Form (magazine)

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Form Logo.svg
description Trade journal
Area of ​​Expertise design
language German
publishing company Verlag form GmbH & Co. KG ( Germany )
Headquarters Frankfurt am Main
First edition 1957
Frequency of publication every three months
Editor-in-chief Anton Rahlwes, Nina Sieverding
editor Peter Wesner
Web link
ISSN (print)

form is a trade magazine for design that has been published since 1957th It is produced every three months by the form publishing house in Frankfurt am Main and is considered the “central organ of the German design scene”.


form was founded in 1957 by the industrial designers Wilhelm Wagenfeld and Jupp Ernst and the museum directors Curt Schweicher and Willem Sandberg as form - International Revue . The first art director was the Cologne graphic artist Karl Oskar Blase . The content focus of the magazine was named in the first issue as follows: "form [...] focuses on the design of consumer goods, sees industrial design in connection with the forms of fine arts, architecture, but also theater and the Films, like photography. ”Initially, the magazine had no categories. The editorial team's claim to dedicate themselves to the “style of the times” across all sectors followed on from the magazine Die Form des Deutschen Werkbund . This was published from 1925 to 1934 and had highlighted the relationships between all design aspects.

The editor-in-chief Karlheinz Krug , a graduate of the Ulm School of Design , was editor of form from 1962 to 1998. From 1966 onwards, it appeared under the name of form - Zeitschrift für Gestaltung . Fixed headings were introduced in the structure of the magazine from 1961, including “Product development” (documentation of design processes) and “Analysis” (investigation of industrial artifacts). form established itself as one of the leading international journals for product, industrial, communication and fashion design as well as design theory . According to René Spitz , she made a significant contribution to "that with design basically everything could be named - and in the end it could even be questioned again". In 1966, an international advisory board was presented to the magazine, which included Walter Gropius , Marcel Breuer , Sigfried Giedion , Johannes Itten , Richard Buckminster Fuller and Max Bill .

In 1974 the form publishing house was founded. The editor was Karlheinz Krug, from 1994 also Alex Buck. In the 1990s, the publishing house in Frankfurt am Main developed the new series Designer Profiles , Design Classics , form Theory and form Discourse in addition to form . At the same time, well-known designers such as Stefan Sagmeister , Jonathan Barnbrook , Peter Saville , Gunter Rambow and Mike Meiré were hired to design the front page of form .

From 1999 to 2005 Petra Schmidt was in charge of the magazine's editor-in-chief, and from 1999 to 2001 Krug changed to the role of co-editor . form appeared at this time with the subtitle The European Design Magazine and contained articles in German and English. In 2002 the Swiss Birkhäuser Verlag took over the title. The editorial team first moved to Gravenbruch in Neu-Isenburg , Hesse , and from 2007 onwards it was based in Basel . Gerrit Terstiege was editor-in-chief from 2006 until the Birkhäuser Verlag went bankrupt in 2012.

The auditor and consultant Peter Wesner has been the sole owner of the form publishing house since April 2012 and is therefore also the new editor of the design magazine, which is now being produced again in Frankfurt am Main. From 2012 to 2019, the received form a new face under the aegis of editor in chief Stephan Ott. Anton Rahlwes and Nina Sieverding have been the joint editor-in-chief since 2020. The magazine is currently published again exclusively in German.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Uli Busch: Design magazine "form" is saved. In: W&V . June 6, 2012, accessed June 7, 2017 .
  2. New editor-in-chief form Designmagazin. In: April 14, 2020, accessed June 26, 2020 .
  3. a b c René Spitz : Forms of design criticism. Design criticism of form. In: August 1, 2018, accessed June 26, 2020 .
  4. a b The history of form. In: Retrieved June 26, 2020 .
  5. Clara Weinreich: A new era with a new editorial team. In: . March 30, 2020, accessed June 26, 2020 .