Franz Xaver Kreuter

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Franz Kreuter (born February 21, 1842 in Munich ; † May 17, 1930 ibid) was a German civil engineer and university professor .

Kreuter, son of Franz Jakob Kreuter , studied construction at the Karlsruhe Polytechnic , where he became a member of the Teutonia fraternity . In 1862 he joined the Austrian Southern Railway Company and was involved in the construction of the Innsbruck-Bozen Brenner Railway . From 1868 he was involved in a managerial role in the planning and construction of the Chlumetz- Königgrätz -Geiersberg line. The universal total station he developed was successfully put into practice. After study trips through Switzerland , Italy , France and Great Britain , Kreuter took on a teaching position at the Brno State Trade School in 1875 . In 1889 he accepted a call as a full professor for hydraulic engineering , structural engineering , tunnel construction and routing of traffic routes at the Technical University of Munich . Kreuter, who was one of the last universally active civil engineers, made a special contribution to the theory of bed load conveyance and was awarded in 1892 for a work on the construction of dams . At the beginning of 1912, the Technical University of Karlsruhe, his former alma mater , awarded him an honorary doctorate (as Dr.-Ing.Eh ).

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