Georg Kyrle

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Schärding city cemetery - Georg Kyrle's grave

Georg Kyrle (born February 19, 1887 in Schärding , † July 16, 1937 in Vienna ) was an Austrian prehistorian and speleologist .


Georg Kyrle, son of the Reichsrat and member of the Landtag, Eduard Kyrle , began studying pharmacy at the University of Vienna , which he completed in 1908 with a master's degree in order to take over his father's pharmacy in Schärding. However, he then studied prehistoric archeology at the University of Vienna and received his doctorate in 1912 with the thesis “The prehistoric copper mining in the Salzburg Alps”. In 1912 he became a consultant for prehistory and folklore questions at the State Monuments Office founded in 1911 . In 1913 and 1914 he undertook an anthropological-ethnographic expedition to the Sami .

In 1917 he completed his habilitation at the University of Vienna and was a private lecturer in human prehistory. In 1929 he was appointed associate professor for speleology at the University of Vienna and became head of the speleological institute at the State Office for Agriculture and Forestry .

As part of the State Monuments Office, he took care of the found objects, in particular copper mining in the Alps. He also founded the Vienna School of Speleology , which included teaching as well as practical exercises and excursions. This was taken as a model at home and abroad. Kyrle became an honorary member of several foreign speleological societies.

Fonts (selection)

  • The temporal position of the prehistoric copper mines in Mitterberg near Bischofshofen . In: Communications from the Anthropological Society in Vienna 1912.
  • Prehistoric ceramics on the calendar mountain near Mödling . In: Yearbook for Archeology 1912.
  • Prehistoric monuments . In: Dagobert Frey : The monuments of the political district of Baden (= Austrian art topography, vol. 18). Vienna 1924.
  • with Ignaz Hofmann : Collection Ignaz Hofmann (with special consideration of the finds from the Malleitenberge) . In: Dagobert Frey: The monuments of the political district of Baden (= Austrian art topography, vol. 18). Vienna 1924, pp. 360–386.
  • Barrows dating from the End Hallstatt period in Lindetwalde near Schärding (Upper Austria). In: Mitteilungen der Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien Vol. 62, Vienna 1932, pp. 257–265.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hubert Trimmel : Karst and cave studies at the University of Vienna. In: Die Höhle 28, pp. 49-55 ( PDF on ZOBODAT ).