Ernst-Ludwig Loewel

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Ernst-Ludwig Loewel (born November 8, 1906 in St. Johann (Saar) , † April 6, 1997 in Bremervörde ) was a German fruit grower in the Altes Land.


Loewel attended a secondary school in Berlin . When he studied three semesters at the Agricultural University Poppelsdorf after graduating from high school , he was active in the Corps Hansea Bonn . As an inactive , he moved to the Agricultural University in Berlin , where he graduated with a diploma in 1929 . On August 1st, 1929 he took over the management of the fruit growing test ring of the old country founded by 80 fruit growers . In 1932 he was awarded a Dr. agr. PhD. The Pomologie connected, he reached in 1935 the establishment of the fruit-growing research institute York as an institution of the Hanover Chamber of Agriculture . He headed both institutions - the ring and the institute - in personal union. In 1941, a 55 hectare farm on the Geest near Buxtehude was added to the numerous leased test fields . He remained loyal to his corps even during the suspension during the Nazi era . He was committed to the reconstitution in 1953. In the winter semester of 1954/55, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Hamburg gave him a teaching position within applied botany. Alternating from Obstbau I and Obstbau II, he followed him with great pleasure until 1984. The University of Hamburg appointed him Honorary Professor in 1955 and Professor of Fruit Growing and Applied Botany in 1969 . In the 1950s he received offers from two technical universities (Hanover, Berlin) for fruit growing chairs. He refused both. He could not give up his still unfinished life task and let the "Olland farmers" down. In addition to his initial focus on pest control, he added plant nutrition and fertilization, pruning, selection of varieties and rootstocks, new breeding, fruit storage and fruit marketing. The apple varieties Gloster and Jamba and the cherry varieties Erika , Bianca , Oktavia and Regina were Jorker breeding successes.

At the latest when he retired, the Altland fruit growers gave him land in the East (East) . There he grew fruit. In Hemmoor he built a house in which he lived until the end of his life. Loewel survived a heart attack in the last year of his career. He resigned from the office in Moorende / Jork in 1971. His successor Karl-Heinz Tiemann had been a doctoral student with him. After several years of recovery, Loewel resumed his lectures. On top of that, he took over the lead management of the monthly magazine for commercial purposes . Also strokes not minderten his interest in fruit growing, politics and history.


  • The fruit tree spraying, taking into account the improvement of the health of the tree and the quality of the fruit . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 1937.
  • with Siegfried Labus: German apples, the commercial varieties. Northern Germany and the Lower Elbe. An image . Niemann & Moschinski, Hamburg 1941; New edition 2005 (Friends of the Open-Air Museum at Kiekeberg). ISBN 978-3-935096-15-7 .
  • with Walter Quast: The apple varieties, with the corresponding tree shapes, rootstocks and stem formers, which are to be preferred for planting in future in German fruit growing . Frankfurt (Oder) 1944.
  • with HG Blank: Instructions for harvesting and storing our most important apple and pear varieties in 1965/66 . Becker, Uelzen 1965.
  • Strawberries - new research results . Parey, Berlin Hamburg 1979.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. Place of birth and death according to information from the Hemmoor registry office
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 60/494.
  3. Dissertation: The occurrence of the Fusicladium in the Altländer fruit-growing area in its dependence on the climate, location, fruit types and varieties and its practical control based on two-year attempts at the fruit-growing trial ring .
  4. ^ DDB
  5. Ernst-Ludwig Loewel in the Hamburg professor catalog (accessed on September 30, 2019) 
  6. Dr. Dieter Klämbt, Bonn, 1949–1951 apprentice at Loewel
  7. Hans-Dieter Klämbt: Ernst-Ludwig Loewel . Corps newspaper of the Hansea Bonn