Georg Arnold von Grolman

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Georg Arnold von Grolman (born January 13, 1678 in the county of Mark , † April 17, 1762 in Weißenhorn in Swabia ) was a Prussian colonel , knight of the Pour le Mérite and chief of garrison battalion No. 3 and commander of Kolberg .



His father was Johann Arnold Grolman († October 9, 1710), a merchant in Königsberg .

Military career

Grolman was initially intended for a scientific career and went to the high schools of Gießen and Marburg . But he left school and joined the Brandenburg Army.

He fought in Brabant under Prince Eugene . He distinguished himself in the battle of Malplaquet and was promoted from simple rider to sergeant. On December 14, 1719 he became a cornet in the cuirassier regiment "von Lottum" No. 7 . In 1740 he was Rittmeister and in 1743 he came as a lieutenant colonel in the infantry regiment "Bardeleben" No. 43 . In 1746 he was transferred to the "Natalis" No. 2 garrison regiment. In 1756 he became a colonel and received the "Vittinghof" garrison regiment No. 3 in Kolberg. During the Seven Years' War he was taken prisoner of war. He was interned in Weißenhorn in Swabia and died there on April 17, 1762. Before that, Groöman had received the order Pour le Mérite.

On December 27, 1741 he was raised to hereditary nobility by King Friedrich II .


Grolman married Johanna Gottvertrau von Eckart from Salza. She was the daughter of Major Johann Philipp von Eckhart († 1758). The couple had the following children:

⚭ NN from Bornstedt
⚭ Sophie Tugendreich von Waldow


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leopold von Zedlitz-Neukirch : New Preussisches Adels-Lexicon . Volume 5, 1839, p. 141, digitized
  3. ^ Marcelli Janecki , Handbook of the Prussian Nobility, Volume 2, (1893), p.284