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Logo of the Fältbiologerna
Casting-off maneuvers of the Albin Köbis , action ship of the Habitat Mare 2007 marine protection campaign in Kappeln . The nature conservation youth and the Swedish Fältbiologerna campaigned for a more sustainable Baltic Sea protection.

Fältbiologerna (German: Die Feldbiologen ) is the largest youth environmental organization in Sweden . Fältbiologerna has the subtitle "Natur Ungdomar Miljö" (Nature - Youth - Environment) and is the independent youth organization of Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen (SNSF).

In 1958 Fältbiologerna was formed as an independent youth organization of the SNSF. The youth association existed since 1947. The work of Fältbiologerna is aimed at young people between the ages of 7 and 25 years. According to the statutes, older members are not allowed to play a leading role in the democratically organized youth association. This principle is intended to prevent the young members from being patronized by adult officials. There are currently around 2800 members active across Sweden. After the Swedish scouts, Fältbiologerna is the country's second largest youth association.

The subjects of Fältbiologerna are classic nature observation and nature conservation as well as dealing with environmental problems in Sweden. But members of the organization are now also working on climate protection , animal rights , nuclear energy and other socio-political issues.

The organization publishes the membership magazine FÄLTBIOLOG (Der Feldbiologe). Internationally, there are contacts to a number of youth environmental organizations from Europe and other countries. Fältbiologerna is a member of the European network Youth and Environment Europe .


Fältbiologerna is organized on a federal basis. The federal office (Rikskansli) was located in downtown Stockholm until 2006 , but then moved to Gävle , a small town northwest of Stockholm in the province of Gävleborg County .

The folding biologists meet on site in local groups, the kllubbar . The clubs together form districts.

The following districts currently exist:

In addition, the members organize themselves in thematic networks, such as B .:

  • Skogsnätverket (forest network)
  • Klimatnätverket (climate network)
  • Havsnätverket (marine network)

German-Swedish activities

In summer 2007 the youth organization Fältbiologerna and the nature conservation youth of NABU carried out the Habitat Mare - Rescue Team 2007 campaign in cooperation . 20 young people from both organizations sailed on two ships from Germany to Sweden to draw attention to the threat to the Baltic Sea.

Fältbiologerna also maintains contacts with the German Youth Association for Nature Observation .

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