Edgar Heilbronner

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Edgar Heilbronner (born May 13, 1921 in Munich ; † August 28, 2006 in Herrliberg ) was a German - Swiss chemist ( theoretical chemistry ).

life and work

The son of an antique dealer first attended schools in Munich, then from 1935 to 1940 the Collège de Genève , which he left with a type C Matura . From 1940 to 1944 he studied at the ETH Zurich and graduated in 1944 with Hans Eduard Fierz at the Institute for Organic Technology as a qualified engineer-chemist. In 1949 he was at Placidus A. Plattner in the Laboratory for Organic Chemistry at the ETH Zurich with the work of azulenes Spectroscopic studies doctorate . As a post-doctoral student , he worked with Verner Schomaker and Kenneth Hedberg at Caltech from 1950 to 1952 . From 1954 he was a private lecturer at the ETH Zurich and from 1959 an associate professor and from 1964 a full professor of theoretical organic chemistry. In 1968 he went to the University of Basel as a full professor of physical chemistry and head of the Institute for Physical Chemistry , where he retired in 1988.

He dealt with Erich Hückel's molecular orbital method (HMO theory), structure and spectra of aromatics and photoelectron spectroscopy . In 1964 he published the idea of ​​aromatic compounds with a Möbius strip topology (Möbius aromatics), but these were not synthesized until 2003.

In 1974 he received the August Wilhelm von Hofmann Memorial Medal , the Marcel Benoist Prize (1977) and the Heyrovský Medal of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. He was a corresponding member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and an honorary doctorate from the Universities of Durham and Freiburg (Switzerland) . He was a member of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science and, since 1977, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences .

The Heilbronner-Hückel lecture of the Society of German Chemists and the Swiss Chemical Society is named after him and Hückel.

Heilbronner was naturalized in Zurich in 1956.


  • with Hans Bock : The HMO model and its application. 3 volumes. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim 1968–1970; 2nd edition 1978.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Edgar Heilbronner: Spectroscopic investigations on azulens. Academic Printing and Publishing Company , Graz / Innsbruck / Vienna 1949, doi: 10.3929 / ethz-a-000097557 (dissertation, ETH Zurich, 1949).
  2. Title data set of the thesis , NEBIS catalog , accessed on October 31, 2013.
  3. biographical data, publications and Academic pedigree of Edgar Heilbronner at academictree.org, accessed on February 9, 2018th
  4. ^ Edgar Heilbronner: Hückel molecular orbitals of Möbius-type conformations of annulenes. In: Tetrahedron Letters . Vol. 5, 1964, H. 29, pp. 1923-1928, doi: 10.1016 / S0040-4039 (01) 89474-0 .
  5. Dariush Ajami, Oliver Oeckler, Arndt Simon , Rainer Herges: Synthesis of a Möbius aromatic hydrocarbon. In: Nature . Vol. 426, December 18, 2003, pp. 819-821, doi: 10.1038 / nature02224 .
  6. GDCh: Name Lectures , accessed on January 14, 2018.