Expeditus Schmidt

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Expeditus Schmidt (1924)

Expeditus Schmidt OFM , maiden name Carl Hermann Schmidt (* 3 July 1868 in Zittau , † 8. June 1939 in Würzburg ), was a German Franciscan , who before the First World War and in the interwar period as a writer , editor , theater and literary historian publicist emerged.


Carl Hermann Schmidt came from a Protestant bourgeois trimmers family with at least nine children and several domestic workers. His mother shaped him religiously and literarily. In high school he was a seeker in many directions who was perceived as reckless by those around him. In 1886, a year before his Abitur, he had to leave the Zittau grammar school after a violent argument with a teacher . He wanted to become an actor or playwright , worked as a trainee in a machine factory in Zittau and finally received money from the family - to "get rid of" him - for the crossing to America. He used this up with a cousin in Berlin . Destitute, he made his way to Hamburg , where he took on various short-term jobs. Meanwhile without religious conviction, he was touched in Little Michel by the Catholic liturgy and devotion. He turned to the pastor with a request to convert , but was turned away until he found a permanent job. He tried to get by as a colporteur . When he could no longer pay his apartment rent, he was expelled from Hamburg as a homeless person.

On the further " rolling " he finally came to Landshut . The pastor of the town church St. Martin , whom he told about his intention to convert, referred him to various Bavarian monasteries. The Franciscans of Maria Loreto recognized the seriousness of his concern and his intellectual gifts and accepted him into their novitiate . He received the religious name Expeditus , went through the formation of the order, took the vows and was ordained a priest . The first Mass he celebrated in the Catholic parish church of his native city , whose foundation stone he had witnessed as a 15-year-old. He was then sent to the University of Munich for further studies , where he was awarded a Dr. phil. PhD.

Now the order has given him the management of the Erler Passion Play and the Vilsbiburger Liebfrauen Festival by Bonifaz Rauch OSB (text) and Heinrich Kaspar Schmid (music). He also taught at the religious college near St. Anna im Lehel . From 1908 to 1912 he published the bi-monthly literary magazine Über den Wassern , which he founded, with the aim of promoting high quality Catholic literature and overcoming the narrowness created by anti-modernism . Plagiarism allegations raised in this magazine by Ansgar Pöllmann OSB led to a legal dispute with Karl May . In the First World War, Schmidt served as military chaplain operates.

His most important monographs appeared in the 1920s . “During the time of National Socialism , Father Schmidt emerged neither as a critic nor as a sympathizer. He died in 1939 after a long illness. "

Publications (selection)

  • The stage conditions of the German school drama and its popular offshoots in the sixteenth century . Berlin, 1903.
  • Suggestions. Collected studies and lectures . Munich, 1909.
  • From Lutheran to Franciscan. Convert letters . Landshut, 1910.
  • The theater as a source of joy in the past and present . Innsbruck, 1920.
  • Otto Ludwig . Frankfurt, 1921.
  • Fist . Goethe's human drama . Kempten, 1923.
  • Literary foreign rule in Germany. A look at the history of literature for today's Germans . Dortmund, 1925.
  • Magnalia Dei. An outline of the Christian world of thought. Drawn for Catholics and non-Catholics . Munich, 1926.


Web links

Commons : Expeditus Schmidt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. “On Corpus Christi Day [1939] the well-known Franciscan Fr. Dr. died in the Juliushospital in Würzburg. Expeditus Schmidt ”( Hippolytus Böhlen in the St. Antonius calendar 1940, quoted in Gehle p. 11). Corpus Christi fell on June 8, 1939; the indication of the date of death "08.07.1939" at worldcat.org is a calculation or typographical error.
  2. Irmgard Gehle: Expeditus Schmidt . Bautz, Nordhausen 2010, p. 16.
  3. Irmgard Gehle: Expeditus Schmidt . Bautz, Nordhausen 2010, p. 24.
  4. Irmgard Gehle: Expeditus Schmidt . Bautz, Nordhausen 2010, p. 25.
  5. "He is a Saxon, came to Landshut on the roller and converted there" out of necessity "and stepped in with the Franciscans for the sake of loving care. He is a clever mind, but a Filou ”( Adele Einsle to Karl May in connection with his trial against Schmidt and Ansgar Pöllmann, October 23, 1910; quoted by Irmgard Gehle: Expeditus Schmidt . Bautz, Nordhausen 2010, p. 14).
  6. Irmgard Gehle: Expeditus Schmidt . Bautz, Nordhausen 2010, p. 12.