Friedrich Nikolaus von Wangenheim

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Friedrich Nikolaus von Wangenheim (* 1709 in Winterstein ; † February 17, 1762 in Michelau ) was a Prussian major general and commander of the Füselierregiment "von der Gablenz" .



His parents were the ducal Saxon captain Ernst Friedmann von Wangenheim (1661–1711) and his wife Maria Barbara, née von Obernitz (1678–1758).

Military career

Wangenheim was initially in the Dutch service from 1727 and transferred to Saxony-Eisenachian services in 1730 . On February 1, 1741 he switched to the Prussian Army and was hired with a patent from July 14, 1735 as captain and head of a grenadier company. In 1745 he was wounded in the foot in the Battle of Hohenfriedberg .

On July 30, 1746 he became major , in 1751 he received the order Pour le Mérite and in 1754 a considerable gift of money. In 1756 Wangenheim became lieutenant colonel and commander of a grenadier battalion under General Whylich . After the occupation of Dresden he was entrusted with guarding the Electress Maria Josepha . In 1758 Wangenheim was appointed a colonel and on April 10, 1759 commander of the regiment "von der Gablenz" and in 1760 major general. He took part in all of Frederick II's campaigns between 1744 and 1762 and was wounded in Kay .


Wangenheim was married to Magdalena Charlotte Freiin von Seherr-Thoß († 1795). After the death of her husband, she received an annual pension from the end of December 1771 .
