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Fully coat of arms
State : SwitzerlandSwitzerland Switzerland
Canton : Canton of ValaisCanton of Valais Valais (VS)
District : Martigny
BFS no. : 6133i1 f3 f4
Postal code : 1926
Coordinates : 575067  /  109775 coordinates: 46 ° 8 '20 "  N , 7 ° 6' 58"  O ; CH1903:  575067  /  109775
Height : 461  m above sea level M.
Height range : 455–2967 m above sea level M.
Area : 37.81  km²
Residents: 8763 (December 31, 2018)
Population density : 232 inhabitants per km²
Website: www.fully.ch


Location of the municipality
Lac de Salanfe Lac d’Emosson Lac du Vieux Emosson Lac de Champex Lac de Fully Lac Inférieur Lac des Vaux Lac de Cleuson Lac du Grand Désert Lac de Louvie Frankreich Frankreich Kanton Waadt Bezirk Conthey Bezirk Entremont Bezirk Monthey Bezirk Saint-Maurice Bezirk Siders Bezirk Sitten Bovernier Charrat Fully Isérables Leytron Martigny Martigny-Combe Riddes Saillon Saillon Saxon VS Trient VSMap of Fully
About this picture

Fully ( formerly German  Füllien ) is a political municipality and a civil parish in the Martigny district in the French-speaking part of the canton of Valais in Switzerland .

Fully is an important wine town in the Valais. See also the article Viticulture in Switzerland .


Historical aerial photo from 400 m (1949)

Fully is located northeast of Martigny on the north side of the Rhone Valley at the foot of the Grand Chavalard (2899 m above sea level). The municipality consists of 18 villages and hamlets, namely Fully, Beudon, Branson, Buitonne, Châteignier, Chiboz d'en Bas, Chiboz d'en Haut, Eulo, Jeur Brûlée, Le Carre, L'Etray, Mayen Loton, Mazembroz, Planuit , Randonnaz, Saxe, Tassonières and Vers l'Église. The municipality borders on Bex VD to the north, Leytron to the north-northeast and east-northeast, Saillon to the northeast and east, Saxon to the east-southeast, Charrat to the south-east, Martigny to the south, Dorénaz to the south-west and Collonges to the north-west .


Population development
year 1444 1560 1798 1850 1900 1950 2000 2010 2012 2014 2016
Residents 80 households 180 694 1038 1494 3150 5587 7686 7974 8355 8622


Fully is on the Martigny - Sion post bus line . The Fully-Charrat SBB station is located in the neighboring village of Charrat and is only served by regional trains.


Sons and daughters of the church


Web links

Commons : Fully  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Permanent and non-permanent resident population by year, canton, district, municipality, population type and gender (permanent resident population). In: bfs. admin.ch . Federal Statistical Office (FSO), August 31, 2019, accessed on December 22, 2019 .
  2. Grand Chavalard on ETHorama