Erich bull

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Erich Stier (born August 27, 1895 in Erfurt , † July 6, 1968 in Hiltrup ) was a German lawyer and the first head of the Magdeburg State Police Station (from January 1937 Magdeburg State Police Station ).


Erich Stier passed the first state examination in 1918 and the second state examination in 1922. On March 15, 1923 he joined the Prussian civil service as a government assessor and worked for the governments in Erfurt , Arnsberg , Breslau and Recklinghausen . After his appointment to the government council on June 1, 1929, from July 2, 1929 to May 31, 1931 , Stier gained his first experience in the police force at the Breslau Police Headquarters. From June 1, 1931 to the end of June 1932, he headed the Gelsenkirchen police station . At the district government of Magdeburg, to which he moved on July 1, 1932, he took over the police department, including political affairs.

time of the nationalsocialism

Stier joined the NSDAP on May 1, 1933. He had not previously belonged to any political party . According to an assessment by the Reich Ministry of the Interior with regard to the appointment to the Upper Government Council on August 24, 1937, Stier was considered to be “an able, hardworking, completely up-and-coming civil servant who is characterized by dexterity, tact and the gift of skilful negotiations. [...] There were “no concerns” about his political reliability ”. On May 1, 1934, he was transferred to the High Presidium of Hanover - Stier retired from the service of the Secret State Police .

On August 14, 1939, Adolf Hitler appointed Stier as government vice-president of the government in Hanover . The Upper Government Council previously held this function on a provisional basis. At the end of July 1941, the Wehrbezirkskommando Hannover summoned him to serve in the war administration service and in August appointed him as war administration department head with the district chief in Angern . With effect from February 1, 1942, the Reich Ministry of the Interior assigned Stier to the post of government vice-president at the government in Kassel and at the same time entrusted him with the representation of the official business of the government vice-president at the government in Arnsberg . For this purpose, the acceptance and discharge office for military administration officials in Marburg an der Lahn released him from his military administration official relationship on March 31, 1942.

From 1955 to 1959 he was a judge at the Federal Social Court . He died on July 6, 1968 in Hiltrup.


  • Alexander Sperk : The state police (head) office in Magdeburg, its leaders and the smashing of the KPD . In: Police & History. Independent interdisciplinary journal for police history , 1/2009, Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, ISSN  1865-7354 .