Filippo Maria Gherardeschi

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Filippo Maria Gherardeschi (born October 11, 1738 in Pistoia ; died June 18, 1808 in Pisa ) was an Italian composer and organist .

life and work

Coming from a family of musicians, Gherardeschi studied music in Bologna from 1756 to 1761 under the guidance of Giovanni Battista Martini . In 1761 he became a member of the Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna . In 1763 he became Kapellmeister in Volterra and shortly afterwards organist at Pisa Cathedral . In 1770 he was director of the chapel of Pistoia Cathedral , but only for a limited time, and left the place in favor of his brother Domenico . In 1783 he was appointed conductor and professor of music at the court of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Leopold II . Finally, in 1785, he served as choirmaster in the Church of Santo Stefano in Pisa.

His nephew Giuseppe Gherardeschi , organist and choirmaster of the Cathedral of Pistoia, is particularly known from his family .

Filippo Maria Gherardeschi was a great admirer of Johann Sebastian Bach , who composed mainly sacred music, but without imitating the old style of his teacher Martini or the school of Bologna . He wrote at least 26 masses, hymns, psalms and other sacred works. To commemorate the death of the first ruler of the Kingdom of Etruria , Louis I of Bourbon , he composed a large requiem mass in 1803 . Gherardeschi composed seven operas , most of which were performed in Tuscany . In 1767 he wrote the opera La contessina (the most famous opera by the German composer) with Florian Leopold Gassmann , in which he incorporated some of his arias. He also wrote a treatise Elementi per suonare il harpsichord ( basics of harpsichord playing ).

Works (selection)

References and footnotes

  1. cf. the three Gherardeschi articles in: Historical Dictionary of Music of the Classical Period. Bertil van Boer (Ed.), P. 225.
  2. The Sonata a guisa di banda militare che suona una marcia (sound sample) , popular with organists , is dealt with in the Guide de la musique d'orgue under the name Filippo Maria Gherardeschi. ( Guide de la musique d'orgue , edited by Gilles Cantagrel , 1991, p. 398).
  3. recording (book trade link)


  • Stefano Barandoni: Filippo Maria Gherardeschi (1738-1808). Musicista "Abile e di Genio" nel Granducato di Toscana. Studi Musicali Toscani 6. Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2001. (With a thematic catalog of his works and some letters from the composer to Padre Martini)
  • Brigitte François-Sappey : Filippo Maria Gherardeschi. In: Guide de la musique d'orgue. edited by Gilles Cantagrel . Fayard, Paris 1991, pp. 397-398.
  • Bertil van Boer (Ed.): Historical Dictionary of Music of the Classical Period. 2012 ( partial online view )

Web links