The wonderful doll

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German title The wonderful doll
Original title Magnificent doll
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1946
length 95 minutes
Director Frank Borzage
script Irving Stone
production Bruce Manning
Jack H. Skirball
music Hans J. Salter
camera Joseph A. Valentine
cut Ted J. Kent

The Wonderful Doll is a 1946 American film .


Washington, DC 1814 during the occupation of British forces in the British-American War . The White House needs to be evacuated. Dolly Payne Madison, the wife of President James Madison , prepares. In this uncertain situation, she thinks back to her life. She grew up in a Quaker family in Philadelphia . Her father demands that she marry John Todd even though she does not love him. She nevertheless agrees and quickly becomes the mother of a son. It was only when her father and the little son during a yellow fever - epidemic die, the affection for John Todd grows. But John also succumbs to the deadly disease.

A short time later, the sad widow is courted by two ambitious politicians. Aaron Burr and James Madison are friends, but politically at odds. She finally decides to marry James Madison and moves with him to Virginia . Burr becomes a competitor to presidential candidate Thomas Jefferson . When Jefferson wins the election, he appoints James Madison as his secretary of state. Dolly moves to Washington with her husband. Burr, on the other hand, intrigues against Jefferson. When he kills another political competitor in a duel with Alexander Hamilton , he is charged with murder. However, he evades jurisdiction by fleeing to Philadelphia. There he tries to win troops for a coup. However, this fails and he incurs public anger because of this high treason. When he is about to be lynched, Dolly saves his life. She can convince the people that by killing Burr they would make him a martyr and that his political convictions would be of great service.


"Regardless of historical facts, a romantically transfigured patriotic love story designed with speed and charm."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The wonderful doll. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used