Franz Lorenz Richter

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Franz Lorenz Richter (born August 9, 1722 , † February 13, 1785 in Freistadt ) was a master organ builder from Freistadt in Upper Austria .

Live and act

He was the son of the organ maker Josef Richter and his wife Justina and thus comes from the Richter family of organ builders, who had been living in Linz for several generations at the time .

He received his training from his stepfathers Johann Häckhlinger and Nikolaus Rummel in Linz and from his Franz Anton Richter in Brno . He first worked as a journeyman with his future father-in-law Preisinger in Freistadt.

On July 17, 1752, he married the widow of the city judge and organ builder Anton Leopold Preisinger (* 1710 - February 27, 1751), Rosa Maria Theresia, b. Gubetta, (* 1727, † July 9, 1771). The two had a total of seven children, of which Lorenz Jakob Joseph (* July 23, 1758), Maria Anna Josepha (* September 12, 1767) and Franz Johann (* April 12, 1769) survived. He continued the organ building workshop in Freistadt at Eisengasse No. 42 from 1753 to 1785. Their sphere of activity extended across Upper and Lower Austria as well as southern Bohemia .

Organ building workshop

Franz Lorenz Richter organ in the parish church of Kefermarkt
Franz Lorenz Richter organ in the Münzbach parish church

He carried on the otherwise unusual concept of the system used by Preisinger with the main work and parapet positive. Nikolaus Rummel the Elder and the Brno Organ Workshop also had an influence .

The organs in Kefermarkt (still with the original console) are among the best preserved organs from the master organ builder . The organs in Neumarkt im Mühlkreis , Münzbach , St. Leonhard bei Freistadt , Lasberg , Sankt Peter bei Freistadt , Meggenhofen and Unterweißbach changed more or less strongly .

Only Richter's housing has been preserved in Bad Leonfelden (Maria Schutz am Bründl), Freistadt (Liebfrauenkirche), possibly also Sankt Stefan am Walde .

The organs in Windhaag near Freistadt , Zell near Zellhof , Gallneukirchen , Wartberg ob der Aist , Feldkirchen an der Donau and Walding are no longer preserved .

Exemplary list of Franz Lorenz Richter organs

RG Frieberger took a closer look at Lorenz Richter's organ works:

  • Small organ from the Johanneskirche in Freistadt (only one preserved small organ from Richter's)
  • Organ in the parish church of St. Leonhard near Freistadt (1753)
  • Organ in the parish church of Meggenhofen (1759), single manual work (HW 7 / Ped 2)
  • Organ in the parish church of Sankt Stephan in Amstetten (1763), two manual work with 21 registers
  • Organ in the parish church in Münzbach (1764 or 1775), two manual work (HW 7 / RPos 4 / Ped 3)
  • Organ in Zell near Zellhof (1765), single manual work (HW 6 / Ped 3)
  • Reconstruction of the organ in the Maria Bründl Church in Bad Leonfelden ( Rückpositiv 1766)
  • Organ in the Liebfrauenkirche in Freistadt (1766 or 1770), single manual work without pedal
  • Organ in the parish church Gallneukirchen (1767), two manual work (HW 7 / Pos 4 / Ped 3)
  • Organ in Windhaag near Freistadt (1769), single manual work (HW 6)
  • Organ in the parish church in Lasberg (after 1770), two manual work
  • Reconstruction of the organ in the parish church of St. Leonhard near Freistadt (after 1770), two-manual work (HW 6 / Rpos 4 / Ped 3)
  • Organ in the parish church Neumarkt im Mühlkreis (1771), two manual work (HW 8 / Rpos 4 / Ped 5)
  • Organ in Wartberg ob der Aist (1775)
  • Organ in the parish church Kefermarkt (1778), two manual work (HW 7 / Rpos 6 / Ped 3)
  • Organ in Feldkirchen an der Donau (1781), single manual work (9 registers)
  • Organ in the parish church in Freistadt (1780), large two-manual work based on a 16-part work by Leopold Freundt from Passau, which was expanded to 24 voices (HW 12 / Rpos 6 / Ped 6)
  • Balustrade of the organ in the parish church of Sandl (1780)
  • Reconstruction of the organ in the collegiate church in Baumgartenberg (1780)
  • Organ in the parish church Hartkirchen (Rückpositiv extended 1782 or 1783)
  • Organ in Walding (1783), single manual work (HW 6 / Ped 2)
  • Organ in Maria Schnee am Heiligen Stein, pilgrimage church near Reichenau an der Maltsch, Bohemian Forest, was later transferred to Rudolfstadt, two-manual work (approx. 15 stops)
  • Organ in the St. Peter branch church near Freistadt (after 1780), one-manual work (HW 8 / Ped 2), zinc brochure
  • Organ in Sankt Stefan am Walde, late one-manual work in classical style
  • Organ in Unterweissenbach, two-manual work


Web links

Commons : Franz Lorenz Richter  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Toriser 1999, p. 112ff.
  2. Toriser 1999, p. 115ff.
  3. ^ Eberstaller Oskar: Organs and Organ Builders in Austria. Graz 1955, p. 92f.
  4. Frieberger 1984, p. 152ff.
  5. Toriser 1999, p. 180.
  6. Frieberger 1984, pp. 152-168.
  7. Toriser 1999, p. 159f.
  8. Tips Freistadt from July 19, 2011 ( Memento of the original from January 27, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. queried on October 17, 2011 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. Radiant in C major. Lorenz Franz Richter's organ positive in Freistadt (Upper Austria) was rescued from an almost hopeless condition. In: Federal Monuments Office, April 16, 2013, accessed on September 23, 2019 .