Dieter W. Haller

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Dieter Walter Haller (born January 26, 1954 in Trossingen ) is a German lobbyist and was a German diplomat and ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Riyadh until 2018 .


After graduating from high school in 1973 and completing his military service in the German Armed Forces , Haller studied political science , English and sports science at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and at the University of Cambridge between 1975 and 1980 .

In 1981 he joined the Foreign Service and, after completing his training as an attaché, in 1983 became an advisor for Latin America in the Foreign Office and then from 1984 to 1988 head of the legal and consular department at the embassy in Chile . There he tried to clarify the role of German diplomats in dealing with the German sect colony Colonia Dignidad . Haller established a “consular consultation hour” at which the residents of Colonia Dignidad could speak to the embassy. After returning to Germany, he was advisor for NATO and security policy in the Foreign Office until 1991 and then Counselor in the Political Department of the Embassy in Kenya , before he was a member of the Foreign Office's planning staff between 1995 and 2000.

In 2000 he moved back to the embassy to Chile and was there as charge d'affaires at the same time Deputy Head of Mission. From 2003 to 2005 he was Head of Division for Asia , Africa , Latin America , the Near and Middle East in the Federal Chancellery and then Deputy Head of the Foreign Office until 2007.

From 2007 to 2011 Dieter Haller was ambassador to South Africa . Between August 2011 and January 2014 Haller headed the German embassy in Riyadh . In January 2014, Haller was appointed by Foreign Minister Steinmeier to head the economic department in the Foreign Office with the rank of ministerial director. His successor as ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in June 2014 was Boris Ruge , who was previously regional representative for the Middle East and the Maghreb in the Foreign Office. In July 2016, Haller took up his post as German ambassador in Riyadh again as the successor to Boris Ruge before he retired in June 2018.

In October 2018 it became known that Haller would work as a senior advisor for the Berlin communications and policy consultancy WMP , which among other things works for the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Information in Riyadh. Omid Nouripour criticized Haller's change as "difficult to bear" due to a possible amalgamation of interests with his previous ambassadorial function. As part of the research into the list of gifts from the Lebanese arms dealer and armaments lobbyist Ahmad El Husseini , it became known in 2019 that Haller was in contact with El Husseini in 2014 as the head of the foreign ministry department at the time, who was responsible for arms exports.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ex-ambassador involved ?: German lobbyists promote the Saudis . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed September 24, 2019]).
  2. ^ German representations in Saudi Arabia - curriculum vitae. February 27, 2017, accessed September 24, 2019 .
  3. Hanspeter Walter: Überlingen: Dieter W. Haller was ambassador to Saudi Arabia - now he lives in Überlingen. January 9, 2019, accessed September 24, 2019 .
  4. Horand Knaup, Christoph Schult: Colonia Dignidad: Documents of Terror . In: Spiegel Online . July 11, 2016 ( [accessed September 24, 2019]).
  5. ^ Matthias Rüb, Berlin, Santiago: Sect Colonia Dignidad: The torture cellar behind the seven mountains . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed September 24, 2019]).
  6. Sasan Abdi-Herrle: Colonia Dignidad "German diplomats have looked the other way" . In: The time . April 26, 2016, ISSN  0044-2070 ( [accessed November 4, 2019]).
  7. Ex-Ambassador Dieter Haller joins WMP. Retrieved September 24, 2019 (German).
  8. Ex-German ambassador in Saudi Arabia changes to a PR agency of the Saudis. October 30, 2018, accessed September 24, 2019 .
  9. The Arms Dealer's Wines. In: September 24, 2019, accessed on September 24, 2019 (German).
  10. Steinmeier was on the arms dealer gift list. Retrieved September 24, 2019 .
  11. The Arms Dealer and the President. September 24, 2019, accessed September 24, 2019 .