Dominicus a Jesu Maria

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Peter Paul Rubens : Portrait of the Carmelite Father Dominicus a Jesu Maria (1608; detail)
Luigi Serra : Dominicus a Jesu Maria on horseback with the image of Mary of Victory on the triumphal entry into Prague after the Battle of White Mountain in 1620 (apse fresco in Santa Maria della Vittoria (Rome) 1878; detail)

Dominicus a Jesu Maria OCD , maiden name Miguel Ruzola y Lopez , (born May 16, 1559 in Calatayud , † February 16, 1630 in Vienna ) was a Spanish Carmelite , prior , monastery founder and spiritual writer. His role in the victory of the Catholic allies in the Battle of White Mountain became legendary .


In 1574, at the age of 15, Dominicus entered the Carmelite convent of the old observance in his hometown and took vows on September 8, 1578 . In 1589 he switched to the reform branch of St. Teresa of Ávila , the Discalced Carmelite , and became a member of the convent in Pastrana. In the course of the expansion of the order in Italy he went to Rome in 1604 and became master of novices in 1605 and prior of the convent at Santa Maria della Scala, founded in 1597, as well as definitor general of the order in 1608 . In 1610 he founded the convent and church of Santa Maria dei Rimedi in Palermo and in 1612 the convent in Rome, which was named Santa Maria della Vittoria (Saint Mary of Victory) after the battle of the White Mountain . From 1617 to 1620 he headed the Italian Congregation of the Discalced Carmelites as Praepositus generalis .

Dominicus had close contacts with the Curia since his arrival in Rome . Pope Paul V appointed him head of the missions in 1608 . As such, he played an essential part in the founding of the Congregation De Propaganda Fide by Gregory XV. in 1622.

Dominicus vigorously pursued the expansion of the order in the Holy Roman Empire in the course of the Counter Reformation . The breakthrough for this was the Battle of White Mountain near Prague on November 8, 1620, in which the troops of the Catholic League defeated the Bohemian Protestants under Friedrich von der Pfalz . Dominicus took part in the battle as a chaplain and, according to the consensus of all warring parties, contributed significantly to the combat readiness of the league soldiers and to the conquest of the White Mountain, which was considered impregnable . A picture of the birth of Christ that Dominicus, according to his own account, had found in Strakonitz Castle played an important role ; in the picture Mary and Joseph had their eyes gouged out by Protestant rebels. Dominicus is said to have ridden with a crucifix and the picture during the storming of the White Mountain. When the winners entered Prague, he carried the picture forward. In 1622 it came to the Roman Carmelite Church that he had founded and which was now called Santa Maria della Vittoria , where it is venerated to this day.

Since then, Dominicus has enjoyed the highest esteem from Emperor Ferdinand II and Elector Maximilian of Bavaria . As a result, u. a. New Carmelite monasteries in Vienna, Prague and Munich .

From 1622 Dominicus published his main spiritual work, the three-volume Sententiario spirituale in Italian, in which, following Teresa of Avila and Spanish mysticism, he describes the three-stage path to the perfection of the Christian: via purgativa - "path of purification"; via illuminativa - "path of enlightenment"; via unitiva - "the path to becoming one with God".

He died in 1630 in the Vienna Hofburg , where he was staying on a papal order, and was buried in the Carmelite Church in Leopoldstadt . In 1903 his bones were reburied in the new Carmelite Church in Döbling .

Dominicus was considered a miracle-working charismatic even during his lifetime . Numerous healings were attributed to him after his death. In 1676 his process of beatification was opened and he was given the title of Venerable Servant of God .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Title page of the first part of the Sententiario
  2. Biography based on and
  3. ^ Parish Maria vom Siege, Vienna ( Memento of August 18, 2014 in the Internet Archive )

Web links

Commons : Dominicus a Jesu Maria  - Collection of images, videos and audio files