Elisabeth von Ulmann

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Elisabeth von Ulmann (married Meyer-Runge , née Erichsen, born April 21, 1929 in Kiel ; † April 1, 2005 there ) was a German writer and poet .


Elisabeth von Ulmann attended elementary schools in Rickling , Neumünster and Kiel and from 1939 the secondary school in Kiel. Thereupon she passed her technical college entrance qualification at the municipal higher commercial college in Kiel. From 1948 to 1956 she worked as an authorized representative at the chemical-pharmaceutical trading office in Kiel and from 1958 to 1960 as a bookseller. She also volunteered in the social field ( kindergarten ).

She was married to the painter Jürgen Runge ; in second marriage with the captain Erich Meyer. In her last marriage, Elisabeth Meyer-Runge was married to the composer , conductor , writer and journalist Hellmuth von Ulmann (1913–1987), whose name she adopted after their marriage (1985). After the marriage, she continued to write her Low German works under the name Elisabeth Meyer-Runge, while in the High German area she used the name Elisabeth von Ulmann.

Elisabeth and Hellmuth von Ulmann lived together from 1982 to 1984, initially in Itzehoe , from 1984 to 1987 in Ulm and finally in Heide , where Hellmuth von Ulmann died in September 1987. He was buried in the cemetery in Heide.

Until her death, Elisabeth von Ulmann looked after the compositional and literary estate of Hellmuth von Ulmann, which has now been taken over by the Elisabeth-von-Ulmann-Gesellschaft eV .

Elisabeth von Ulmann was a member of the advisory board of the Schleswig-Holstein library association , member and advisory board of the writers 'association in Schleswig-Holstein, member of the Eutiner Kreis and the Hamburg authors' association. From 1977 to 1980 she was the chairwoman of the Low German Authors and Scientists Conference (Bevensen Conference eV). In 1987 she became a founding member of the CLUB ULM / NEU-ULM of Soroptimisten International.

After the death of her husband, Elisabeth von Ulmann moved back to Kiel. She had a son.


For her, reading and writing belonged together. She experienced contemporary history since 1945 with constant astonishment and rather painful skepticism. Art was seen as a directional aid in the relentless endeavor to grasp the realities of the human from their origins and in their differentiations. She had the future real and utopian in view at the same time. "To be on the way - to track down the being in the changing". You yourself and the publisher made the distinction between poet and writer for the way they worked. In her Low German texts, she often sought distance in order to critically evaluate human behavior and social developments.

Elisabeth von Ulmann loved her native Schleswig-Holstein and found in it a constant source of inspiration. Here she lived, in the country that is home to both High German and Low German. She wrote in both languages, namely poetry, prose, radio plays, essays and dialogues.

Elisabeth Meyer-Runge also sought contact with the performing arts at an early stage. She worked part-time as a stage actress and director at the Low German stage in Kiel for twenty-five years. In 1971 a fairy tale composed by her was performed. Autodidactic studies in German and philosophy. As a poet and writer she has published poetry, short stories, essays and dialogues - also in Low German. Member of various authors 'and writers' associations.

The author also worked closely with visual artists and later expanded this joint work. Several memberships in various associations testify to her efforts to have a say and decision-making in the field of writing. She appeared at numerous readings, including in galleries. In 1981 she attended the World Poets Congress in San Francisco, certainly a high point in her artistic career so far. She worked for a time as a VHS lecturer and appeared at countless readings.

After her death, the book "Unabated Delight - Notes of a Late Love" was published. Shortly before her death in spring 2005, like a legacy, Elisabeth von Ulmann gave her friend Ingeborg Körber a notebook with the succinct remark: "Do with it what you want!"

And so it happened that the Elisabeth-von-Ulmann-Gesellschaft eV, which was formed as a literary and naming society a year after the poet's death, became aware of this issue. With the members, the friends of the von Ulmanns, the present work was created in joint memory work. It contains a collection of mostly handwritten notes, aphorisms, allusions and dialogue fragments: alternately recorded by Hellmuth and Elisabeth. "Fragments of a late and yet so great and wonderful love", after all Hellmuth von Ulmann is already 68 years old; his wife 52 years.

The notes come from the period from November 17, 1982 to May 11, 1986. They encourage you to open up the context of these lovers. With a reminiscent introduction by Ingeborg Körber and explanations from a literary perspective by Dr. Marianne Beese . The report, which is as exciting as it is emotionally touching, is spiced with a selection of pictures by Ingeborg Körber and refers to the love of the von Ulmanns, which is subtle and temperamental at the same time.

In addition to maintaining the legacy of the poet and her husband, the composer Hellmuth von Ulmann, the Elisabeth-von-Ulmann-Gesellschaft eV (founded on October 17, 2007) has set itself the goal of promoting contemporary literature in their favor.


  • 1978 Freudenthal Prize ( Freudenthal Society )
  • 1982 Hamburg literature prize for short prose
  • 1983 AWMM lux poetry award. (declined)
  • 1999 gift of friend of the working group for German poetry
  • 2000 Georg Dehio Prize
  • 2000 Medaglia d'oro "Concorso Internazionale di Poesia" in Sannio , Italy



Publications under Elisabeth Meyer-Runge

  • Pursuing the dream of people. JG Bläschke, St. Michael 1979, ISBN 3-7053-0987-0 .
  • Insightful - poems. Desire & Gegenrealismus, Schwandorf 1979, ISBN 3-88397-019-0 .
  • In this country - In't Land Schleswig-Holstein - poems. Westholsteinische Verlagsanstalt Boyens & Co., Heide 1980, ISBN 3-8042-0243-8 .
  • When Kassandra returned - poems. Desire & Gegenrealismus, Schwandorf 1981, ISBN 3-88397-071-9 .
  • Alltiet Ulenspegel - Ut nedderdüütsche Eulenspiegel seals. Husum Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft, Husum 1985, ISBN 3-88042-270-2 .
  • Een Fru von Föfftig - Irmgard B. Ehr Tagebook. Westholsteinische Verlagsanstalt Boyens & Co., Heide 1988, ISBN 3-8042-0441-4 .
  • Languages ​​and Landscapes - Klenner op dat year 2003. Verlag71 Rudi Duwe, Plön 2002, ISBN 3-928905-35-X .

Publications under Elisabeth von Ulmann

  • Word and picture - picture and word - work samples. MZ-Verlagdruckerei, Memmingen 1982.
  • The year belongs to everyone - stories and poems. Maximilian Dietrich, Memmingen 1984, ISBN 3-87164-113-8 .
  • Don't deny yourself the FUTURE - poems. Herp, Munich 1990, ISBN 3-927958-01-8 .
  • It happened once ... Twelve fairy tale paraphrases and one about Brothers' Fairy Tales and Sunken Folk Tales. edition DAX, Hamburg 1992, ISBN 3-88697-018-3 .
  • Sculpture and word - word and sculpture: an interim balance. Together with Margret Erichsen-Worch , edition DAX, Hamburg 1992, ISBN 3-88697-039-6 .
  • Change of dimensions - poems and short prose. Broschat, Hohenwestedt 1993, ISBN 3-924256-48-9 .
  • Answers to pictures by Hertha M. Lehment - poems and rhythmic prose. Broschat, Hohenwestedt 1998, ISBN 3-924256-78-0 .
  • Elisabeth von Ulmann. Gift of friend for April 21, 1999 Hans-Joachim Sander (Ed.), Arbeitskreis für Deutsche Dichtung e. V.
  • Find finds - poems and poeticized prose - German - Italian. Westholsteinische Verlagsanstalt Boyens & Co, Heide 2000, ISBN 3-8042-1102-X .
  • One and one ... oh yes love. Verlag71 Rudi Duwe, Plön 2003, ISBN 3-928905-34-1 .
  • Big lawsuit for someone named Woyzeck - after Georg Büchner. Boyens Medien GmbH, Heide 2004, ISBN 3-8042-1142-9 .

Publications with Hellmuth von Ulmann

Anthologies and periodicals

  • Schleswig-Holstein with the supplement "Uns' Moderspraak" (1976)
  • Quickborn - magazine for Low German language and literature (1976 or earlier)
  • Die Heimat - journal for natural and regional studies of Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg (1978)
  • Rendsburg Yearbook (1978)
  • Homeland (1978)
  • Yearbook of the home community Eckernförde e. V. (1978)
  • Klaus Groth Society - annual gift (1979)
  • Eulenspiegel yearbook (1979)
  • Schleswig-Holstein home calendar (1980)
  • Writer in Schleswig-Holstein - today (1980)
  • Between Eider and Wiedau - home calendar for North Friesland (1980)
  • Homeland: Anthology (1980)
  • Yearbook for the Stormarn district (1983)
  • Steinburger Yearbook (1984)
  • Euterpe - Yearbook for Literature (1984)
  • Euterpe Poetic Landscapes (2001)
  • Euterpe Poetic Portraits (2005)
  • Mien plattdüütsch Leesbook (1986)
  • Yearbook for Schleswig-Holstein - home calendar (1990)
  • Kiel - A Reader (1990)
  • Overnight recreation op platt - Dörch dat Land (1992)
  • Poetry of the North Sea Coast (1993)
  • The Dreischneuss - Sheets for Poems and Stories (1996)
  • Dithmarschen - Journal for Regional Studies and Landscape Management (1996)
  • Choice of words - literary magazine of the north (1998)
  • Voss un Haas - North German home calendar (2000)
  • Fundstücke - yearbook for contemporary literature (2001-2006)
  • Freudenthal Prize Winners 1976-2001 - "Ik löw, ick bin en piece from di ..." (2002)
  • mare - The magazine of the seas (2002)
  • Uns nedderdüütsche Blatt (2002)

Theater and radio plays

  • Low German Stage Kiel:
    • 1970/71 season: Directed with Hermann Bruhn for the Christmas fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", premiere on December 13, 1970
    • 1971/72 season: Director of the Christmas fairy tale "Rumpelstiltskin" in own adaptation of the Grimm fairy tale, premiere on December 10, 1971
    • 1975/76 season: Directed with Hermann Bruhn for the Christmas fairy tale “The Princess and the Swineherd”, premiere on December 13, 1975
  • Other
    • " Kasimir und Karoline " (from Ödön von Horváth) was translated into Low German
    • The comedy "Ok en Family Day" was performed
    • The Hebbel epic “ Mother and Child ”, a staged reading, was set up on behalf of the Hebbel Society for the anniversary performance for the reading stage.

Secondary literature

  • Willi Eggers : Laudation (for Elisabeth Meyer-Runge) on September 30, 1978 in Scheeßel.
  • Fernand Hoffmann : Elisabeth Meyer-Runge: No way between two stools. Comments on "vernacular" and "poetic switching" in the poetry of the Low German author. (1982)
  • Bernd Rachuth : Language of Revelation. Elisabeth Meyer-Runge's poem "Mien Kinner". (1984)
  • Dieter Stellmacher : Elisabeth Meyer-Runge. (1984)
  • Marianne Beese : Laudation for Elisabeth von Ulmann on her 70th birthday, "gift of friend" of the Working Group for German Poetry eV Göttingen (1999)
  • Frank Trende (member of the board of the Association for Dithmarsch Regional Studies): Elisabeth von Ulmann turns 75 (2004)
  • Christel Bröer (1st chairman NordBuch eV): Obituary for Elisabeth von Ulmann. (2005)
  • Bernd Rachuth: Obituary for Elisabeth von Ulmann (Elisabeth Meyer-Runge) (2005)
  • Wolfgang Riedel: Poetry - Landscape - In memory of Elisabeth von Ulmann on the occasion of her 80th birthday on April 21, 2009; In: Natur- und Landeskunde DIE HEIMAT, vol. 116, pp. 171–175 (2009)

Web links