Fasila Ibrahim kysy Samedowa

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Fasila Samedova

Fasila Ibrahim kysy Samedowa ( Russian Фазиля Ибрагим кызы Самедова , Azerbaijani Fəzilə İbrahim Qizi Səmədova * 29. March 1929 in Shamakhi , † 8. January 2020 in Baku ) was a Soviet - Azerbaijani chemist and university lecturer .


Samedowa came from a large family. Her father became Vice Minister of the Azerbaijani Soviet Socialist Republic in Baku. Samedowa attended the prestigious school No. 132 there (graduated in 1946 with a gold medal). Then, at the will of her brother Fuad Ibrahim ogly Samedow , she began studying in Baku at the Azerbaijan Industry Institute (since 1992 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University ) in the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, although she was actually following the example of her Brother wanted to study geology and carry out expeditions.

After graduating in 1951 as Chemietechnologie- engineer Samedowa was aspirant in Moscow Gubkin - Oil -Institut at Nikolai Ivanovich Tschernoschukow (1951-1955). In February 1956 she successfully defended her dissertation on the influence of the chemical composition of lubricating oils on their lubricating properties for her doctorate as a candidate in technical sciences.

Samedowa now returned to Baku in the Industrial Institute, which in 1959 became the Azizbekov Institute for Petroleum and Chemistry, and worked at the Chair of Petroleum Chemistry and Technology.

In 1960, Samedova became a senior research scientist in the Oil Chemistry and Technology Laboratory of the Azerbaijani State Mamedalijew Institute of Petrochemical Processes in Baku. In 1973 she defended successfully her doctoral dissertation on the distillation of Baku paraffin oils with modern technology for the recovery of residual oils and prospects of the relevant organization in Azerbaijan for the Promotion to doctor of chemical sciences. From 1982 she headed the Laboratory for Petroleum Research and Oil Technology.

Since 1964 Samedova has participated in international conferences in the GDR , in Iraq with three months of consulting work, in Turkey with one month work, in Beijing , Pakistan , France , Great Britain , Italy , Hungary , Belgium , Austria and Czechoslovakia . In 1987 she was appointed professor . One of her last research interests was the hydrocracking of petroleum. She was the co-author of 450 publications, including 70 inventions. She supervised 16 candidate dissertations and 4 doctoral dissertations. In 1995 she became a member of the New York Academy of Sciences . In 2001 she was elected a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan .

Samedova's husband was a doctor of chemical sciences and professor of crystallography who always assisted her. Her daughter is a candidate in geological and mineralogical sciences and her grandson is a master of economics .

Samedova wrote poetry and Azerbaijani bayati and loved the works of Valentin Savvich Pikul .

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Скончался известный азербайджанский ученый (accessed July 10, 2020).
  2. Самедова Ф. И. кызы: Влияние химического состава смазочных масел на их эксплуатационные свойства, авторефердат Авторефердат адивторефер. на соискание учен. степени кандидата техн. наук . М-во высш. образования СССР. Моск. ордена Труд. Красного Знамени нефт. ин-т им. акад. И.М. Губкина, Moscow 1956.
  3. Самедова Ф. И. кызы: Исследование и разработка высокоэффективной технологии получения дистиллятных и остаточных масел из бакинских парафинистых нефтей и перспективы их производства в Азербайджане : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степени д-ра техн. наук: (02.00.13) . АН АзССР. Объед. совет по присуждению учен. степеней при Ин-те нефтехим. процессов им. Ю.Г. Мамедалиева, Baku 1973.
  4. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan: Член-корреспонденты НАНА: Фазиля Ибрагим кызы Самедова (accessed July 10, 2020).
  5. European Scientific Society: Диплом "Почетный ученый Европы" (accessed July 10, 2020).