German Ski Championships 1907

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German Ski Championships 1907 German Ski Association Logo.svg
Combined run Austria CisleithanienCisleithania Johann Hollmann
Venues Prussia KingdomKingdom of Prussia Schreiberhau
Individual competitions 1
Feldberg 1906 Kohlgrub 1908

The German Ski Championships for 1907 were held on December 30th and 31st, 1906 by the Snowshoe Club Windsbraut in Schreiberhau in the Giant Mountains in Silesia as part of the 1st main association competition of the German Ski Association .

The Austrian Johann Hollmann from Spindelmühle won the title of German Ski Champion in 1907 in the combined endurance run over 17 kilometers with jumping .

Short Story

The German Ski Championships arose from the snowshoe competitions of the Black Forest Ski Club that have been held annually on the Feldberg since 1896 and were held there from 1900 to 1906 . After Wilhelm Paulcke founded the German Ski Association in 1905 , SC Schwarzwald handed over patronage to the new main association. He entrusted the "Windsbraut" snowshoe club in Schreiberhau with his first main association race. Despite the fact that it was held in December 1906, these ski championships were announced for 1907.

The championships were advertised internationally , which meant that foreign athletes could also take part and achieve the title of German champion . Due to the geographical proximity to the border with Austria-Hungary , many skiers from the Bohemian part of Austria took part in the competitions , including the well-known Rudolf Hollmann , Johann Hollmann and Josef Krauss , who were also successful at the Austrian Ski Championships. In addition to the championship runs, other races were held, including military, schoolchildren, junior and women’s skiing, most of which had a local field of participants.

The winner received the Golden Ski of the German Ski Association , the second and third place honors and diplomas. The "Golden Ski" was previously awarded by the SC Schwarzwald and has now been adopted by the German Ski Association as a prize for the German championships. From then on, the SC Schwarzwald fought for the price of the "Silver Ski".

The ski competitions were held in good weather and snow conditions. The audience response was very high. Around 2,000 spectators were counted on the second day of the event. A large number of them had come from the Austrian part of the Giant Mountains near the border.

Combined run

space athlete (Country), club, place time Expanse
1 Johann Hollmann Austria CisleithanienCisleithania WSV spindle mill , spindle mill 1: 23: 56.0 h 16.5 m
2 Rudolf Biehler ASC Freiburg , Freiburg 1: 27: 52.0 h 16.0 m
3 Franz Adolph SK Windsbraut Schreiberhau , Schreiberhau 1: 24: 07.0 h 14.5 m

Date: December 29th and 30th, 1907

The championship for Germany was awarded in the combined run ( Nordic combined ). Cross-country skiing over 17 kilometers on December 29th and ski jumping on the Sprungwall in Himmelsgrund on December 30th were evaluated . The best average performance was achieved by Johann Hollmann from the Austrian part of the Giant Mountains with a first place in the jumping and 3rd place in the cross-country skiing competition. The second prize was won by the well-known Baden skier Rudolf Biehler from the Academic Ski Club in Freiburg, who has already won several prizes at the German championships in recent years. Third place went to Franz Adolph from Neue Schlesische Baude , one of the best skiers and ski jumpers in Silesia at the time , who won the endurance run at the German Championships in Feldberg as early as 1905 , but was unable to cope with the jumping hill there.

Individual disciplines

No championship honors were given in the individual disciplines of cross-country skiing and ski jumping. They only served as part of the combined run.

Cross-country skiing 17 km

space athlete (Country), club, place time
1 Wenzel Renner Austria CisleithanienCisleithania Wedges 1: 20: 31.0 h
2 Josef Krauss Austria CisleithanienCisleithania SV Rübezahl Rennerbauden , Rennerbauden 1: 23: 11.0 h
3 Johann Hollmann Austria CisleithanienCisleithania WSV spindle mill , spindle mill 1: 23: 56.0 h

Date: December 29, 1906

Route: Schneegrubenbaude - Zackelfallberg

The competition started in fine weather and good snow conditions at 11:30 a.m. ( CET ) at the Schneegrubenbaude (1,490 m) and led over a length of around 17 kilometers to the finish on the Zackelfallberg (750 m). The skiers had to cope with ascents of a total of 5 kilometers and descents of 12 kilometers in length.

Ski jumping

space athlete (Country), club, place Expanse
1 Johann Hollmann Austria CisleithanienCisleithania WSV spindle mill , spindle mill 16.5 m
2 Max Ehinger Austria CisleithanienCisleithania VDS Hohenelbe , Hohenelbe 15.0 m
3 Rudolf Hollmann Austria CisleithanienCisleithania WSV spindle mill , spindle mill 16.5 m

Date: December 30, 1906; Start: 2:30 p.m. (CET)

Ski jump: jump wall in the sky

The athletes each had to complete a total of three jumps, of which the longest jump was counted. In addition to the distance, the position and execution of the jump were decisive.


Individual evidence

  1. Snowshoe race in Schreiberhau In: Prager Tagblatt, January 2, 1907, p. 4
  2. ^ The championship of Germany In: Allgemeine Sport-Zeitung, December 16, 1906, ongoing p. 1543