Peace of Furnace

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In the Peace of Ofen (after the old name of Buda , today part of the city of Budapest ), on April 3, 1254, the Duchy of Austria and the Duchy of Styria were divided between the kings Ottokar II of Bohemia and Bela IV of Hungary .


After the Babenbergs as rulers of Austria and Styria died out due to the death of Duke Frederick the Warrior in 1246, both duchies were orphaned and thus aroused covetousness among the regents of the neighboring countries.

Ottokar, 22-year-old Prince of Bohemia, took over the Duchy of Austria in the spring of 1252 by marrying 47-year-old Margarete von Babenberg , hereditary sister of Frederick the Arguable, and also laid claim to Styria. A little later Gertrud von Babenberg , heir-niece of Friedrichs, married Roman von Halicz, a relative of King Belas, who in turn also claimed former territories of the Babenbergs.

After the Styrian estates had unanimously elected Stephan , the son of King Bela, as their duke at the end of the same year , Bela, allied with Duke Otto of Bavaria and Duke Bolesław of Krakow and with Roman, undertook an unsuccessful attack on Moravia and Austria in 1253.

The Pope acted as mediator in these disputes.

Peace agreements

In the peace made on April 3, 1254 in Ofen between King Ottokar II of Bohemia and King Bela IV of Hungary through the intervention of Pope Innocent IV and Bishop Bruno von Olomouc , Styria was now awarded to the Hungarian king, but until then Styrian Pittner area northeast of the Semmering and the change (from switching away the border ran along the Danube - Raab -Wasserscheide to Hartl Spitz in Rosaliengebirge , lying on the border with Hungary) and the Traungau that as the original territory of the Styrian Otakare also to Styria had belonged, and the Ischler Land fell to Ottokar. The Burg Schwarzenbach in Lower Austria for the first time is called in Hungary awarded part in this saga.

Gertrud, who had been abandoned by Roman as early as 1253, was dealt with with some gentlemen and towns in Styria, including Voitsberg and Judenburg , to whom she later granted several freedoms and donations.

Further development

King Ottokar could not come to terms with the agreed loss of territory to Bela of Hungary and took up the fight again after a while. An uprising of the Styrian nobility against Hungarian rule, which broke out in 1260, benefited him. After the Battle of Kressenbrunn in the same year, Bela had to cede Styria to Ottokar in the Peace of Vienna in 1261.

The union of the Traungau with the other Obderennsischen areas enabled the establishment of Upper Austria with the center Linz .


  • Walter Kleindel: The Chronicle of Austria. Chronik-Verlag, Dortmund 1984, ISBN 3-88379-027-3 .
  • Anton Mell: Outline of the constitutional and administrative history of Styria . Ed .: Historical Provincial Commission for Styria. Publishing house of the university bookstore Leuschner & Lubensky, Graz - Vienna - Leipzig 1929 ( ).