Ernst August von Wintzingerode

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Baron Wilhelm Ernst August von Wintzingerode (born May 29, 1747 in Tastungen ; † November 9, 1806 ) was the royal Prussian lieutenant general and commander of the Gardes du Corps regiment .

Ernst August's family comes from Eichsfeld, now in Thuringia . He is the son of the second marriage of Adolf Levin von Wintzingerode (1715–1778), who died on the Königstein Fortress in 1778, and was married to Dorothea Elisabeth Buchholtz (1770–1845).

He began his career in the Prussian Army in 1760 as a cadet . In 1765 he was promoted to a standard squire in the cuirassier regiment No. 2 , where he was promoted to cornet in 1767 . He took part in the War of the Bavarian Succession and in 1790 became a staff officer and in 1797 a captain and company commander in the cadet corps in Berlin . In 1797 he was promoted to major , then in 1798 he was company commander of the Garde du Corps and finally in 1801 also the commander of this regiment. In 1802 he received the order Pour le Mérite at a revue . In 1805 Wintzingerode was promoted to lieutenant colonel and received his retirement with a pension of 1000 thalers as major general on September 18, 1806.

After that it must have been activated again immediately, because he died of the consequences of a wound received in the battle of Jena and Auerstedt .
