Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen

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Eduard Karl Habsburg-Lothringen (born January 12, 1967 in Munich ; all first names Eduard Karl Joseph Michael Marcus Antonius Koloman Volkhold Maria) is a German-Hungarian Catholic author and journalist. Since 2015 he has been Hungary's ambassador to the Holy See and to the Sovereign Order of Malta .


Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen is the son of Michael Habsburg-Lothringen (* 1942) and Christiana geb. Princess of Löwenstein-Wertheim- Rosenberg (* 1940). His paternal grandfather was Archduke Josef Franz von Habsburg-Lothringen (1895–1957), a son of Archduke Joseph August (1872–1962) and Princess Auguste Maria Luise of Bavaria (1875–1964). Augusta von Bayern was a daughter of Archduchess Gisela , the daughter of the imperial couple Franz Joseph I and Elisabeth . Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen is thus a great-great-great-grandson of Franz Joseph and Elisabeth (Sisi).

He has been married to Marie Therese Freiin von Gudenus since 1995 ; there are six children from the marriage.


Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen studied at the KU Eichstätt and received his doctorate magna cum laude in 1999 with a thesis on "The End of Neuthomism " . In the following years he wrote screenplays for films such as The Christmas Dog (2004) and Two Christmas Dogs (2005) and SOKO Donau (from 2005). Together with director Thomas Imbach, he wrote the English-language screenplay for the movie Mary Queen of Scots (2013). According to his own statements, he waited until 2006 to publish his doctoral thesis at the request of the Dominican Order because it dealt with “very delicate processes” within the theological faculty of the University of Friborg (Switzerland) from the 1960s to 1980s “in some detail”. For his dissertation, he held a block seminar in English (“ Rise and Fall of Thomism in the 20th Century ”) at the Gaming College in April 2006 . In 2007 he held a block seminar on comics, animation and philosophy at the Istituto di Filosofia Applicata of the Facoltà di Teologia in Lugano (Switzerland).

His first novel Die Reise mit Nella was published in the spring of 2008, followed by several novels and non-fiction books. In 2008, Habsburg also translated Josephine Nobisso's Christian children's book What a Mass Weighs into German. From 2009 to 2014 he was media officer for Bishop Klaus Küng in the diocese of St. Pölten . In 2014, the documentary series Wo Grafen Schlaf was shown on Servus TV , which is based on his book and in which he and actress Jessica Schwarz lead through a total of 14 different castles in Germany and Austria. In November 2014 he started the podcast Faith and Faith with Alexander Waschkau . Atheism and Catholicism in Discourse .

In 2015 he was accepted into the Brotherhood of Santa Maria dell'Anima ("Anima Brotherhood") in Rome. Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen has been a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece since November 2016 .

Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See and the Sovereign Order of Malta

In 2015 Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen was appointed Hungarian ambassador to the Holy See . On December 7th, 2015 he received the official credentials from Pope Francis .

He is also Hungary's ambassador to the Sovereign Order of Malta in Rome.

Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen, the son of Michael Habsburg, who was born in Hungary, is just like his father a Hungarian citizen.

Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen in literature

In the novel The Jonas Complex by Thomas Glavinic , Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen is mentioned several times. He is saved on the narrator's cell phone under the name of Kaiser Franz Josef .


  • The end of Neuthomism - the 68s, the Council and the Dominicans. Nova et Vetera, Bonn 2007, ISBN 3-936741-43-3 .
  • Luyten, Norbertus (together with Jörgen Vijgen). In: Thomistenlexikon, ed. V. David Berger and Jörgen Vijgen, Nova et vetera, Bonn 2006, pp. 399-402.
  • Wyser, Paul (together with David Berger) In: Thomistenlexikon, eds. V. David Berger and Jörgen Vijgen, Nova et vetera, Bonn 2006, pp. 725–728.
  • The "Prince of the Neo-Platonists" - Gallus M. Manser and Plotinus. In: Doctor Angelicus. Annuarium Thomisticum Internationale, Vol. VI, 2006, pp. 7-23.
  • Grafenegg - The Castle (Castle Guide). May 2007.
  • The trip with Nella. Thiele and Brandstätter, Munich / Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-85179-016-0 .
  • The Grafenegg Castle Park (park guide). Tulln, May 2008.
  • James Bond in 60 minutes. Thiele, Munich / Vienna 2008 (under the pseudonym Jonathan Byron).
  • Harry Potter in 60 minutes. Thiele, Munich / Vienna 2008 (under the pseudonym Jonathan Byron).
  • Where counts sleep. What is where in the castle and why? CH Beck, 2011.
  • Renaissance castle Schallaburg (castle guide). Schallaburg / Melk 2011.
  • Lena in Waldersbach. A story. CH Beck 2013. 124 pp. ISBN 978-3-406-64494-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. According to Habsburg-Lothringen, Eduard Karl is in his passport. Said as a guest commentator on June 5, 2012 in ORF 2 .
  3. Mary Queen of Scots in the Internet Movie Database (English)
  4. ^ Eduard Habsburg changes from diocese to Catholic internet platform
  7. ^ Eduard Habsburg-Lothringen becomes ambassador to Hungary in the Vatican , accessed on November 9, 2015
  8. List du CORPS DIPLOMATIQUE près le Saint-Siège (Février 2015) , Vatican, accessed on November 10, 2015
  9. ^ Gudrun Sailer : Vatican / Hungary: "No conflict in the refugee question" . Vatican Radio , December 9, 2015
  10. Benjamin Kalkum: Interview with the new Hungarian ambassador in the Vatican Eduard Habsburg: “No freedom from religion” ( Memento from January 19, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) , Budapester Zeitung , January 18, 2016
  11. Mario Galgano : Former St. Pölten bishop spokesman becomes ambassador . Vatican Radio , July 25, 2016
  12. Th. Glavinic: The Jonas Complex . Frankfurt a. M. 2016. p. 25.
predecessor Office successor
Gabor Győriványi Flag of the Vatican City.svgHungarian Ambassador to the Holy See
since 2015
... Flag of the Order of St. John (various) .svgHungarian ambassador to the Sovereign Order of Malta
since 2015