Enrico Filippini

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Enrico Filippini (born May 21, 1932 in Cevio , † July 21, 1988 in Rome ) was a Swiss journalist and writer who worked in Italy.


Enrico Filippini was the son of the school inspector Federico Filippini and grew up in the Valle Maggia . After attending grammar school in Locarno , he started teaching primary school in Ascona , got married and had a daughter. He left his wife and child and began to study philosophy in Milan with Enzo Paci and received his doctorate in 1958. In Paris he worked with Paul Ricœur and Merleau-Ponty , stayed in the vicinity of the Collège de France and attended the seminars of Jacques Lacan .

From then on he worked as a freelance author, translator and journalist. An application for a professorship at ETH Zurich failed. He translated authors from German into Italian: Walter Benjamin , Ludwig Binswanger , Friedrich Dürrenmatt , Hans Magnus Enzensberger , Max Frisch , Günter Grass ( Die Blechtrommel ), Edmund Husserl , Uwe Johnson and Heinrich von Kleist and thus played a key role in the Mediation of German-language literature and philosophy in Italy.

From 1966 to 1968 he worked in the field of literature and philosophy at the Feltrinelli publishing house in Milan, until it drifted into political extremism , then for the Il Saggiatore and Bompiani publishers . He was a contributor to Paci's literary magazine Aut-Aut .

In 1976 he was brought in by Eugenio Scalfari as culture editor for the daily newspaper la Repubblica, which had just been founded at the time, and over the years he wrote over 500 articles, extracts of which he published in 1990 in the book La verità del gatto . He conducted interviews and a. with Roland Barthes , Friedrich Dürrenmatt , Michel Foucault , Max Frisch , Jürgen Habermas , Peter Handke , Jean-François Lyotard , Gabriel García Márquez and Luigi Nono , each of whom was given several printed pages in the newspaper. From 1980 he also worked for the RAI Radio cultural channel .

Filippini also wrote literary texts, short stories and small plays, such as the stage farce game with a monkey . In 1962, Umberto Eco presented three neo-avant-garde stories in the magazine "Il Menabò", one of which was Filippini's September . Filippini took part in a meeting of Group 47 in Berlin and inspired the founding of the casual avant-garde writers' association Gruppo 63 in Palermo in 1963 , alongside Filippini and Eco were Nanni Balestrini , Angelo Guglielmi , Giorgio Manganelli and Edoardo Sanguineti . In his posthumous tale The Last Journey , the mistress advises the narrator to finally write a book. The narrator longingly circled this idea. The realization of the work remains as inaccessible to him as the woman.

In 2014, the German publisher Klaus Wagenbach received the Enrico Filippini Prize on Monte Verità , and Inge Feltrinelli gave the laudatory speech . Other award winners are Bernard Comment, Renata Colorni, Teresa Cremisi, Romano Montroni (2017) and Jorge Herralde (2018).

Works (selection)

  • La verità del gatto: interviste e ritratti 1977–1987 . Torino: G. Einaudi, 1990
  • L'ultimo viaggio . Feltrinelli, Milano 1991
  • Frammenti di una conversazione. Interviste 1976-1987 . A cura di Alessandro Bosco. Castelvecchi, Roma 2013


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Maike Albath: Gymnastics and love. Enrico Filippini, a native of Ticino in Italy , in: NZZ, April 4, 2014
  2. Michael Angele: Happy only in the south , in: Der Freitag , April 25, 2014, p. 13
  3. Information on the price on eventiletterari.swiss, accessed on March 31, 2017
  4. ^ Enrico Filippini Prize for Romano Montroni , buchmarkt.de, March 31, 2017, accessed on March 31, 2017
  5. Enrico Filippini Prize for Jorge Herralde , buchmarkt.de, January 28, 2018, accessed on January 29, 2018
  6. Pierre Lepori: Review , on Popolo e Libertà , January 23, 1997