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Feschel coat of arms
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of ValaisCanton of Valais Valais (VS)
District : Leukw
Municipal municipality : Guttet-Fescheli2 w1
Postal code : 3956
Coordinates : 618 647  /  131096 coordinates: 46 ° 19 '52 "  N , 7 ° 40' 51"  O ; CH1903:  618647  /  131096
Height : 1280  m above sea level M.
Feschel (Switzerland)
w w w
Parish before the merger on December 31, 2000

Feschel (French: Veschel) was a political municipality in the Leuk district in the German-speaking part of the canton of Valais in Switzerland until December 31, 2000 .

On January 1, 2001, it merged with the municipality of Guttet to form the new municipality of Guttet-Feschel .


Feschel was first mentioned in a document with the name Vexli or Veselli . Excavations such as bronze objects show that the area has been populated since the 5th century AD. In 1499 the St. Michels Chapel was mentioned in a document, which has been called St. Antonius Chapel since 1699. The right of grazing in the hamlet of Obern-Galm is also documented (1580).

Cooperation between Guttet and Feschel had already existed since 1925 through the common parish. In 1969 the cemeteries were merged and a school was founded together in 1972, so that important institutions were divided, which ultimately contributed significantly to the merger.


Population development
year 1850 1900 1950 1990
Residents 101 187 118 88


Web links

Commons : Guttet-Feschel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files