Erich Purk

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Erich Purk OFMCap (* as Vinzenz Purk on November 26, 1939 in Rudolfstal (Bosanski Aleksandrovac) in Bosnia (today: Laktaši , Bosnia and Herzegovina ); † December 30, 2017 in Münster - Gievenbeck ) was a German Roman Catholic religious . He became known as the spokesman for " Das Wort zum Sonntag ".


Vinzenz Purk, the oldest of seven siblings, was relocated with his family from Rudolfstal in Bosnia in 1942 to Lublin in Poland and later to Sögel in Emsland during the Second World War . There he attended schools run by the Capuchins from Schloss Clemenswerth and in 1961 joined the order of the Capuchins in Stühlingen in Baden-Württemberg and was given the name Erich . He studied philosophy and Catholic theology in Krefeld and Münster as well as homiletics in Munich . In 1965 he passed the final profession and received in 1967 by Bishop Heinrich Baaken the priesthood . He was a pilgrim pastor in the Ave Maria pilgrimage church in Deggingen, Baden-Württemberg, and returned to Münster in 1970, where he was the guardian , pastor and retreat companion of his order until 1989. He became known for his media work, including morning devotions on the radio and as a spokesman for the “Word for Sunday” on ARD . From 1989 to 1992 he was the novice master of the then Rhine-Westphalian Capuchin Province in the Capuchin Monastery in Werne and then moved to Frankfurt am Main on the Liebfrauenberg . There he was involved as a guardian in the Capuchin monastery in downtown Frankfurt and as a pastoral care worker for the homeless for the development of the Frankfurt City Pastoral with the main location of the Liebfrauenkirche . In 2001 he returned to Münster and worked there in the pastoral care of the poor and the homeless, as well as a writer, retreat leader and preacher. He also held a teaching position at the Philosophical-Theological University of Münster .

He was also active as an author and published books such as “In the footsteps of James”, “The little book of the angel at your side” or “Strong as a tree”.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice Erich Purk , Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung of January 3, 2018
  2. "Word for Sunday" - Spokesman Father Erich Purk is dead " , of January 2, 2018
  3. Markus Nolte: Well-known author, preacher and pastor was 79 years old. Capuchin Father Erich Purk died in Münster on on January 2, 2018.