Holidays in France

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This article lists public holidays in France .

Public holiday ( German ) Public holiday ( French ) date Remarks
New Year Jour de l'An January 1st
Good Friday Vendredi Saint Easter Sunday - 2d Only in the former German areas of Alsace and Lorraine ( Départements Moselle , Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin ) with special Catholic regulations as well as in the overseas departments of Martinique and Guadeloupe
Easter Monday Lundi de Pâques Easter Sunday + 1d
abolition of slavery Abolition de l'esclavage April 27 Only in the Mayotte overseas department
Labor Day Fete you travail 1st of May
day of the victory Victoire 1945,
Fete de la Victoire
8th of May
abolition of slavery Abolition de l'esclavage May 22 Only in the overseas department of Martinique
abolition of slavery Abolition de l'esclavage May 27th Only in the overseas department of Guadeloupe
Ascension of Christ Ascension Easter Sunday + 39d
Pentecost Pentecôte Easter Sunday + 49d
Whit Monday Lundi de Pentecôte Easter Sunday + 50d This holiday has been a regular holiday since April 16, 2008. In the years 2004 to 2007 Whit Monday was officially a “non-work holiday” in order to close the gaps in the health system with the additional income. However, protests and boycotts led to this regulation being abandoned.
abolition of slavery Abolition de l'esclavage June 10th Only in the Guyane overseas department
French National Day Fête Nationale de la France July 14th
Assumption Day Assomption 15th of August
All Saints Day Toussaint November 1st
Armistice of Compiegne (1918) Armistice 1918 November 11th
abolition of slavery Abolition de l'esclavage 20th of December Only in the overseas department of La Réunion
1st Christmas Holiday Noël 25 December
2nd Christmas Day Lendemain de Noël,
Saint Etienne,
Saint Stéphane
December 26th Only in the former German territories of the regions Alsace and Lorraine ( department Moselle , Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin ) with Catholic special


  1. Code du travail, articles L3133-7 à L3133-12. In: Legifrance. Retrieved January 23, 2018 (French).

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