Dietrich Schwarz

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Dietrich Walo Hermann Schwarz (born June 2, 1913 in Zurich ; † July 7, 2000 there ), reformed , resident in Lenzburg and Zurich, was a Swiss historian and numismatist .

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Dietrich Schwarz, son of lawyer Theodore Black and Anna born Bertschinger, devoted himself to filed Matura studies of history and art history at the Universities of Zurich and Vienna , which he in 1940 with the acquisition of the academic degree of Dr. phil. completed. Dietrich Schwarz - he married Doris, the daughter of the pediatrician Alfred Hüssy - one year later he took over the management of the coin cabinet of the Swiss National Museum as a curator , in 1961 he was appointed Deputy Director of the National Museum, and in 1963 he retired from his offices.

He completed his habilitation in 1943 at the University of Zurich, where he subsequently taught cultural history of the Middle Ages and historical auxiliary sciences . In 1963 he was appointed associate professor, in 1969 full professor, and in 1979 he retired . In addition, Schwarz held the presidency of the Swiss Numismatic Society from 1940 to 1949 , headed the editorial team of the Society's journal, the Swiss Numismatic Rundschau , from 1940 to 1963 and, as a member of the FDP, represented his party in the Zurich Cantonal Council from 1967 to 1979 .

Schwarz emerged as the author of a wide range of cultural-historical contributions, particularly on Swiss coin history. He became a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences .


  • Coin and monetary history of Zurich in the Middle Ages. Sauerländer and Co., Aarau 1940, (dissertation, Zurich, University, 1940).
  • As editor: The statutes of the Provost St. Felix and Regula (Grossmünster) in Zurich. Schulthess, Zurich 1952.
  • Swiss medal art (= Hochwächter-Bücherei. 13 = From the Swiss National Museum. 4, ZDB -ID 1190122-6 ). Haupt, Bern 1955.
  • The culture of Switzerland. Athenaion, Frankfurt am Main 1967.
  • Material goods and forms of life. Introduction to the material cultural history of the Middle Ages and modern times (= Basics of German Studies. 11, ISSN  0533-3350 ). E. Schmidt, Berlin 1970.
  • Ex fontibus hauriamus. Selected contributions to cultural history. Published by the Antiquarian Society in Zurich on the occasion of her honorary member's 80th birthday (= communications from the Antiquarian Society in Zurich. 60 = Antiquarian Society in Zurich. Neujahrsblatt. 157). H. Rohr, Zurich 1993, ISBN 3-85865-508-2 .
  • The diploma of Emperor Heinrich V dated December 28, 1124 for Engelberg Monastery. Investigation of the authenticity of the documents for the foundation of the Engelberg monastery (= documents and materials for the history of Stallikon. 309, ZDB -ID 2289957-1 ). Local history working group, Stallikon 1994.


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