Domenico da Cese

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Domenico da Cese OFMCap , also Domenico von Cese , (born March 27, 1905 in Cese dei Marsi , Italy as Emidio Petracca , † September 17, 1978 in Turin ) was a religious priest of the Capuchins in Manoppello . In 2013, the beatification process was opened for him.


Emidio Petracca was born in the small town of Cese in the Italian Abruzzo near Avezzano . He was one of six children of the farmer Giovanni Petracca, who emigrated to Latin America for about two years in order to earn money there. Tucceri. On January 13, 1915, at the age of nine, he experienced an earthquake that shook the area around Avezzano with a magnitude of 7.0 . Over 30,000 people were killed in the earthquake and over 15 villages in the area were completely destroyed. The young Emidio was buried in the village church with his father when they were at early mass. An unknown man rescued Emidio and his father from the rubble of the church.

In 1921 Emidio Petracca joined the Capuchins in Avezzano and received the religious name Domenico (according to the tradition of the Italian Capuchins, the name of the place of birth is added to the names of the religious to distinguish them from other brothers of this name, hence the addition da Cese ). In 1928 he made perpetual profession and was ordained a priest in Sulmona in 1931 . He spent the following decades in the convents of Sulmona, L'Aquila , Avezzano, Luco dei Marsi , Trasacco , Campli and Caramanico . In October 1964 he visited Manoppello , where a veil with the Holy Face is kept. When he saw the face for the first time, he recognized in it the man who had rescued him from the ruins of the church in 1915. In 1965 Father Domenico was transferred to the Convent of Manoppello by his superiors, where he later became Guardian . Father Domenico had a friendly relationship with Pio von Pietrelcina , a friar since 1941 .

On September 11, 1978, Father Domenico made a pilgrimage to the Turin Shroud , which at the time was on public display for the first time in 45 years. After visiting the Shroud, he was hit by a young man in his car on the evening of September 12 on his way home to the hotel. On September 17th, Father Domenico died as a result of this traffic accident in a Turin hospital after he had comforted the driver of the car. His grave is in the cemetery of his hometown Cese, which is now part of Avezzano. In 2008, the municipality of Avezzano had a plaque placed on the house where he was born in Cese.

Veil of Manoppello

From 1965 to 1978 Father Domenico was rector of the Sanctuary of the Holy Face in Manoppello, where an image of Christ, the “ Veil of Manoppello ” ( “Volto Santo” ), is kept and venerated. For the 1977 Eucharistic Congress in Pescara , Italy , Father Domenico organized an exhibition with photographs of the Volto Santo . The journalist Renzo Allegri, who had visited the exhibition, published an article on the face of Manoppello in the Italian weekly Gente in September 1978, a few days after Father Domenico's death . Two months later, the German translation of the article appeared in the magazine Daszeichen Mariens . This monthly published in Switzerland from 1968 to 1994 (self-designation: International Catholic information organ for the preservation and promotion of good tradition and genuine mysticism) is considered the publication organ of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement (KTB), which was called itself at the time . According to David Neuhold, The Sign of Mary was a phenomenon of the first reception phase of the Second Vatican Council . Paul Otto Schenker, who did the German translation of Allegri's article, was editor of the magazine (Immaculata-Verlag).

Beatification process

At the beginning of 2009, the Archbishop of Chieti , Bruno Forte , initiated the start of a beatification process for Father Domenico, which opened on July 27, 2013. On March 3, 2015, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, after the diocesan procedures in Turin and Chieti had been completed, announced that there was nothing to prevent the process of beatification in the Holy See ( Nihil obstat ) . In March 2016, Father Domenico was raised to venerable servant of God after being awarded the heroic degree of virtue .


  • Eugenio Di Giamberardino: Padre Domenico da Cese (Emidio Petracca) cappuccino. Breve profilo biografico. Edizioni Palumbi, Teramo 2014, ISBN 978-88-96395-99-8 (Italian).
  • Eugenio Di Giamberardino, Padre Domenico De Cese, Apóstolo da Sagrada Face de Manoppello. Ecclesiae Publishing House, 2016, ISBN 85-8491-042-5 (Portuguese)
  • Bruno Sammaciccia: Padre Domenico Cappuccino. Un grande spirito francescano. Fabiani, Pescara 1979 (Italian).
  • Bruno Sammaciccia: Father Domenico del Volto Santo cappuccino. mistico ispirato taumaturgo. 2nd ed., Fabiani, Pescara, 1990 (Italian).
  • Mario Sgarbossa: Father Domenico da Cese e il mistero del Volto Santo di Manoppello. Tipografia Trullo, Pescara, 2011 (Italian).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bruno Sammaciccia: Padre Domenico Cappuccino. Un grande spirito francescano . Fabiani, Pescara 1979, pp. 50-55 .
  2. According to the information in the biographies of Eugenio de Giamberardino: Padre Domenico da Cese. (Emidio Petracca) Cappuccino. Breve profilo biografico. Edizioni Palumbi, Teramo 2014, pp. 26–34.
  3. Bruno Sammaciccia: Padre Domenico Cappuccino. Un grande spirito francescano . S. 72 f .
  4. Petra-Maria Steiner, Dirk Weisbrod: The death of Father Domenico da Cese and its significance for the Church: A spiritual and biographical consideration. In: . September 17, 2019, accessed December 8, 2019 .
  5. a b Omaggio a padre Domenico da Cese - Morì 41 anni fa: sarà commemorato nel santuario del Volto Santo. In: Il Centro , September 18, 2019.
  6. P. Eugenio Di Giamberardino: Padre Domenico da Cese (Emidio Petracca) Cappuccino. Breve profilo biografico . S. 85 ff .
  7. ^ Renzo Allegri and Paul O. Schenker: The Volto Santo of Manoppello . In: The Sign of Mary . 12th year, issue 7, November 1978, p. 3853-3856 .
  8. ^ David Neuhold: Franz Cardinal König - Religion and Freedom. A theological and political profile . Academic Press Friborg / Kohlhammer Verlag Stuttgart 2008, p. 152 f. See also: Cardinal Franz König and the Second Vatican Council. The question about the Blessed Mother - a few comments . In: Franz Xaver Bischof (Ed.): The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965): Status and Perspectives of Church History Research in German-speaking Countries . Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 2012, pp. 105–130, here p. 126: "shaped by circles of the 'anti-council'."
  9. Saints & Blesseds: Capuchin Servants of God. In: Retrieved December 8, 2019 (English, sv Emidio Petracca).