which for the first time allowed an integral presentation of his work in the categories “acoustic, visual, literary, performative, interactive, infrastructural” and “instructive”. The related "7-dimensional poetics" ( 7fold poetics ) was presented by Hintze in November 2008 at the Finnish Orivesi College of Art, in February 2009 at the University of Barcelona and in October 2009 as part of the international poetry festival in Oslo. 2009 partner of the company "acolono kg - production and distribution of contemporary art". In 2010 the DVD “nantzn” was released, which contains 72 pieces of his asemantic, performative poetry.

Christian Ide Hintze's family announced on February 20th that the author had died of acute cardiovascular failure in his apartment in Vienna on the night of February 9th to 10th, 2012. Hintze was the father of a son.

Works (selection)

  • acoustically
    • Clavier apophthegmata. Poems for speaking voice and piano. Tape, 18cm. P-Tapes, Vienna 1983
    • 30 calls. Poems with audio samples, drum machines, solo and choir parts. CD. extraplatte , Vienna 1992. EX 162C
    • [ampf]. Notes, poems, sequences & songs. CD. Extraplatte , Vienna 2000. EX 462-2
    • link love !. Songs and video clips. CD. Alphabet / Modena, Vienna 2004. LC 08340
  • visually
    • The view from my window. Super 8 movie. Color, 3 minutes. ORF, Austria 1974
    • Readable from a distance. Poster campaign. Esslingen 1976
    • I-JAPA. Visual and gestural poetry. Video. P-Tapes, Vienna 1983
    • mmm. Non-alphabetical letter drawings. Video and 136 drawings. P-Tapes, Vienna 1983, and WTG, Vienna 2006
  • literary
    • Slip album. Street diary, leaflet texts, letters from passers-by. Book. 222 pages. Michael Schönemann Verlag, Kisslegg 1978. ISBN 3-921825-12-1
    • The golden tide. 129 poems. 200 pages. Book. Publishing house Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1987. ISBN 3-462-01815-9
    • The lyric guerrilla. Flyers, speeches, interviews, photos, mailings. Literature on the infrastructure of literature. 1975-1992. Book. edition selene, Klagenfurt 1993. ISBN 3-85266-011-4
    • La creciente dorada. 54 poems. 116 pages. With a foreword by Sonia Bravo Utrera and a blurb by Esteban Moore. Book. Editorial Graffiti, Montevideo 1996. ISBN 9974-551-59-5
    • Authors as revolutionaries. Dialogues with Henri Chopin, Mircea Dinescu, Gioconda Belli, Anne Waldman, Allen Ginsberg, Ryszard Dreger, Anna Leska. Book. edition selene, Vienna 2002. ISBN 3-85266-176-5
  • performative
    • Rally of those present. Instant street drama. Salzburg 1976
    • Gold in the furnace. Play. Wiener Festwochen, Vienna 1981
    • SPIN-NEN-AN-N. Long poem for speaking voice, situation and saxophone. Video. Edition Wienstärke-6, Vienna 1986
    • Ceremonia di destituzione dalla carica de Kurt Waldheim. Action in an audio-video writing environment. Video. Advanced visions. Rome 1988
    • nantzn. Asemantic performance poetry. DVD. Modena / [a: o], Vienna 2010. ISBN 978-3-9502923-0-5
    • mom papapa. Phonetic / graphemic performative dialogue with Emil Siemeister. DVD. Modena / [a: o], Vienna 2010. ISBN 978-3-9502923-1-2
  • interactive
    • Note. Pamphlets. Austria, Germany (FRG + GDR), Holland, Switzerland 1974–78
    • E1. Card game for a dispersed audience. P-Papers, Vienna 1977
    • IPPOI. Interactive Internet platform. Austrian cultural forum New York, New York & internet 1995
    • internet icons. Emoticons. Interactive digital classroom. School for Poetry, Vienna & Internet 1997
  • infrastructural
    • L-LI-OBO. 4-monitor installation in a wooden box. 4 looped videos. Body-voice-audio-video-dialogues. With Henri Chopin. Wells 1984
    • I tetralogy. Multimedia language work. 1 cardboard box with xerocopied sheets, 1 audio tape, 2 video tapes. P-Tapes, Vienna 1984
    • Temple LI-TE. Closed circuit 4-media installation in public space. 4 letter sculptures, 1 trumpet cross, 1 hut. 11 monitors, 3 cameras, 22 videotapes, 1 typewriter, 1 table, 1 armchair, 1 bed. Sponsored by Grundig Austria, Vienna 1984
  • instructive
    • Poly Poetyca. Video. How I work with audio, video, voice, body & script. Vienna 1988
    • Crixtian Idê Hintóxó, Viêt Nam. Documentation of a teaching activity in Hanoi. Video. Color, 120 minutes. Nguyên Du Literature Institute, Hanoi 1993
    • Voz y cuerpo. Documentation of a teaching activity in Medellín. Video. Colour. 60 minutes. Produced by Rodrigo Correa, Medellín 1996
    • Writing in the water. Documentation of a teaching activity in the water. Video, color. 20 minutes. Edition Wienstärke-6 in cooperation with Helga Pesserer, School for Poetry and Spa Oberlaa , Vienna 1998
    • Internet icons. Documentation of a teaching activity on the Internet. Materials in: Orhan Kipcak, Barbara Ruhsmann (ed.): 5 Internet classes. Book. edition school for poetry, Passagen Verlag. Vienna 2000. ISBN 3-85165-438-2
    • Poetry in times of transition. Video on Text in: Glòria Bordons (ed.): Poesia contemporània, tecnologies i educació. Book & DVD. Publicacions i Edicions Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona 2010. ISBN 978-84-475-3430-2

Working examples

The golden tide

Hintze's book Die goldene Flut , a poetic examination of the past, present and future of the vagant personality, was published in 1987 by Kiepenheuer & Witsch in Cologne. His third purely literary publication after “Zettelalbum” (1978) and “Arctic Hysteria” (1982) was critically acclaimed and translated into several languages.

"What fascinates me about Hintze is the anger, the passion with which he starts from scratch"

- The time

"The final (eleven-page) invocation of Sapphos and her colorful" Thrones eternal Aphrodite "is terrific"

- Süddeutsche Zeitung

“Pindar, Klopstock, Whitman, Rilke, Eliot, Ginsberg, Brinkmann. Hintze's book "Die goldene Flut" belongs to this tradition "

- Stuttgart newspaper

"The multi-ethnic mix of Vienna seems to have had a direct impact on the formal principle of interdependence, according to which the texts of the" Golden Flood "are organized."

- Neue Zürcher Zeitung

"His searches have something in common with the best utterances of Nicaraguan poetry (Cardenal, Coronel Urtecho) or the hurtful informality of the American beatnik movement."

- Granma, Havana

"He has always stood up for and has always praised those who stand for dignity, humility and gentleness, and has fought those who abuse their power to oppress others."

- Van Hoc, Hanoi

Contributions (selection)

  • Pugnotes, poems, prose, essays, scores, performances, drawings, audios, videos, installations
    • Ulcus Molle Info . Magazine. Ed .: Josef Wintjes . Nonconformist Literary Information Center. Bottrop, Germany 1976
    • Foaming poems. Lyric anthology. Pages 34 to 38. “Hey dude”, “With your eyes wide open” and others. Azid Pesse Publishing House, Amsterdam 1978. ISBN 90-70215-04-7 .
    • VIDEO CD. Festival. Curated by Marie-Claude Vogric, Miha Vipotnik. Ljubljana, Slovenia 1983
    • Cantrill's film notes, issue 43/44. Magazine. Edited by Arthur & Corinne Cantrill. Melbourne, Australia 1984
    • 1st intern. Festival of Film, TV and Video. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1984
    • VIDEOCONGRESS - METALANGUAGE. Video anthology, edited by Rudi Frings, Uli Leistner, Eckhart Wirths. edition 235 video. Cologne, Germany 1985
    • World Wide Video Festival. The Hague, Holland 1985
    • Tokyo Video Festival. Organized by JVC. Tokyo, Japan 1987
    • Festival POETRY TOTAL. Curated by Tobias C. Biancone, Bernhard Streit. Bern, Switzerland 1987
    • Biotopes. CC. Edited by Alfred Goubran. edition selene. Klagenfurt, Austria 1993.
    • Radio Municipal. Radio. Editor: Esteban Peicovich. Buenos Aires, Argentina 1993
    • TEXT + SOUND Festival. Organized by Fylkingen. Stockholm, Sweden 1993
    • La Isla de Barataría. Magazine. Edited by Esteban Moore, Mario Sampaolesi. Buenos Aires, Argentina 1994
    • Prometeo 39-40. Magazine. Edited by Fernando Rendón, Angela García. Medellin, Colombia 1995
    • baobab. l'europa sonora. 4 CCs. Edited by Enzo Minarelli. Ferrara, Italy 1996
    • From classical to contemporary. CD. Edited by Alexander Mayer. exptraplatte. Vienna 1997. EX-316 167-2, lc 8202
    • UNION. Book. Edited by Jorge Luis Arcos, Enrique Sainz, Mayra Beatriz Martínez. Havana, Cuba 1998. ISSN  0041-6770
    • Allen Ginsberg Memorial. Organized by Al Aronowitz. New York, USA 1998
    • son @ rt. CD. Edited by Jacques Donguy. son @ rt 021, SACEM. Paris, France 2001
    • Homo Sonorus. An international anthology of sound poetry. Book + 4 CDs. Edited by Dmitry Bulatov. Kaliningrad, Russia 2001
    • Winter nights Overzee. Catalog. Edited by Ayu Utami, Hasif Arnini, Lauren Bain. Jakarta, Indonesia 2001
    • Proposta 2001. Catalog. Eduard Escoffet. Center de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. Barcelona, ​​Spain 2001
    • Everything Lalula. Songs & Poemes. From the beat generation to today. 2 CDs. Edited by Wolfgang Hörner & Herbert Kapfer. Edition Lido from Eichborn Verlag . Frankfurt, Germany 2003. ISBN 3-8218-5241-0
    • Crypt. Disco cathedral. 2 CDs. Edited by accenter. Balloon records. Vienna, Austria 2004. lc 02775
    • il verri. verbivocovisual. Book + CD. Edited by Giovanni Fontana. monogramma. Milano, Italy 2004
    • Select Europe. Book. Edited by Friedrich Baker. Wieser publishing house . Klagenfurt / Celovec 2004. ISBN 3-85129-449-1 .
    • Online platform. Literature workshop Berlin . Berlin & Internet 2004
    • Rukopis. Book. Edited by Petr Borkovec, Daniel Soukup. Prague, Czech Republic 2007. ISSN  1801-7630
    • schema, Annuale di poesia e cultura (nuova series). Book. Edited by Franco Manzoni. Milano, Italy 2007
    • Zlatna greda. Magazine. Edited by Jovan Zyblak. Novi Sad, Serbia 2008. ISSN  1451-0715

Editorial activities (selection)

Teaching activity (selection)

  • 1976 10 Esslingen, Webergasse: Lecture on the street, exercise with passers-by: "Searching a language area - mouth, mailart, flyer". Organized by Michael Schönemann and the "Qualerie" gallery.
  • 1979 05 Linz, University for Technical and Industrial Design: Workshop discussion with clear examples: "Flyer, poster, performance". Organized by Wolf Sator for the "Current Forum" series of events.
  • 1989 02 Rome, German School: Workshop on "Experimental Literature".
  • 1992 09 Vienna, University of Applied Arts: Class, lecture, lectures: “The speaking voice”. Oral traditions, polyphonic poetry. Organized by the Poetry School (sfd).
  • 1993 10-11 Hanoi, Nguyên Du Literature Institute: class, lecture: “Viennese traditions of modern poetry”. Organized by the Nguyên Du Literature Institute.
  • 1995 06-07 Boulder, Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics: class, teaching discussions, panel discussion, colloquium, lecture: "Sound poetry". Organized by Naropa University.
  • 1996 06 Medellin, Escuela de Poesia: Lecture “Cultos y incultos”, speech “Una piramida de luz”, class “Voz y cuerpo”. Score problems, vocal poetry, Dadaism, Jitanjafora. Organized by Prometeo & sfd.
  • 1996 06 Rosario, Festival Latinoamericano de Poesía: Panel discussion “La enseñanza de la poesía como problema”. With Marcela Armengod, Nelly Calame, Graciela Cariello, Roberto Retamoso. Organized by the Cultural Office of the City of Rosario.
  • 1997 09 Internet: digital class, lecture, chat: “Internet icons”. Hieroglyphics & modern icons. Organized by the sfd.
  • 1998 03 Düsseldorf, international congress "Objective of study: poet": Lecture "The literary academic Aventgarde". Organized by the Ministry for Schools and Further Education, Science and Research of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.
  • 1998 09 Vienna, Oberlaa thermal baths: class, lecture, teaching discussions: “Writing in water”. With Helga Pesserer. Organized by the Oberlaa thermal baths & the sfd.
  • 2000 12 Essen, Folkwang University: Member of the “Text Chair” expert commission on the issue of incorporating a creative writing program into the existing curriculum.
  • 2001 02 Vienna, University of Music and Performing Arts: Lecture, exercise “From soundpoetry to pop”. Organized by the University of Music and Performing Arts.
  • 2003 08 Denpasar & Jakarta, Komunitas Utan Kayu: Class, teaching discussions, panel discussions, colloquium: “Sound poetry pop” Organized by Komunitas Utan Kayu & the sfd.
  • 2005 10 Prague, Literární Academy: Class: “Spoken sound poetry”. Organized by Literárni Akademie & European Network of Creative Writing Programs.
  • 2008 11 Orivesi, Orivesi College of Art: Lecture “7fold poetics”, class “sound poetry for voice and body”. Organized by Orivesi College of Art.
  • 2009 02 Barcelona, ​​University of Barcelona: Lecture “7fold poetics”. Colloquium "Contemporary poetry, technologies and education". Organized by the research group "POCIO.Poetry and education".

Web links

Commons : Christian Ide Hintze  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. christian ide hintze (aut) on, accessed on September 1, 2019
  2. ^ Alfred Kaiser ( Memento of March 27, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Independent film and video database
  3. Video Poems ( Memento of 23 January 2011 at the Internet Archive ) media art archive, Dusseldorf
  4. Yo quisiera la delicia Medellin, Colombia
  5. ide7fold online platform of Christian Ide Hintze
  6. ^ Poetry Festival ( Memento from February 3, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Oslo
  7. Stefan Gmündner: Poet Christian Ide Hintze died on February 20, 2012 (accessed on February 27, 2012)
  8. about [ampf] Literaturhaus, Vienna
  9. ^ Authors as Revolutionaries ( Memento from July 1, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Gangway , Vienna
  10. ^ Poem in Spanish ( Memento of October 26, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  11. ^ Spoken poems Lyrikline, Berlin
  12. Hanoi ( Memento of July 23, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Literature Institute Nguyên Du, Vietnam