Eduard von Müller (General, 1841)

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Karl Johann Eduard von Müller (born May 16, 1841 in Potsdam ; † November 8, 1932 in Wiesbaden-Nordost ) was a Prussian lieutenant general and inspector of the hunters and riflemen.


Eduard was a son of the Prussian Lieutenant General Eduard von Müller (1799-1885) and his wife Jenny, née von der Lancken (1803-1888).

Military career

Müller attended high schools in Greifswald and Potsdam as well as the cadet houses in Potsdam and Berlin . He was then on 17 May 1859 second lieutenant of the 1st Guards Regiment walk the Prussian Army transferred. From April 1, 1865 to July 3, 1866 he was adjutant of the Fusilier Battalion and as such took part in the battles near Trautenau , Königinhof and Königgrätz during the war against Austria in 1866 . For his behavior, Müller received the Red Eagle Order IV class with swords.

After the war he was on 30 October 1866 as first lieutenant in the Infantry Regiment. 80 and make up to 1 October 1869 is used as regimental adjutant. He then took part in the Battle of Weissenburg during the war against France on August 4, 1870 and was so badly wounded by a shot through both thighs that he was out for the rest of the war. For his work he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class. He was also promoted to captain and company commander on September 26th of that year .

On May 25, 1875 he became a company commander at the Jülich non-commissioned officers' school under position à la suite of the 1st Hessian Infantry Regiment No. 81 . On March 28, 1876 he was appointed commander of the NCO school in Ettlingen under position à la suite of the Leib Grenadier Regiment (1st Brandenburgisches) No. 8 . On April 4, 1879 he became major and on June 11th that year commander of the Marienwerder NCO School. On June 3, 1882, Müller became the commander of the 2nd Battalion in the 3rd Guard Grenadier Regiment "Queen Elisabeth" and on November 11, 1885, he was the commander of the 1st Silesian Jäger Battalion No. 5 . He was promoted to lieutenant colonel on December 4, 1886. On February 16, 1889, he was entrusted with the command of the Duke Braunschweig Infantry Regiment No. 92 and on March 22 of that year he was appointed colonel and regimental commander. On May 16, 1891, Müller was placed à la suite of his regiment and charged with running the business as the inspector of the infantry schools. With his promotion to major general on March 29, 1892, he was appointed inspector. He was then on April 18, 1893 commander of the 4th Guard Infantry Brigade . On November 11, 1894, Müller was appointed inspector of the hunters and riflemen and at the same time he was entrusted with the management of the business of the commander of the Reitende Feldjägerkorps . In this capacity he was promoted to lieutenant general on August 18, 1895 and was awarded the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class with oak leaves and swords on the ring, on the occasion of the festival in January 1897. With the award of the Order of the Crown, First Class, Müller was put up for disposal on January 4, 1898 with the statutory pension .


Müller married Marie Schweickhardt (1850–1929) in Wiesbaden on October 19, 1870 . The couple had several children including:

  • Viktor (1872–1958) ⚭ 1896 Gwendoline Peel (* 1872)
  • Otto (1875–1976) ⚭ 1905 Olly Wessel


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Individual evidence

  1. Death register of the registry office Wiesbaden No. 1361/1932.
  2. ^ Lineage : v. Müller, David Ulrich (1736–1791) → 1) Johan Gottlieb (1770–1829) → (1) Eduard Ludwig David (1799–1885) → e) Eduard Johann Karl In: Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Briefadeligen houses. 1909 . Third year, Justus Perthes, Gotha 1908, p. 537 ( ).
  3. Kortzfleisch: v. Müller, Eduard. In: The Franco-German War and the Time of Peace since 1871. p. 538.