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coat of arms Austria map
Coat of arms of Meggenhofen
Meggenhofen (Austria)
Basic data
Country: Austria
State : Upper Austria
Political District : Grieskirchen
License plate : GR
Surface: 18.2 km²
Coordinates : 48 ° 11 '  N , 13 ° 48'  E Coordinates: 48 ° 10 '53 "  N , 13 ° 47' 47"  E
Height : 390  m above sea level A.
Residents : 1,530 (January 1, 2020)
Population density : 84 inhabitants per km²
Postal code : 4714
Area code : 07247
Community code : 4 08 14
Address of the
municipal administration:
At Dorfplatz 1
4714 Meggenhofen
Mayor : Heinz Oberndorfer ( ÖVP )
Municipal Council : (2015)
(19 members)
7th 6th 4th 
A total of 19 seats
Location of Meggenhofen in the Grieskirchen district
Aistersheim Bad Schallerbach Eschenau im Hausruckkreis Gallspach Gaspoltshofen Geboltskirchen Grieskirchen Haag am Hausruck Heiligenberg Hofkirchen an der Trattnach Kallham Kematen am Innbach Meggenhofen Michaelnbach Natternbach Neukirchen am Walde Neumarkt im Hausruckkreis Peuerbach Pollham Pötting Pram Rottenbach St. Agatha St. Georgen bei Grieskirchen St. Thomas Schlüßlberg Steegen Taufkirchen an der Trattnach Tollet Waizenkirchen Wallern an der Trattnach Weibern Wendling OberösterreichLocation of the municipality of Meggenhofen in the Grieskirchen district (clickable map)
About this picture
Template: Infobox municipality in Austria / maintenance / site plan image map
Meggenhofen from the south
Meggenhofen from the south
Source: Municipal data from Statistics Austria

Meggenhofen is a municipality in Upper Austria in the Grieskirchen district in the Hausruckviertel with 1530 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2020). The community is located in the judicial district of Grieskirchen .


Meggenhofen is located at an altitude of 390 m in the Hausruckviertel . The extension is 6.3 km from north to south and 5.2 km from west to east. The total area is 18.2 km². 13.7% of the area is forested, 75.8% of the area is used for agriculture.

Community structure

The municipality includes the following 37 localities (population in brackets as of January 1, 2020):

  • Breinroith (9)
  • Breitwies (26)
  • Bruckhof (22)
  • Egg (54)
  • Erlet (26)
  • Etnischberg (12)
  • Felling (13)
  • Freinberg (11)
  • Gferet (24)
  • Hard (24)
  • Umbrella (28)
  • Holzackern (53)
  • Wooden houses at Hart (10)
  • Wooden houses near Wilhelmsberg (12)
  • Inn (17)
  • Kirchberg (10)
  • Kröstlinghof (1)
  • Langdorf (32)
  • Meggenhofen (316)
  • Moss (10)
  • Niederbuch (22)
  • Lower Etnian (17)
  • Upper Etnian (13)
  • Obergallspach (88)
  • Oberndorf (70)
  • Pfarrhofsberg (140)
  • Radhof (10)
  • Rahof (20)
  • Roitham (148)
  • Schlatt (65)
  • Strass (18)
  • Trappenhof (5)
  • Front book (17)
  • Forest (3)
  • Wilhelmsberg (107)
  • Wimm (6)
  • Zwisl (71)

The community consists of the cadastral communities Meggenhofen, Pfarrhofsberg and Wilhelmsberg.

Neighboring communities

St. Georgen near Grieskirchen Gallspach
Aistersheim Neighboring communities Kematen am Innbach
Gaspoltshofen Bachmanning ( district Wels-Land ) Offenhausen ( district Wels-Land )


Originally located in the eastern part of the Duchy of Bavaria, the place belonged to the Duchy of Austria since the 12th century. The Steinbach service man Sigibert (Sigibrant) de Mekchenhoven owned a noble seat here around 1170. 1302 was the first mention of a parish. In the 14th century a castle was mentioned several times, owned by Wernhart Tutschenberger in 1380, Heinrich Fleischhacker in 1386 and Stefan Geymann in 1388 . Since 1490 it has been assigned to the Principality of Austria ob der Enns .

Burgstall Meggenhofen

During the Napoleonic Wars , the place was occupied several times. From 1810 to 1816 the state border ran right through the town, part of the municipality belonged to the Kingdom of Bavaria .

Since 1918 the place belongs to the federal state of Upper Austria. After the annexation of Austria to the German Reich on March 13, 1938, the place belonged to the Gau Oberdonau . After 1945 the restoration of Upper Austria took place.

Population development

In 1991 the community had 1,227 inhabitants according to the census, in 2001 it had 1,233 inhabitants. From 2001 to 2011 the birth balance and migration balance were positive, so that the population rose to 1,369 people in 2011.

Culture and sights

See also:  List of listed objects in Meggenhofen
  • Theater in the farm: since 1969 annually in the summer (June - July, approx. 6 weeks) held court festival in the village of Schlatt
  • Landl Rallye: since 1990, an annual classic car meeting lasting several days


In Meggenhofen there is a soccer field, 2 tennis courts, a stick sports hall and a model airfield.


The municipal council has a total of 19 members. With the municipal council and mayoral elections in Upper Austria in 2015 , the municipal council has the following distribution: 7 ÖVP, 6 SPÖ, 4 GREEN and 2 FPÖ.

  • 1961–1988 Georg Hiegelsberger (ÖVP)
  • 1989–2002 Karl Harrer (ÖVP)
  • 2002–2011 Maximilian Hiegelsberger (ÖVP)
  • 2011-2018 Wilfried Suchy (SPÖ)
  • since 2019 Heinz Oberndorfer (ÖVP)

coat of arms

Coat of arms Meggenhofen.svg

Blazon : Over a green shield base, inside a silver, six-pointed star, in silver a black magpie with a golden beak and golden feet. The community colors are white-green.

The municipal coat of arms, awarded in 1976, is based on the seal image of Pschenko Ketringer from 1416. The Ketringers were an important family in Upper and Lower Austria, which also held the noble seat of Meggenhofen.


  • Friedrich Weingartner SJ (1918–2012), China missionary and in 2000 founding director of the “Aboriginal Languages ​​Research Center” at the National University in Taipei
  • Josef Novotny (* 1963), composer and musician (jazz and new music)

Web links

Commons : Meggenhofen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New mayor in Meggenhofen. In: January 13, 2019, accessed January 13, 2018 .
  2. Statistics Austria: Population on January 1st, 2020 by locality (area status on January 1st, 2020) , ( CSV )
  3. Statistics Austria, A look at the community Meggenhofen, population development. Retrieved April 12, 2019 .
  4. ^ The theater - Theater Meggenhofen. Retrieved October 1, 2013 .
  5. Landl Rallye Chronik, page 2. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on October 4, 2013 ; Retrieved October 1, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. ^ Province of Upper Austria, results of the 2015 elections. Accessed on April 12, 2019 .
  7. ^ Mayor of Meggenhofen has passed away
  8. ^ Herbert Erich Baumert: The coats of arms of the cities, markets and communities of Upper Austria (4th supplement 1973–1976) . In: Oberösterreichische Heimatblätter , Heft 1/2, 1977, p. 17, online (PDF) in the forum