Dubslaff Christoph von Eickstedt

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Dubslaff Christoph von Eickstedt , also Dubslav or Dubislaw (born June 21, 1588 in Wollin , † September 8, 1644 in Cammin ), was the ducal-Pomeranian court judge, governor and district administrator and canon of Cammin .


Dubslaff Christoph von Eickstedt attended education in Stettin , studied law for a short time in 1607 at the University of Frankfurt (Oder) and from 1608 for three years at the University of Strasbourg . In 1618 he became court judge at the court in Wolgast . Duke Philipp Julius appointed him secret chamber and court advisor in 1619. He accompanied the duke on his trip to the Netherlands and England . In 1620 he became captain of the Barth office .

In 1623 he was one of the witnesses of the general confirmation of the privileges of the estates given by Bogislaw XIV and Philipp Julius , which was confirmed by Emperor Ferdinand II . After the death of Duke Philipp Julius in 1625, he served his widow Agnes von Brandenburg as a Privy Councilor until 1628.

In 1632 he became canon (Scholasticus) of the Camminer cathedral chapter . Around 1634 he became district administrator of the knighthood. On February 25, 1634 he testified to Bogislaw XIV's deed of donation, with which he transferred the office of Eldena to the University of Greifswald . As a commissioner, he was present at the handover of the certificate and office to the professors of the university.

From 1643 he belonged to a committee of the estates of Pomerania-Wolgast, which negotiated with the committee of the estates of Pomerania-Stettin and the Swedish government in Pomerania , as well as corresponded with the Pomeranian envoys in the peace negotiations in Osnabrück . His successor was Philipp von Horn in 1644 .


Dubslaff Christoph came from the Pomeranian noble family von Eickstedt . He was the son of Joachim von Eickstedt (1552-1626) and Ursula von Blanckenburg (* around 1563; † 1602), daughter of Otto von Blanckenburg on Wulfshagen and Ursula von Bredow. Ursula von Blanckenburg was the widow of Parum von Platen.

Since 1620 he was married to Anna von Wolde († March 28, 1640), daughter of Hofrat Henning von Wolde and Magdalene von Gloeden and widow of Philipp von Krakewitz . The two have three sons and four daughters together.

Dubslaff Christoph von Eickstedt was the heir to Klempenow , Koblentz and Krugsdorf .


  • Julius von Bohlen : The acquisition of Pomerania by the Hohenzollern. To commemorate the reunification of the whole of Pomerania 50 years ago under the rule of its illustrious royal family. Decker, Berlin 1865, p. 56, end note 36 ( digitized version ).
  • Carl August Ludwig Freiherr von Eickstedt: Family book of the dynastic sex of the von Eickstedt in Thuringia, Pomerania, the brands and Silesia. Wichura, Ratibor 1860, pp. 162-165 ( digitized version ).

Individual evidence

  1. Rudolf Spuhrmann: history of the city Cammin i. Pomerania and the Camminer cathedral chapter. 2nd enlarged and improved edition with attached pictures. Formazin & Knauff, Cammin i. Pom. 1924, p. 88.
  2. Julius von Bohlen: The acquisition of Pomerania by the Hohenzollern. 1865, p. 26 ( digitized version ).
  3. Eickstedt: Family book of the dynastic sex of the von Eickstedt. 1860, p. 138 ( digitized version ).