The siblings

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Title: The siblings
Genus: play
Original language: German
Author: Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Publishing year: 1787
Premiere: November 21, 1776
Place of premiere: Weimar
  • Wilhelm , a merchant
  • Marianne , his sister
  • Fabrice
  • Postman

The siblings. A play in one act is a four-person play in prose by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe . The author wrote the one-act play at the end of October 1776 in the garden house on the Ilm . The first performance - with Goethe as Wilhelm and Kotzebue as the postman - took place on November 21, 1776 in Weimar. In 1787 the work was in print.


Wilhelm loved the widow Charlotte. Shortly before her death, Charlotte confided in her lover her daughter Marianne. Wilhelm falls in love with the young girl, the image of the deceased, but does not talk to anyone about his feelings. Marianne thinks Wilhelm is her brother and cannot imagine a future without him. Fabrice, a good business friend of Wilhelm, also believes in the fairy tale of the two siblings and courted Marianne. The friend takes Marianne's evasive reply to his stormy advertisement for an acceptance. Delighted and excited, the future bridegroom informs the astonished Wilhelm of this and asks for the blessing of the "brother". An approval of this marriage plan is out of the question for Wilhelm. On the contrary - he puts Fabrice in the picture: Marianne and Wilhelm are not siblings. The friend leaves the scene snubbed. In return, Marianne approaches, embarrassed, and confesses to Wilhelm her awkward reaction to the marriage proposal. This confession is followed by the next: Marianne could not marry at all, because she only loved Wilhelm. Now it is the lucky turn of the family to confess: Marianne is not his sister. He calls her with “Beloved!” And “Wife!” The happy woman embraces her bridegroom.


"What you do, you win."


"Hunt. After dinner back via Jena. The siblings were invented. "

- Goethe's diary of October 26, 1776

"The siblings played."

- Goethe's diary of November 21, 1776

“I designed them [The Siblings] on a little trip to Thalbürgel , where I visited the Grand Duke . In a few days they were ready; I regret that I didn't throw a dozen similar pieces back then. "

- Goethe on December 15, 1823 in conversation with Friedrich von Müller


  • Wilpert goes into the interpretation of the text as Goethe's ideal. In the brief discussion, the name coincidence of the deceased widow Charlotte in the play with the living Charlotte von Stein in Großkochberg as well as the incest taboo in Goethe's sibling relationship are discussed .
  • In addition to the reference to Frau von Stein and sister Cornelia, Conrady also emphasizes the playfulness of the young author.

Secondary literature

Radio plays

Web links


  1. Kotzebue's role was straightforward. He just had to say: A weighted letter, twenty ducats, half postage paid.
  2. Wilpert pp. 374-375
  3. Conrady pp. 369-370