Ella Issaakovna Solomonik

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Ella Issaakowna Solomonik ( Russian Элла Исааковна Соломоник ; born May 16 . Jul / 29. May  1917 greg. In Yekaterinburg , † 21st September 2005 in Israel ) was a Soviet Althistorikerin and high school teacher .


Solomonik studied after attending the II. German School 1936-1941 at the University of Leningrad (LGU) in the Faculty of History (IstFak). She wrote her thesis on Cyrus the Younger . She completed her studies with a first class diploma on the day the German-Soviet War began. The IstFak recommended her for the post graduate course , but because of war-related closure Solomonik was in the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic sent, where she worked as a teacher in Sarapul worked. She also gave a lecture on ancient history in the branch of the Izhevsk Institute .

Immediately after the end of the war, Solomonik began to study at the LGU with Solomon Jakowlewitsch Lurje (1945–1948). In 1948 she successfully defended her candidate dissertation on Xenophon , Cyrus the Younger and Lysander as the pioneer of Hellenism .

After graduation, Solomonik was sent to the Crimean branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (AN-SSSR) as a research assistant in 1948 . She explored the capital Neapolis (near Simferopol ) of the Scythian state in the Crimea, in whose excavation she was involved.

In 1956 Solomonik became an employee of the Crimean Department of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-USSR) (until 1991). She edited the first volume of Vasily Vasilyevich Latyshev's writings . The Scythians on the north coast of the Black Sea with their tamgas ( seals ) remained one of their main research areas. For many years she headed the ethnography group of the Chersonese Archaeological Expedition. In 1968 she was with her doctoral dissertation about the inscriptions in Chersonese to doctor doctorate in History.

In addition to her research activities, Solomonik taught from 1952 as a vice professor at the University of Simferopol .

Solomonik was a member of the Council of the United Jewish Community of Crimea. In 1997 Solomonik emigrated to Israel.

The Cultural Fund of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea donated the Ella Solomonik Prize for Jewish Studies .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Кутайсов В. А .: К 75 -летию Эллы Исааковны Соломоник . In: Северно-западный Крым в античную эпоху . Акад. Евробизнеса, Kiev , p. 3-6 .
  2. a b Соломонік Елла Ісааківна . In: Енциклопедичний словник класичних мов . ВПЦ “Київський університет”, Kiev 2017, p. 484 ( [1] [PDF; accessed May 7, 2020]).
  3. a b c d e f g ОТКРЫТАЯ АРХЕОЛОГИЯ: Соломоник Элла Исааковна (accessed May 7, 2020).
  4. Соломоник Э.И .: Кир Младший . In: Лен. гос. университет. Ученые записки. Серия исторических наук. Вып. 10 . 1941, p. 169-186 .
  5. Соломоник Э.И .: Ксенофонт, Кир Младший и Лисандр как предшественники эллинизма . Тип. ЛГОЛУ, Leningrad 1948.
  6. Соломоник Э.И .: Раскопки Неаполя Скифского - столицы скифского государства в Крыму: (Попул. Лекция) . Изд. и тип. Крымиздата, Simferopol 1950.
  7. Соломоник Э.И .: Сарматские знаки Северного Причерноморья . Изд-во Акад. наук УССР, Kiev 1959.
  8. Соломоник Э.И .: Каменная летопись Херсонеса: Греч. лапидар. надписи антич. времени . Таврия, Simferopol 1990.