Georg Franz Wiesner

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Georg Franz Wiesner (born April 2, 1731 in Heidingsfeld , † September 13 , other date September 11, 1797 in Würzburg ) was a German Catholic theologian and university professor .


Georg Franz Wiesner attended the grammar school in Würzburg (today: Wirsberg grammar school ) and entered the Jesuit order on September 25, 1749 . He completed the higher studies in the order and was ordained a priest in 1760 .

He initially worked as a teacher at the grammar schools in Erfurt (today: Evangelisches Ratsgymnasium) , Mannheim (today: Karl-Friedrich-Gymnasium Mannheim ) and Würzburg.

From 1765 to 1766 he was professor of philosophy at the University of Heidelberg and from 1767 to 1769 in the same capacity at the University of Würzburg .

After June 6, 1769 doctorate in theology doctorate , he resigned from the philosophical to the theological faculty over and held initially as a professor of moral theology and since 1771 as a professor of dogmatic theology and Oriental languages courses; Even after the abolition of the Jesuit order, he remained in his teaching post and later took over the subject of the theological encyclopedia.

Bernardin Bauer (1752–1803) was one of his students.

During his apprenticeship in Würzburg he was appointed prince-bishop clergy and died as a senior in the theological faculty.

He had made the hospital in his place of birth the main heir of his bequeathed property .

Theological work

During the years of his theological teaching activity in Würzburg, he supervised a large number of academic dissertations , which, as academic exercises in Hebrew and Greek and in polemics , dealt with the biblical justification and defense of individual dogmatic questions or with exegetical details.

Fonts (selection)

  • Bereshit Hoc Est Liber Genesis . 1760 ( digitized version )
  • Providentia Divina Ex Ratione Naturali Deducta . 1765 ( digitized version )
  • Tres in una Divinitate Personae . 1773.
  • Messiae character a Prophetis designatus, in Jesu Nazareno expressus . 1775.
  • Novi Testamenti religio, sive Christi Ecclesia divinarum Scripturarum oraculis adumbrata et exhibita . 1775.
  • Inquisitio critica et exegetica in difficultates prophetiae Danielis, c. 9, 14-27 . 1787.
  • Isagoge in theologiam universam encyclopaedica et methodologica . Wurzburg 1788.
  • Commentatio exegetica et dogmatica in epist. Pauli ad Hebr. c. 7 . 1793.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Max Buchner: From the past of the University of Würzburg: Festschrift for the 350th anniversary of the university . Springer-Verlag, 2014, ISBN 978-3-642-99578-1 , p. 218 ( limited preview in Google Book search).