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Complex overview Master of Advanced Studies MAS ENBau

ENBau is a cooperation between Swiss universities for further training in sustainable building with the aim of increasing the resource efficiency of buildings in the areas of energy , water and material as well as process . At the same time, the aim of this sustainability- oriented initiative is to promote and strengthen skills in planning, building and operating real estate and to perceive the “building as a system”. "ENBau" is the abbreviation for energy and sustainability in construction and is supported by the Swiss Confederation and the cantons .


The initiative was launched in 2007 by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences , the Bern University of Applied Sciences , the Northwestern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences , the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and the University of Applied Sciences in Chur . The Conference of Cantonal Energy Directors in Switzerland and the Federal Office of Energy in Bern are also involved. The initiative is controlled by a cooperation council headed by Peter Schürch. The office is located at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences; The director is Christoph Wagener.


The aim of the cooperation is a broad-based training campaign at university level in sustainable building, efficient energy use, renewable energies and the reduction of CO 2 emissions based on the strategy of the 2000 watt society , the Swiss commitment of the Kyoto Protocol and the vision of the green Building .

The training offer consists of different modules; the academic degrees are a CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) degree for the individual modules and, above all, a " Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Sustainable Building". The individual modules are:

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