Georg Brentel the Younger

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Georg Brentel the Younger (born January 9, 1581 in Lauingen , † November 7, 1634 in Nördlingen ) was a Swabian painter , draftsman , engraver and author of writings on sundials and on instruments . In addition, Brentel was temporarily a member of the council and mayor of Lauingen. He was the son of the Lauingen map painter Hans Brentel , a nephew of the coat of arms painter Georg Brentel the Elder .

Beaker sundial 1608 (copper engraving)
Engraving from Georg Brentel's report and declaration ... (1608). The print contains the scales and instructions for building a sundial with a compass
First page of the Kurtzer report and explanation of this sundial / cubus drawn in Kupffer , 1609
Copper plate from Brentel's writing Kurtzer Report and explanation of this sundial / Cubus genandt drawn in Kupffer , 1609
Copper engraving from the font Vunderricht How to use the Eckichte Sonnen Vhr Stöcklein ... , 1609
Heart-shaped sundial 1611 (copper engraving)


Youth and Scientific Work

Georg Brentel probably graduated from high school in Lauingen because he was an excellent expert on Latin. At the age of 19, on January 13, 1600, he married Susanna Wagner, also from Lauingen, who was already 32 years old. With the marriage he will have obtained citizenship and painter justice in Lauingen. He originally lived as a tenant: 1601 in Wengenmairgasse , 1603–1609 in Bitterlinsgasse and since 1610 in his own house again in Wengenmairgasse . Brentel always referred to himself as a painter, but evidently he was more eager to study mathematics and astronomy, writing in these subjects and making instruments. He developed a particular interest in sundial designs. Several short writings have appeared every year since 1603. Like his uncle of the same name, Brentel also made floor plans. Apparently he was respected in Lauingen because he was called to the council. Brentel apparently sacrificed his scientific work for this activity: his last writings on sundials appeared in 1619. His income tax grew steadily: from 30 kr. in the years 1601–1606 to 4 fl 15 kr. in 1620.

Mayor at the time of re-Catholicization

The Lauinger Council opposed the recatholicization of the Palatinate-Neuburg , which had been carried out by Duke Wolfgang Wilhelm since 1614, and was therefore overthrown by a government commission on April 28, 1620. A new council, consisting mainly of Catholics, was formed, to which some previous council members - including Georg Brentel - belonged as mayor. Brentel was evidently not entirely averse to converting to Catholicism. His functions as mayor included: nun care, Augustinian care, wood care, interest office, tithe care, Sägmühl care, witness office. After he was re-elected lord of the lord and unpaid lender on January 11, 1621 after two years of exercising the function , he stated on request that he wanted to remain a member of the council as long as he was not urged to convert . On March 23, 1621, however, a decree of the Neuburg Council of Churches appeared, according to which every citizen of Lauingen had to meet his Easter duty according to the Catholic rite, otherwise he should be punished. Thereupon Georg Brentel asked at the council meeting on March 30th to dismiss him from all offices and to issue the “beneficium emigranti”. Attempts were made to change his mind at the meeting, arguing with the welfare of the fatherland, but - since he remained steadfast - his request was granted.


Shortly afterwards, Brentel and his wife left Lauingen in the direction of Nördlingen. He chose this city most likely because of his connections with the Nördlinger Rector M. Simon Retter, who previously taught at the Lauinger Gymnasium. In Nördlingen he was accepted as a citizen on August 29 of the same year. He finally said goodbye to Lauingen on December 6th, 1621 by paying the due property tax of 40 fl , whereby a further remaining amount of 21 fl was waived as recognition. Although Brentel described himself as a painter in Nördlingen, he was listed in the tax books as a city architect (1624–26 and 1633–34) and as a hospital master (1627–29). Nothing more is known about these activities. However, he did not return to scientific work. After the death of his first wife on October 3, 1628, he married Regina Adam in 1629, a daughter of the Nördlingen merchant Balthasar Adam. His second wife died on July 20, 1634 at the age of 30. The funeral speech given to her by M. Tobias Fabricius and also printed is evidence that Brentel made many friends in his new home. Brentel himself died in November of the same year as one of the numerous victims of the siege and conquest of the city by the imperial troops in August 1634. Since his two marriages remained childless, the Nördlingen authorities took his estate on November 26th. The inventory list has been preserved, but there is no trace of the items. According to the inventory list, there were - in addition to a lot of jewelry - nine painted panels and a painted altar among his estate.


There is no secured painting by Georg Brentel. In the municipal collections of Lauingen there is a grave tablet for the mayor Johann Zöschlin , who died in 1602 , with an ascension of Elijah , which tradition ascribes to Georg Brentel mainly due to the fact that no other painter in Lauingen came into question for this time. The somewhat elongated, awkwardly pathetic figure of Elisäus corresponds stylistically to similar figures on copper sheets of Brentel. The grave plaque is in no way a testimony to Brentel's high artistic talent.

There are many of Brentel's writings on mathematical or astronomical subjects that deal with sundials. There are building instructions for different types of sundials, e.g. B. a beaker sundial (1608), Horologium achas, a sundial with backward stepping of the shadow (1609), a cube sundial (1609), a heart-shaped travel sundial (1611), a column sundial (1611), Horarium bilimbatum, a sundial quadrant sundial (1611) , a cruciform sundial (1613), a cylinder sundial (1615). They contain copper engravings which - as either the full lettering or a monogram proves - go back to templates by Brentel and, in a few cases, were also engraved by himself. Brentel mostly left the engraving of the plates to others; most often this work was done by a C. Senft, who was related to the Lauinger printer Jacob Senft. In some cases, the fonts were accompanied by printed dials as copperplate engravings, in some cases such dials were placed separately. Such a dial served as a support on a specially shaped wooden plate for the manufacture of a sundial.

A studbook of Georg Brentel is in the Austrian Museum of Applied Arts (Inv.No. QI 7). It is characterized by a generous, loose, washed spring technique.

Bookplate 1604
Bookplate 1613


Georg Brentel had a larger collection of books, which he shares with bookplate endowed. A small part of this book collection is in the Princely Library in Maihingen . Three different bookplates by Brentel are known, of which there were also several variants. All were reproduced as copperplate engravings. What the bookplates have in common is that Brentel's sun coat of arms is integrated in their central location. This bookplate, especially the third one, which was created in the middle of the Thirty Years War , is to be seen as a sign of a strong love for books, science and art.

  1. From the years 1604–1609; in four variants, which differ in their labeling. One of the variants is inscribed on the shield: "Georg Brenttel, painter in Laugingen / MVSICA 1604" and around the coat of arms: "Der Herr seÿe MIT Vnns aLLen, aēn"; Authorship unknown. All variants are available from the British Museum London, Department of prints and drawings.
  2. From the years 1613–1615, in two versions, which differ in the lettering. One variant is inscribed: "Georgius Brentel / Mahler and Burger in Laugingen / / 1613." The author of the template is likely to be Brentel himself. Available at the Princely Library in Maihingen and at the British Museum London, Department of prints and drawings.
  3. From 1629. Inscription on the sign “Georg Brentel von Laugingen, the time of Hospitalmayster of the Church of God in Nördlingen.” The author is Bartholomäus Wagner.


  • Eight copper engravings of a multifaceted sundial in the form of a block with a south, north and west clock, with a polar clock and equator clock and with a spherical sundial on top. Lauingen 1603 ( Germanic National Museum Nuremberg)
  • Engraving of a column sundial, 1604
  • Figure of the pillar sundial for 47–49 ° pole height , Lauingen 1605 (copper engraving)
  • Book of sun clocks. A newly invented and yet light white is taught how to divide a rule or ruler out of which all kinds of sun clocks can be made , Lauingen 1607 [actually 1608] ( Heidelberg University Library , Salem VII115, Bl. 1–21)
  • Report and explanation ... chalice-sun stirrers ... Conus, or Pyramis rotunda , Lauingen 1608
  • Report and explanation to the new Wolgeleten M. Simoni Rettero, the schools in the H. Römis. Reichsstadt Nördlingen Rectori ... , Lauingen 1608 (single-leaf writing on a wooden box sundial with copper engraving)
  • Figure of a round box with a sundial in the bottom and on the inner rim, 1608 (woodcut and explanation)
  • Dial of a beaker sundial for 47–49 ° pole height, Lauingen 1608 (copper engraving)
  • Vunderricht How to use the Eckichte Sonnen Vhr Stöcklein ... , 1609 (explanation of the 8 copper engravings from 1603)
  • Vertical travel sundial, 1609 (copper engraving; Wilten Abbey , Innsbruck)
  • Kurtzer report of the Horophöbydrij drawn in Kupffer , Lauingen, July 23, 1609 (single-sheet print with a copper engraving by Brentel; State Library Munich, Astr. P 521/32)
  • Kurtzer report and declaration by the customs staff , Lauingen October 1, 1609 (single-sheet print, Germanisches Museum Nürnberg, Kupferstichkabinett, anthology 2983)
  • Kurtzer report and explanation of this sundial / cube drawn in Kupffer , 1609
  • Report and declaration of attached Sonn vnnd Monvhr , 1609 (leaflet with 2 copperplate engravings)
  • Stock Sonn vnd Mondührlein , 1609 (leaflet with explanation)
  • Georgij Galgemairs briefly and thoroughly how the artificial proportional circuit is to be distributed and indicated ... in truck given by Georgen Brentel , Lauingen 1610 (Princely Library Maihingen, VIII 3 4 ° 36)
  • Quandrantis astronomici et geometrici vitilitas. A treatise from the Astronomical and Geometric Quadrant from which day or night, through which sun, moon or other planets or fixed stars the hours may be found ... , Lauingen 1611 (5 sheets and 62 pages with 3 woodcuts; Princely Library Maihingen, VIII 3 4 ° 36)
  • Sternae loco ... Horologium hoc Horizontale, sub imagine Cordis efformatum ... , Lauingen 1611 (2 sheets also with the German text and an engraving by Brentel; Munich State Library , 4 ° Math. A 59)
  • Fabrica et vsvs cylindri. That is: a short and thorough description of how one should cut off or tear open the cylinder and then use it useful , Lauingen 1611 (7 sheets with copper engraving of a column sundial; Princely Library Maihingen, VIII 3 4 ° 36)
  • Sociotericum generale in forma crucis. That is: A general sun venerable in Creutz form brought, describe ... , Lauingen 1613 (2 sheets with 1 engraving; Princely Library Maihingen, VIII 3 4 ° 36)
  • Cylinder solaris concavus. This is a holer internal cylinder or column made at Polus height 47. 48. 49.G. ... , Lauingen 1615 (12 pages with 4 copper and 1 woodcut plates)
  • Conus Solaris concavus. This is a holer inner Kögel or chalice made on the Polus height 47. 48. 49.G. ... , Lauingen 1615 (12 pages with 2 copper and 1 woodcut plates; Princely Library Maihingen, VIII 3 4 ° 36)
  • Mr. Georgij Galgemairs Kurtzer more thoroughly improved vnderricht ... Proportional Schregmäss vnd Cirkels , Ulm 1615 (with copper engraving)
  • My printed Son-Vhren and Tractetlein as I made from the year 1603 to 1615 ( University Library Göttingen , 4 ° Bibl.Uff. 161)
  • Heliselyniacon. That is a stock of Siben different Vhren, from which one day and night ... , Lauingen 1619 (4 sheets with copper engraving of a cube and 7 dials for 48–50 ° pole height; State Library Munich, 4 ° Math. A 58; Germanisches National Museum Nuremberg 2 ° 2983)
  • Short report, using the enclosed Sonnvnd Monds Vhrstocks drawn in Kupffer, made at the Polus height 48, 49, 50 degrees ... , Lauingen 1619 (2 sheets with copperplate engraving; Munich State Library, 4 ° Math. A 53; Germanisches National Museum Nuremberg, 2 ° 2983)
  • Declaration of enclosed suns Vhr , 1619 (with 1 copper engraving; Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, 2 ° 2983)
  • Design of two sundials in cylinder form for 48 ° pole height, without year

Notes and individual references

  1. Reinhard H. Seitz: On the question ... , p. 31 according to parish register
  2. ^ Friedrich Zoepfl: Three Lauinger painters ... , p. 35
  3. a b Friedrich Zoepfl: Three Lauinger painters ... , p. 36
  4. a b Reinhard H. Seitz: On the question ... , p. 31
  5. Reinhard H. Seitz: On the question ... , p. 32
  6. a b Reinhard H. Seitz: On the question ... , p. 33
  7. "Care" then roughly meant "supervision", "administration"; see. Caretaker (Middle Ages) .
  8. a b c Reinhard H. Seitz: On the question ... , p. 34
  9. Easter confession.
  10. a b c Friedrich Zoepfl: Three Lauinger painters ... , p. 37
  11. So also on the ex-libris from 1629.
  12. a b Friedrich Zoepfl: Three Lauinger painters ... , p. 38
  13. ^ Friedrich Zoepfl: Three Lauinger painters ... , p. 40
  14. Wolfgang Wegner: Investigations ... , p. 167
  15. Friedrich Zoepfl: Three Lauinger painters ... , pp. 40–42
  16. Th. Hampe: templates for sundials ... , No. 4–10, fig. 1 and 3


  • Georg Brentel the Younger . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 14, Saur, Munich a. a. 1996, ISBN 3-598-22754-X , p. 134.
  • Wolfgang Wegner: Studies on Friedrich Brentel . In: “Yearbook of the State Art Collections in Baden-Württemberg”, Munich: Deutscher Kunstverlag 1966, pp. 107–196
  • Reinhard Hermann Seitz: On the question of the Lauingen painter Georg Brentel . In: “Yearbook of the Historical Association Dillingen” LXI – LXIII, Dillingen-Donau 1961, pp. 25–36
  • Böhm: Studbook of the painter Georg Brentel (found) . In: "Der Heimatfreund", supplement to the "Donau-Zeitung" 11, 1960, No. 2 and 3
  • Ernst Zinner : German and Dutch astronomical instruments of the 11th-18th centuries Century , Munich: Beck 1956 (reprint 1979, ISBN 3-406-03301-6 )
  • Friedrich Zoepfl: On Brentel research . In: “Yearbook of the Historical Association Dillingen” XLVII – XLVIII, Dillingen-Donau 1935, pp. 119–120
  • Friedrich Zoepfl: Three Lauingen painters Georg Brentel? . In: “Yearbook of the Historical Association Dillingen” XLV – XLVI, Dillingen-Donau 1933, pp. 31–42
  • Th. Hampe: Templates for sundials by Georg Brentel von Lauingen . In: “Messages from the Germanisches Nationalmuseum”, 1901, pp. 3–9
  • Andreas Andresen: The German Peintre engraver or the German painter as copper engraver , Vol. 4, Weigel u. a. : Leipzig 1874, pp. 188-214

Web links

Commons : Georg Brentel the Younger  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Georg Brentel  - Sources and full texts

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