Eugene Hemberg

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Eugen Peter Alexander Hemberg (born November 9, 1845 in Ystad , Skåne province , † March 14, 1946 in Växjö , Kronobergs län ) was a Swedish forester and writer .


Family and education

Born in Ystad, Eugen Hemberg, scion of a wealthy family, son of the landlord Fritz Eugen Hemberg (1812-1891) and his wife Clara Wilhelmina, née Åkerblom (1826-1920), turned to study forestry at the Skogsinstitutet in Stockholm in 1977 after completing compulsory schooling to the Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet with headquarters in Uppsala , which he graduated in 1869. As a result, regular study trips took him to Russia , Finland , Poland , Northern Germany and the Giant Mountains .

Hemberg married his first cousin Agnes Mathilda (1856-1902), daughter of consul John Robert Lundgren , on October 10, 1880 . After the death of his first wife, he was married to Elma Hemberg for the second time. The sons Robert, Jarl and Arnulf came from the first marriage. The daughter Edit came from the second marriage. Eugen Hemberg died in the spring of 1946 four months after completing his 100th year in Växjö.

Professional background

After his first professional assignments in Arljeplog and Kalix , it was used in forestry in Russia and Poland between 1874 and 1878. After subsequent study trips, Eugen Hemberg held forester positions in Västergötland , Halland and Kristianstads län on his return to Sweden . After another foreign engagement in Russia in 1898 and 1899, he was promoted to Statens skogsingenjör in Kronobergs län in 1899, and since 1904 with the rank of Länsjägmästare, equivalent to the highest forester. In 1920 he celebrated his retirement.

The nature and hunting lover Eugen Hemberg, who was spontaneously accepted into the Konungens jaktklubb, ie the royal hunting club, by King Oskar I in 1881, stood out in particular with his literary works on these topics.

Publications (Swedish)

  • Jakt- och Turistskildringar från Tsarernas land, Stockholm, 1896
  • På obanade stigar: jaktskizzer, sagor och noveller från Lappland, Bonnier, Stockholm, 1896
  • Skandinaviska däggdjurs trampaulor. Monografisk studie, Stockholm, 1897
  • Från Kola och Ural. Vildmarksbilder, Stockholm, 1902
  • Stenåldershorden: De förstahabenkorna på Sveriges jord. av Eug [en] Hemberg, CE Fritze, Stockholm, 1923
  • Varjagerna: en skildring från hedenhös, CE Fritze, Stockholm, 1924
  • En nittioårings minnen: vandringar i cultures och naturens tempelhallar, Scania, Malmö, 1936


  • Albin Hildebrand: Svenskt portraittgalleri, volume 15, HW Tullberg, Stockholm, 1900, pp. 75, 76.
  • Gunnar Carlquist (red.): Svensk uppslagsbok, volume 12, Svensk Uppslagsbok AB: s förlag, Malmö, 1932, pp. 1020, 1021.
  • Svenska skogsvårdsföreningen: Skogen, volume 33, Sveriges skogsvårdsförbund, Stockholm, 1946

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