Dieter Liewerscheidt

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Dieter Liewerscheidt

Dieter Liewerscheidt (* 1944 in Hanover ) is a German writer and literary scholar .


Dieter Liewerscheidt spent his childhood in Ratingen and grew up in Düsseldorf after 1954 , where he graduated from high school in 1964 . From 1964 to 1969 he studied German , history and philosophy in Cologne . Dieter Liewerscheidt has been working in high school since 1969, first in Düsseldorf , then between 1971 and 1978 in Grevenbroich . At the University of Cologne he received his doctorate in 1976 with a thesis entitledSatirical claim and self-persiflage in Heimito from Doderer's novel 'The Merovingians' ”. From 1978 to 1982 he was employed as a lecturer in literature at the University of Cologne. From 1982 to 2010 he was employed as a senior teacher at the Franz-Meyers-Gymnasium in Mönchengladbach , where he taught German and history .

He has been married since 1973 and has two sons (1981/1984).


The literary works of Dieter Liewerscheidt include literary publications and articles in specialist journals as well as several volumes of poems. Liewerscheidt has been writing articles in literary journals since 1976 , mainly in "Wirkendes Wort" ( Trier ), also in "literature for readers" ( Munich ) or in the "Goethe Yearbook" ( Weimar ), about Lessing , JMR Lenz , Goethe , Kleist , Grabbe , Mörike , Conrad Ferdinand Meyer , Kafka , Thomas Mann , Elias Canetti , Heimito von Doderer , Martin Walser , Peter Rühmkorf and Hans-Jürgen Heise .


  • 1979 Provisional poems 1966–1977.
  • 1982 in power in the morning. Poems 1978–1981.
  • 1994 blank as mockery. Poems.
  • 2019 Everything is going well. Poems 1964-2019.

Literary studies

  • 1980 Gottfried Benn's poetry. A critical introduction. (Reprinted 1985)
  • 1982 The dramas of the young Schiller. Introductory investigation.
  • 1987 Key to Literature. (Paperback 1990 edition)

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